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In this commentary on the Gospel According to John all of the major Johannine questions - of authorship, composition, dating, the relationship of John to the Synoptics - are discussed, with important theories in Biblical scholarship weighed against the evidence in the text.
"A Crossroad book."Translation of Das Johannesevangelium.Includes indexes. Includes bibliographical references (pages 535-540). v. 1. Introduction and commentary on chapters 1-4 -- v. 2. Commentary on chapters 5-12 -- v. 3. Commentary on chapters 13-21.
"A Crossroad book."Translation of Das Johannesevangelium.Includes indexes. Includes bibliographical references (pages 535-540). v. 1. Introduction and commentary on chapters 1-4 -- v. 2. Commentary on chapters 5-12 -- v. 3. Commentary on chapters 13-21.
Die negative Beurteilung der Authentizität der johanneischen Jesusreden basiert häufig auf der Annahme erheblicher Gegensätze zwischen Johannes und den Synoptikern. Allerdings wurde ein sorgfältiger Vergleich zwischen den Jesusworten des Johannesevangeliums und denen in Matthäus, Markus und Lukas bisher nicht durchgeführt. Vorliegende Studie gelangt durch einen detaillierten Vergleich zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Reden Jesu im vierten Evangelium zwar in einem spezifisch johanneischen Wortlaut formuliert sind, auf inhaltlicher Ebene aber in bedeutendem Maße mit der synoptischen Lehre Jesu übereinstimmen. So lässt sich zeigen, dass die Authentizität der johanneischen Reden nicht aufgrund einer vermeintlichen Unvereinbarkeit mit den Synoptikern in Abrede gestellt werden kann.
In our age of theological relativism, Jesus' question to His own disciples continues to ring true: "Who do the people say that the Son of Man is?" Through Jesus' seven miracles and His seven "I Am" sayings, the apostle John provides a clear answer to that all-important question. Furthermore, what do Jesus' miracles represent? Are they designed to point to something or someone? In our "supernatural-crazed" culture that affects even evangelical Christianity, it is refreshing to be reminded that biblical miracles were never arbitrary but were always purposeful, authenticating God's message and His messenger(s). In the Gospel of John, the miracles of Jesus are both Christological, that is, they highlight Jesus' Person, and eschatological, that is, they foreshadow the work the Messiah will do in His future Advent. The miracles remind us that God's desire for every believer is first and foremost a spiritual relationship with Him through His Son. Furthermore, Jesus' miracles also remind us that God's work in and for every believer will be fully and ultimately realized in the everlasting life.
The Anchor Bible Commentary is the collaborative effort of Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish scholars from around the world.
The Gospel of John in Modern Interpretation provides a unique look at the lives and work of eight interpreters who have significantly influenced Johannine studies over the last two centuries. The chapters contain short biographical sketches of the scholars that illuminate their personal and academic lives, followed by summaries and evaluations of their major works, and concluding with an analysis of the ongoing relevance of their work in contemporary Johannine scholarship. Key thinkers surveyed include C. H. Dodd, Rudolph Bultmann, Raymond Brown, Leon Morris, and R. Alan Culpepper. An introduction and conclusion by general editors Stanley Porter and Ron Fay trace the development of Johannine scholarship from F. C. Baur to the present, and examine how these eight scholars' contributions to Johannine studies have shaped the field. Anyone interested in the recent history of the study of John will find this volume indispensable.