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Charles Spurgeon, the great Baptist preacher of nineteenth-century London, is remembered today as "the prince of preachers." However, the strength of Spurgeon's ministry went far beyond simple rhetorical skill. In The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon, new from Reformation Trust Publishing, author Steven J. Lawson shows that Spurgeon fearlessly taught the doctrines of grace and tirelessly held forth the free offer of salvation in Jesus Christ. In thirty-eight years as pastor of the congregation meeting at the New Park Street Chapel and later the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Spurgeon propounded Calvinistic theology with precision and clarity. Yet he always accompanied it with a passionate plea for sinners to come to Christ and be saved. Lawson traces these twin points of emphasis throughout Spurgeon's long, fruitful ministry, showing also that he preached Christ crucified without apology and looked to the Holy Spirit for success in all his endeavors.
People sometimes assume that Reformed theology, with its emphasis on salvation as a sovereign work of God, saps a Christian's zeal for evangelism. But this was certainly not the case for Charles Spurgeon, the great Baptist preacher of nineteenth-century London. Spurgeon proclaimed Reformed theology with great precision--and always with a plea for sinners to come to Christ in faith. In short, he taught the truth of the gospel and trusted it as God's power to save. In The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon, Dr. Steven Lawson traces the emphases of Spurgeon's long and fruitful ministry. The "Prince of Preachers" clung to the gospel tenaciously and heralded it constantly, even amid controversy and personal suffering. This book is a passionate call for Christians to follow Spurgeon in loving the gospel by both studying it and proclaiming it. This book is part of the Long Line of Godly Men Profile series, edited by Dr. Steven Lawson.
Winning souls is the greatest joy and highest calling of a Christian, but to so many of us it feels like a dreaded necessity or feared obligation. In a day when evangelism has become a confusing jumble of methodology, Spurgeon’s crystal clear explanation of what true evangelism is meant to be is life-giving. Spurgeon’s own great faith in God to win souls that shines through on every page of this book is inspirational and moves us to action. Claimed by many as one of the best books ever written on the topic of evangelism, this book will not only ignite a passion for soul winning within you; it will draw you closer in love to the very heart of God.
What would it have been like to sit in Spurgeon's classes? The purpose of this book is to enable preachers to "apprentice" with Spurgeon for a season in order to learn from him about preaching. Such an internship will prove valuable for contributing to preachers as they mine resources for gospel relevance and power in the 21st Century.
My own private opinion is that there is no such thing as preaching Christ and him crucified, unless you preach what now-a-days is called Calvinism. It is a nickname to call it Calvinism; Calvinism is the gospel, and nothing else. I do not believe we can preach the gospel, if we do not preach justification by faith, without works; nor unless we preach the sovereignty of God in his dispensation of grace; nor unless we exalt the electing, unchangeable, eternal, immutable, conquering, love of Jehovah: nor do I think we can preach the gospel, unless we base it upon the peculiar redemption which Christ made for his elect and chosen people; nor can I comprehend a gospel which lets saints fall away after they are called, and suffers the children of God to be burned in the fires of damnation after having believed. Such a gospel I abhor. The gospel of the Bible is not such a gospel. We preach Christ crucified in a different fashion, and to all gainsayers we reply. "We have not so learned Christ." (Charles Spurgeon)
Tom Nettles has spent more than 15 years working on this magisterial biography of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the famous 19th century preacher and writer. More than merely a biography it covers his life, ministry and also provides an indepth survey of his theology.
In The Expository Genius of John Calvin, Dr. Steven J. Lawson delves into the practices, commitments, and techniques that made John Calvin, the great Reformer of the sixteenth century, such an effective preacher during his long pastorate at Saint Pierre Cathedral in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Lawson identifies thirty-two distinctives of Calvins preaching, providing comments from Calvins writings, quotations from Reformation scholars, and examples from Calvins own sermons to reinforce his points. In the end, Dr. Lawson finds in Calvin a strong model for expository preaching and calls on modern pastors to follow the Reformers example.
No author in history has more material in print than Charles Spurgeon. In what is sure to become an instant classic, bestselling author Alcorn has compiled the most profound spiritual insights on the topic of eternity from Spurgeon's sermons and arranged them into an easily accessible, highly inspirational devotional format.