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'Glorious' is probably the last adjective most modern writers would use to describe the Christian Church. Yet R. B. Kuiper chose his title, The Glorious Body of Christ, advisedly, for he wished to emphasize what he believed to be a sadly neglected aspect of the subject, that the Church of Christ is glorious. Dr. Kuiper, who died in 1966, was for many decades a teacher of theology, and his great concern was for the popular presentation of Christian doctrine. His own books went far to meet that need, including his God-Centered Evangelism (also published by the Trust) and For Whom Did Christ Die? on the extent of the atonement. In addition to his vigorous and clear style, Kuiper is also noted for the comprehensive way in which he treats his subject. The Glorious Body contains no less than fifty-three chapters, and among the aspects of the subject dealt with are unity, the marks of the Church, the offices of the Church, its responsibilities and privileges, and the Church and the world. Although this book is worthy of the widest possible circulation, it may be particularly commended as a manual for office-bearers in the Church.
Thomas offers practical, biblical instruction on a wide range of issues involving individual and corporate participation and responsibility in the life of a local church. (Christian)
Draws on St. Paul's letters and other early sources to reveal the apostles' sharply competing ideas about the significance of Jesus and his teachings while demonstrating how St. Paul independently shaped Christianity as it is known today.
There is now a substantial scholarly consensus for the emergence of a high or divine Christology very early and from a Jewish context, but the questions of "how" and "why" need further study. Within the framework of traditional Jewish monotheism, Paul and other early Christians used the language of deity to describe Jesus. To investigate their view of Jesus, the author examines Paul's discourse in 2 Cor 3:16–4:6, employing insights from rhetorical criticism and Oneness Pentecostal Christology. He explains how early Christians proclaimed the deity of Jesus within their monotheistic Jewish context. He then identifies socio-rhetorical reasons for and practical consequences of the monotheistic deification of Jesus.
Tony Evans defines the church in vibrant terms: it is a continuation of Christ's incarnation. As such, it is the most important spiritual institution in human history. He helps the church discover its identity and purpose for existence, and provides believers a biblically healthy context in which to grow and live out their lives. This book will inspire you to help make your place of worship all that God intends it to be.
When God speaks, His word always comes to pass, and according to the Bible, the next great event to take place is the rapture—also known as the resurrection—something the modern church knows little to nothing about. When will this great catching away take place? When the trump of God sounds, who exactly will be transformed, in the twinkling of an eye, to meet the Lord Jesus Christ in the air? And once the rapture takes place, what happens next? These and many other questions are answered in this riveting book by Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart who walks his readers through the Scriptures to explain this glorious event that will bring inexplicable joy to some while striking fear in the hearts of those left behind.