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Today the majority of humankind worships a single God. Although this God is said to be all loving and wanting peace for his worshippers there is very little peace among the three religions based on common theology. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all foster hatred for one another, causing millions of deaths and untold suffering for hundreds of years.This book explores the mythic, historical, and archaeological record to illustrate the history of these conflicts. The Gods of Man also looks at how monotheism eventually dominated and destroyed the ancient and peaceful goddess traditions that had existed for thousands of years before. Is the God of today simply used to enforce government edicts, justify war and to control society?Gary R. Varner has written several articles and books on ancient religions, folklore and mythology. He is a member of the American Folklore Society and the Foundation for Mythological Studies.
Do the gods love you? Cicero gives deep and surprising answers in two philosophical dialogues on traditional Roman religion.
The idea of religion has been around since the beginning of mankind, when man saw something bigger and grander than themselves. They saw an immense building block of creation and re-creation in all aspects of nature. It was the ancient Shamans that created the first structures that we call religion. But these were set upon rules and laws of Nature based on birth, life, fertility, truth, faith, magic, death, love, and rebirth. From this the Divine was born with the images of their surroundings, and above these images were the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, and these great Ancient Beings spoke to the Shamans (the Priests of Old) and guided their footsteps who in turn guided their community. The reality is that now man has created a myriad of gods in each and every country, culture and community, and through time these spiritual Shamans have shared their truth with all of mankind upon their many travels, and so religion spread, and the names of their deities also spread to create the diversity all over the world, where instead of a god being known just to a set area and community that he has now been shared and adopted all over the world by those who were searching, and believe they found their fit. The reality is that God is! Deity has always been about bringing likeminded people together without judgement, segregation, and distrust. It is about tolerance, acceptance, faith, trust, love, peace, harmony, truth, and the bigger picture of Divine Oneness. This book features thousands of gods from every land, culture and belief system that were needed to bring man into the 21st Century. Do we still need thousands of deities? That can only be answered by yourself when you find your god or goddess. Please delve into the history and variations of deities as they take you back into the past of your ancestors and hopefully bring you closer to yourself, your Truth, and that spiritual connection to your god in the 21st century, no matter what name he is known.
Giving Western literature and art many of its most enduring themes and archetypes, Greek mythology and the gods and goddesses at its core are a fundamental part of the popular imagination. At the heart of Greek mythology are exciting stories of drama, action, and adventure featuring gods and goddesses, who, while physically superior to humans, share many of their weaknesses. Readers will be introduced to the many figures once believed to populate Mount Olympus as well as related concepts and facts about the Greek mythological tradition.
Christ and Satan is the title of the last of four poems in the eleventh-century Junius XI manuscript of Anglo-Saxon poetry. This critical edition contains text, glossary, textual and explanatory notes, and an essay surveying former criticisms and setting forth the author’s ideas on the poem’s principle of unity. Of particular value to students and scholars of Old English, Christ and Satan makes an important contribution to the understanding of this fine and interesting poem.
Offering deeper insights into the critically acclaimed God of War® franchise, this novel returns us to the dark world of ancient Greek mythology explored in the heart-pounding action of God of War I, the bestselling video game. A brutal warrior, Kratos is a slave to the gods of Olympus. Plagued by the nightmares of his past and yearning for freedom, the Ghost of Sparta would do anything to be free of his debt to the gods. He is on the verge of losing all hope when the gods give him one last task to end his servitude. He must destroy Ares, the god of war. But what chance does a mere mortal have against a god? Armed with the deadly chained Blades of Chaos, guided by the goddess Athena, and driven by his own insatiable thirst for vengeance, Kratos seeks the only relic powerful enough to slay Ares . . . a quest that will take him deep into the mysterious temple borne by the Titan Cronos! From the black depths of Hades to the war-torn city of Athens to the lost desert beyond, God of War sheds a brutal new light on the bestselling video game and on the legend of Kratos.