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The subject of this book is judgment; the style symbolism. God is revealed as the Almighty, the Eternal, the Judge of all the earth. Christ appears exercising His judicial functions, first in the house of God, and afterwards among the nations. The Holy Ghost is seen, not as the "one Spirit," but in His perfect diversity of action in connection with the government of God. Here, as in all Scripture, the person of Christ is the central figure, the glory of Christ the central object. But next to the person and glory of Christ the kingdom and the Church occupy the most prominent place. The world is, however, throughout regarded as a scene of judgment. Hence it is the judgments, and not the blessings, of the earthly kingdom that are here recorded. So, too, the Church on earth is looked upon, not in its privileges, but in its responsibilities, as the house of God, at which judgment must begin. On the other hand, the heavenly glories of the Church, and the heavenly side of the kingdom, about which the Old Testament is silent are here blessedly unfolded. The style of the book is largely symbolic, and in this it resembles the prophecies of Daniel. But while in Daniel the symbols are generally explained, in this book their interpretation is usually left to be gathered from other portions of Scripture. Many other features, both in the subject and the style, require notice; but these will be more conveniently examined as they arise than in any preliminary remarks. The book naturally divides itself into three parts. At the close of the first chapter John is told to "write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be after these." "The things which thou hast seen" are not so much a separate division as an introduction to "the things which are." But "the things which shall be after these" comprise two distinct classes: those which precede, and those which accompany or follow, the coming and kingdom of Christ. The three divisions of the book are therefore, First. "The things which are," described in the addresses to the seven churches, and preceded by the introductory vision; Second. The judgments falling on the earth before the Lord's advent from heaven; and, Third. The coming and reign of Christ, ending with the judgment of the dead before the great white throne, and leading on to the eternal state in which God is all in all.
Daily meditations taken from the works of an acclaimed novelist, essayist, and preacher who has articulated what he sees with a freshness and clarity and energy that hails our stultified imaginations.
“The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.” —Matthew 13:31–32 When Jesus began his ministry, he announced that the kingdom of God was at hand. But many modern-day Christians don’t really understand what the kingdom of God is or how it relates to the message of the gospel. Defining kingdom as the King’s power over the King’s people in the King’s place, Patrick Schreiner investigates the key events, prophecies, and passages of Scripture that highlight the important theme of kingdom across the storyline of the Bible—helping readers see how the mission of Jesus and the coming of the kingdom fit together. Part of the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series.
Prophetical Outlines — The Second Coming and Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1. The Scripture Ground of Perfect Peace with God 2. The Coming of the Lord the Christian's Hope 3. The Church of God, and her Coming Glory 4. The First and Last Resurrections 5. The Man of Sin, and his Complete Overthrow 6. The Kingdom of Heaven 7. The Reign of Christ, and the Eternal State
The Glorious Appearing is about the calling of God on the believers life; overcoming adversity when all hell breaks loose around you; committing to God in our personal relationship with him; the fall and the redemption of mankind; the power of the Holy Spirit and his manifesting presence in the life of true believers in prophetic revelations, dreams, and visions; and of his coming return for his bride, the church, to set up his earthly kingdom in the new heaven and new earth in the coming kingdom. This book is also an encouragement to all believers to focus on why we are living the faithful life, what our goals are as believers, and the grace of God on a dying world. Its about the supernatural power of the blood of Jesus in defeating our powerful enemySatan, the deviland to live in anticipation of the hope of his glorious appearing, which is the expectation of all believers, to inherit eternal life and to reign with him forever and ever in the new heaven and earth. This book was dictated by the Holy Spirit to encourage all believers to seek God earnestly in praise and worship and prayer and fasting. Worship is the key. When we seek God with all our heart, we will find him. Worship takes us into the presence of God. It is there that we experience the manifesting presence of God in signs and wonders and Spiritual revelations. When you have entered the holy of holies, He takes what is of his Spirit and releases it into your spirit. God is very, very real to me, and his Word says, They that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. This is a spirit fi lled book easy to read, and full of the powerful works of the Holy Spirit in dreams and vision, revelations and spiritual manifestation.