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Within the pages of this book, the author takes us on a journey back into ancient calendars, structures and systems, to not only understand time itself, but just as important - our journey through it, as well. Looking into the past, we will see that time is not only divided into specific increments, such as days, months, seasons and years, but also in specific periods, cycles, proportion and all within a circle. Once we understand the make up of time, later the author proposes the Mayan Time Grids, even larger blocks of time and the influence of those increments upon us. Did you know, in 1982 we started the "Information Age" that will last for 52 years?We will try to understand, or comprehend what Time is made of, its basis; its essence, or matrix and look at ourselves as possible time pieces, operating perfectly within it. To see Time literally as a fabric and how everything, including us, is woven into it, showing that everything is a circle and that we are all connected. If Time really is a circle, will what has happened before, happen again?An even deeper question, where does Time come from? The author suggests the possibility of a grand mechanism in which all time unfolds known as "The God Clock," which could very well be the consciousness, or soul of the universe.After reading this book, it is possible you will never look at the Universe, our Solar System, the Earth, our life on it, yourself and how you connect to others and Time in the same manner ever again. It shows that the Native Americans have been right all along - Spirit is in all things and everything is a circle.
Israel: God's Time Clock! WHAT LIES AHEAD FOR the MIDDLE EAST, the UNITED STATES, and ALL MANKIND. The author was saved in a Baptist church at the age of 14. While looking through books in the church library he came across one that touched on Bible Prophecy. When a Church Deacon heard of his interest, he gave him copies of The Book of Daniel and The Book of Revelation by Clarence Larkin. From that time on he spent much time in the study of the Bible and especially prophecy. Later he became an evangelist as well as a pastor of several churches. In addition he earned several degrees in theology. After retirement he has turned to writing and hopes to be a blessing by sharing God's Prophetic Word. In this book he attempts to present what he feels is a clear picture of the future as described in the Bible. It is his conviction that these are literally the Biblical "last days," and that the "rapture of the church" could occur at any moment. Hopefully, all who read it, especially any who have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, will be drawn into a place of blessing and spiritual fellowship with the one "who died that we might live."
Clocks became common in late medieval Europe and the measurement of time began to rule everyday life. God's Clockmaker is a biography of England's greatest medieval scientist, a man who solved major practical and theoretical problems to build an extraordinary and pioneering astronomical and astrological clock. Richard of Wallingford (1292-1336), the son of a blacksmith, was a brilliant mathematician with a genius for the practical solution of technical problems. Trained at Oxford, he became a monk and then abbot of the great abbey of St Albans, where he built his clock. Although as abbot he held great power, he was also a tragic figure, becoming a leper. His achievement, nevertheless, is a striking example of the sophistication of medieval science, based on knowledge handed down from the Greeks via the Arabs.
Do we know Jesus as He truly is, or have we only come to know a caricature of who He is based upon doctrines and traditions passed down to us by the Church - a Church splintered into various sects and denominations? God's Clock: Jesus within the LORD'S Appointed Times introduces us to the Jesus we never knew. Gods clock is the signs and seasons established by the LORD at creation; once set it has continued to point to Jesus and make Him known. According to the timing of God's eternal clock Jesus perfectly fulfilled and accomplished God's plan of redemption at His first coming, and He will ultimately bring the LORD'S appointed times to their completion at His Second Coming. "These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ." Colossians 2:17
To examine the precise fulfillment of prophecy is to appreciate the awesomeness of God, and to acknowledge that...[he] has shown his omniscience in the past by a multitude of fulfilled prophecies... gives assurance that all of the prophecies still to be fulfilled will take place precisely as foretold. In One Minute to Midnight on God's Clock, Dr. Henderson Ward takes readers through an in-depth and detailed analysis of the faithfulness and wonders that God has and will exhibit to believers in the days to come. Embarking into the difficult territory of the book of Revelation, Henderson's ability to bring logical insight to God's mysteries allows today's reader to see the intricacy and detail to which God has attested in his Word. Henderson takes readers from the first principles of humanity's origin, philosophies on the nature of the universe, and the spiritual aspect of mankind, to the wisdom of God and his immovable promises of the future that he has revealed in the Bible. Readers will receive a deeper understanding of the church's purpose, and will more clearly see the road to the blessed hope, Christ's return. It is One Minute to Midnight on God's Clock, and the second coming of Christ is imminent.
Science and religion have two seemingly opposing views of the universe's biggest questions. But what if the real story told you they were both right? Vancouver, 2009. Physics engineer and CEO Daniel Friedmann loves solving problems. When the avid scientist dives deep into scripture, he's faced with questions he feels compelled to answer: Is it possible to harmonize the scientific timeline for the development of the universe with the biblical timeline described in Genesis 1? How do the evolution of human history and prophecies surrounding the End of Days fit in?His quest for answers takes him and his nephew Seb on an incredible journey through the ages, discovering the lives and works of mystics, prophets, sages, philosophers, scientists and biblical commentators.Follow Dan and Seb as they discover answers to some of the biggest questions in science and religion, including: -Does the six-day creation account actually link with science's 13.8 billion-year timeline?- How do world history, Genesis, and the End of Days fit within the context of God's Plan in heaven?- How can the appearance of life on Earth, as depicted by the fossil record, match the sequence and timing of life on Earth described in Genesis 1?- Do Genesis and the evolution of human history reveal the events and timing for the End of Days?- Are there texts predating modern science that describe the Big Bang and contain the scientifically calculated age of the universe?- And finally, is there a secret harmony resolving the creation-versus-evolution debate?The Biblical Clock is a fascinating and entertaining read, digging deep into the universe and solving its well-kept mysteries. Order your copy today
Experiences of an Episcopal minister in the charismatic movement.