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THE GRAND ALBERT ENGLISH EDITION Or better known as LES ADMIRABLES SECRETS D'ALBERT LE GRAND, The Grand Albert is a grimoire, a famous book of popular magic, perhaps around 1245, it received its definitive form, in Latin, around 1493, a French translation in 1500, and its most expansive (and best known) French editions from 1703. Containing several treatises on the design of Women, the Virtues of Herbs, Precious Stones, &Animals. Increased with a curious abstract of physiognomy, and a condom against the plague, malignant fevers & poisons. This edition is possibly the first that's been translated into the English language & the layout kept as close to the original to keep this book as authentic as possible. Edited & translated to English by Edmund Kelly The Grand Albert along with its little brother Petit Albert is a book of SECRETS that hold its place in occult literature
The Petit Albert is possibly one of the most notorious Grimoires of all time. Originally compiled in French in the 18th century. It was brought down to the smallest hamlets in the saddlebags of peddlers and represents a phenomenal publishing success, despite its association with "devil worshippers" and the negative reaction of the Catholic Church being assimilated to black magic. Within this Grimoire is natural and cabalistic magick, drawing from the prior work of Paracelsus and Agrippa among other unknown authors, and possibly inspired by the writings of Albertus Parvus Lucius. Edited and translated into English by Edmund Kelly The Petit Albert is the little book of SECRETS that holds its place in occult literature.
Coming to Nickelodeon for the 2016 holidays, Albert is the hilarious and exciting story of a tiny Douglas Fir tree who dreams of being THE big Christmas tree in Empire City. Boys and girls ages 3 to 7 will love this beautifully illustrated book based on the television movie. This Nickelodeon read-along contains audio narration.
The Grimoire of Pope Honorius, or Le Grimoire du Pape Honorius, is an 17th to 19th century grimoire, claiming to be written by Pope Honorius III (1150 -1227). It is unique among grimoires in that it was specifically designed to be used by a priest, and some of the instructions include saying a Mass. While its name is derived from the 13th century Grimoire of Honorius, its content is closer to later grimories like the Key of Solomon and Grimorium Verum. Edited and translated into English by Edmund Kelly The Grimoire of Pope Honorius Is a book that holds its place in occult literature.
When the word "grimoire" is mentioned, the Petit Albert is perhaps the single most notorious book which comes to mind. Originally compiled in the 18th century, it brings together folk magick, talismanic sorcery, ritual and herbal medicine, and a bit of the diabolical, going well beyond the ritual styles of most contemporary writings. Originally in French, and drawing from the prior work of Paracelsus and Agrippa among others, this collection of operations extends far beyond its native land into the world at large; the first cosmopolitan grimoire of the pre-modern era. More diabolical than the Red Dragon and more in depth than the Black Pullet with regards to talismanic art, the Petit Albert is certainly a force to behold within the realm of occult literature.
The Picatrix is the most notorious grimoires of astrological magic and one of the most important works of medieval and Renaissance magic. With all four books of the Spanish translation circa 1256, Picatrix takes its rightful place as an essential occult text. Picatrix is an encyclopaedic work with over 400 pages of Hermetic magical philosophy, ritual, talismanic and natural magic. Picatrix is a composite work that synthesizes older works on magic and astrology. One of the most influential interpretations suggests it is to be regarded as a ""handbook of talismanic magic Edited and translated into English by Edmund Kelly Picatrix is a Grimoire that holds its place in occult literature.
THE BLACK PULLET The book itself contains information regarding the creation of certain magical properties, such as talismanic rings, amulets and the Black Pullet itself. The book also teaches the reader how to master the extraordinary powers from these magical properties. Perhaps the most interesting magical property claimed in the book is the power to produce the Black Pullet, otherwise known as the Hen that lays Golden Eggs. The grimoire claims that the person who understands and attains the power to instruct the Black Pullet will gain unlimited wealth. The notion of such a lucrative possession has been reflected throughout history in fables, fairy tales and folklore. This text has often been associated to two other texts, known as the Red Dragon (or The Grand Grimoire) and the Black Screech Owl. Edited and translated into English by Edmund Kelly The Black Pullet Is a book that holds its place in occult literature.
THE Grimoire of St. Cyprian was translated from the Spanish version entitled Libro de San Cipriano, Circa. 19th Century and refers to different grimoires from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, all pseudepigraphically attributed to the 3rd century Saint Cyprian of Antioch. According to popular legend, Cyprian of Antioch was a pagan sorcerer who converted to Christianity. Edited and translated into English by Edmund Kelly, The Grimoire of St. Cyprian is the sorcerer's treasure that holds its place in occult literature.
In English for the first time, a guide to the true secret structure of the Illuminati and their invisible network made of various power structures, author Leo Lyon Zagami uses their internal documents and reveals confidential and top-secret events. His book contends that the presence of numerous Illuminati brotherhoods and secret societies—just as those inside the most prestigious U.S. universities such as Yale or Harvard—have always been guides to the occult. From the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO)'s infiltration of Freemasonry to the real Priory of Sion, this book exposes not only the hidden structure of the New World Order and the occult practices but also their connections to the intelligence community and the infamous Ur-Lodges.