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The church in its first centuries split on whether Christ saved everyone or a few, Universalism versus Exclusivism. In the sixth century, the church settled the issue seemingly and held that Universalism was heresy. This book reviews this history as well as what provoked it—Scripture, on its face, gives two contradictory accounts of salvation’s extent: everyone is ultimately saved and everyone is not. In contrast to both Exclusivism and Universalism, the book takes Scripture’s two accounts of salvation’s extent as true—that is, as a paradox. This is the approach the church has taken with other scriptural paradoxes. Saying one God is three, or one Son is both God and man, appeared to be contradictory too, but, to embrace Scripture entirely, these were seen as paradoxical. The Trinity modeled how one can be three, and the hypostatic union modeled how one can be two. For the paradox of salvation’s extent, the answer lies in the individual’s divisibility in the afterlife, one can be two. That is, in ultimate salvation, each individual can be both saved and unsaved.
Since the sixteenth century, the Protestant tradition has been divided. The Reformed and Lutheran reformations, though both committed to the doctrine of the sinners justification by faith alone, split over Zwingli and Luther's disagreement over the nature of the Lord's Supper. Since that time, the Reformed and Lutheran traditions have developed their own theological convictions, and continue to disagree with one another. It is incumbent upon students of the reformation, in the Lutheran and Reformed traditions, to come to an understanding of what these differences are, and why they matter. In The Great Divide: A Lutheran Evaluation of Reformed Theology, Jordan Cooper examines these differences from a Lutheran perspective. While seeking to help both sides come to a more nuanced understanding of one another, and writing in an irenic tone, Cooper contends that these differences do still matter. Throughout the work, Cooper engages with Reformed writers, both contemporary and old, and demonstrates that the Lutheran tradition is more consistent with the teachings of Scripture than the Reformed.
Across the Great Divide tracks a Pacific historian's fruitful, ambivalent engagements with History and Anthropology, anticipating experiments in each discipline with the other's theories and praxis. The revised and new essays comprising this collection provide systematic critiques of aspects of received scholarly wisdom about Oceania and are linked by reflexive commentaries addressing recent postcolonial concerns. A varied but coherent set of ethnographic and historical narratives about colonial encounters in Island Melanesia is informed by particular critical focus on the paradoxes and politics of knowing indigenous pasts through colonial texts.
C. S. Lewis famously penned the phrase "God in the Dock" and proposed that there was a "great divide" between ancient and modern humans, in that our ancestors would have rightly seen themselves "in the dock" before God, while we moderns have placed God there before us. But what if what God's love most desires for us, the gospel or "good news" of the only way of life for humanity, has been "in the dock" before us from the time of Adam and Eve? And what if it is also the case that the gospel is often "in the dock" as though it is not good--even for the church? This book builds upon and expands the "life and death" stakes Lewis proposed by demonstrating that the gospel way of faith itself has been placed in the dock by us and in many ways ruined our relationships with God, with our own selves, with one another, and even with the natural world itself which we are meant to "steward" for its good. In these pages the reader will discover why the gospel that requires faith is good news, but why we so tragically default to our divisive and self-destructive ways.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord, "and will bring you back from captivity..." (Jeremiah 29:11-14) Walking in the path of darkness, I never looked up to see God's light. I had put God on the shelf. I was making my way in life. I was gaining notoriety and recognition for my accomplishments. My pride, arrogance, and selfishness were shining in my fleshly success. I was rolling and life was rocking, until one day, God placed a boulder in my path I could not move. In the blink of an eye, I lost my career, and my marriage was coming to an end. My Heavenly Father had stopped my fleshly ways to show me the deep darkness of my soul. He would take the pieces of clay from my brokenness, place me back on His pottery wheel, remold me with His loving hands, and put me through the fire to purify my soul. He would lead me to His place, "The Back Porch," where He would teach me to meditate, show me visions, give me peace in His quietness, and open my ears to hear His voice. I would listen as He would speak through the pen and I would record His spoken words. Exhausted, tired, and weary, a broken man was being healed through the writings of his Heavenly Father. In this journey, He will use my love for nature to share with me the simple things in life, explain my visions, and gain understanding as we walk through this journey together. God shines His light and speaks to every man and woman. You must take the time to see His light and be still in His presence to hear His voice. Open this book, take a journey with me, and experience how God heals and remolds a broken man. He led me to write this book so you can see how God changed me and experience how God can change you.
This book examines how the American frontier was presented in theatrical productions.
The 15-volume Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament Commentary series continues with Insights on Romans. This newly revised and expanded edition draws on Gold Medallion Award–winner Chuck Swindoll’s 50 years of experience with studying and preaching God’s Word. His deep insight, signature easygoing style, and humor bring a warmth and practical accessibility not often found in commentaries. Each volume combines verse-by-verse commentary, charts, maps, photos, key terms, and background articles with practical application. The newly updated volumes now include parallel presentations of the NLT and NASB before each section. This series is a must-have for pastors, teachers, and anyone else who is seeking a deeply practical resource for exploring God’s Word.
What does it mean to both affirm the goodness of God's creation and anticipate the new creation? Bringing together contributions from church leaders, academic theologians, and scientists on the doctrine of creation, this volume engages with Scripture, scientific theory, church history, and current issues to help Christians understand the beginning and ending of God's good creation.