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Tackling a subject that is as timely as it is complex, this expert work examines the turmoil inside Muslim communities, helping outsiders to understand and insiders to examine ways in which Islam can be reinterpreted for a modern world. The Global Muslim Community at a Crossroads: Understanding Religious Beliefs, Practices, and Infighting to End the Conflict is an illuminating work. Written by an eminent psychologist who was raised as a Muslim in India and now resides in the United States, it examines the core reasons for the current state of affairs in Muslim communities, explaining the psychological underpinnings of Muslim religion and practices and the reasons they can fuel violence. Drawing on the editor's exposure to Eastern and Western cultures and his longstanding interest in the study of comparative world religions, this impartial analysis takes a multidimensional approach to explaining the current plight of Muslim countries. It candidly discusses issues such as the influence of Islamic schools, the negative and positive roles of Ulema (religious scholars), a lack of critical inquiry into religious thought, Sharia, and the status of women in Islam. Finally, there are positive suggestions about a road to recovery, explaining how Muslim communities can address the interlocking problems they face while retaining the positive aspects of their beliefs.
Tackling a subject that is as timely as it is complex, this expert work examines the turmoil inside Muslim communities, helping outsiders to understand and insiders to examine ways in which Islam can be reinterpreted for a modern world. The Global Muslim Community at a Crossroads: Understanding Religious Beliefs, Practices, and Infighting to End the Conflict is an illuminating work. Written by an eminent psychologist who was raised as a Muslim in India and now resides in the United States, it examines the core reasons for the current state of affairs in Muslim communities, explaining the psychological underpinnings of Muslim religion and practices and the reasons they can fuel violence. Drawing on the editor's exposure to Eastern and Western cultures and his longstanding interest in the study of comparative world religions, this impartial analysis takes a multidimensional approach to explaining the current plight of Muslim countries. It candidly discusses issues such as the influence of Islamic schools, the negative and positive roles of Ulema (religious scholars), a lack of critical inquiry into religious thought, Sharia, and the status of women in Islam. Finally, there are positive suggestions about a road to recovery, explaining how Muslim communities can address the interlocking problems they face while retaining the positive aspects of their beliefs.
First Iraq... then Iran... then perhaps Pakistan... With Iran clinging to theocracy and neighboring Turkey clutching at the E.U., and with Indonesia on a political tightrope, Islam is indeed at a crossroads in the new century. The demographics say that Islam's 1.2 billion adherents will increase in numbers, but the geopolitical map says they won't increase in power on the global stage. Muslims won't get richer. Why? Is it because of some American-Zionist conspiracy? Is it because of Israel? Or the price of oil? Or feminism? Maybe it's because of the Muslims themselves, who cannot shed their differences regarding their beliefs, their political affiliations, aid and trade, and the very nature of Islam itself. The author's message here is stark. "We have to co-operate amongst ourselves. We have to stop fighting each other." He cites Europe as a shining example of co-operation - even after communism and two World Wars. But can Islam (="Peace") find a mature role among the great world powers in an increasingly secular and mercenary world? Read Mohamed's in-depth analysis of a troubled faith, and decide for yourself.
It is undeniable that Islam is today in a condition of deep crisis. Political upheavals that dominate popular discussion of the subject are no more than surface expressions of a problem of historic dimensions: the inability of Islamic scholars and institutions to reconcile the teachings and perspectives of their Faith with the realities of modernity. Democratic and constitutional government, pluralistic societies, the authority of the sciences, such principles as gender equality and religious freedom, a rapidly integrating world - all these familiar features of contemporary civilization pose insurmountable challenges to anyone who attempts to accommodate them to religious guidance laid down fourteen centuries ago for an earlier, much simpler stage in humanity's social evolution. One sees in contemporary Islam a society desperately searching for, and failing always to find, a formula that will make it possible to retain traditional Muslim faith in God while embracing the inescapable requirements of a world beyond the imagination of ages past. At the same time, millions of Muslims view with feelings of outrage and helplessness the caricature of the Faith they love that an aggressive fundamentalism is determined to impose upon it. Equally significant has been the awakening of European populations to the implications of the presence in their midst of a vast number of Muslim immigrants - some now into the third generation - who often appear essentially irreconcilable with certain foundational norms of Western culture. Perhaps not surprisingly, this has inspired widespread desire to understand the religious roots of such phenomena, awakening an unprecedented interest in Islamic belief and practice. Islam at the Crossroads presents extracts drawn primarily from the texts of the Qur'an and the Bible to explain the interrelationship between Islam and its sister Abrahamic religions, Judaism and Christianity, as well as the Baha'i Faith, the most recent link in the chain of religions capable of responding to the process of transformation in which the entire world is today caught up. The format illustrates the progressive pattern and integral coherence of the divine Revelations as constituents of one common faith, and demonstrates the principle that 'God, Who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us, ' and, specifically, to followers of Islam, through Baha'u'llah. 'Globalization' and 'modernity', far from being alien to the Faith taught in the Qur'an, are thus rather a fulfilment of it, both spiritually and practically. Clearly, Muslims have as much right to this common heritage of humankind as do the people of any other religious background. Within the Baha'i community, much emphasis is placed on the importance of Western Baha'is undertaking a serious study of Islam, using for the purpose 'sources that are authoritative and unbiased'. This book examines the criteria offered by the teachings of Baha'u'llah for the validity of the Mission of the Prophet Muhammad, and some of the reasons why Islam and its fortunes are directly dependent on submission to God's Will and following His Straight Path in this day and age. Born in Iran and brought up in Africa, Dr Lameh Fananapazir studied medicine in Scotland and is currently a cardiologist and electrophysiologist in the United States. He is the author of several hundred medical articles and spent two and half years in Haifa, Israel where he was the director of the Health Services at the Baha'i World Centre and Visiting Professor of Molecular Genetics at Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. This book was born out of his curiosity concerning the root causes of religious fanaticism and increasing certitude that Baha'u'llah's teachings represent the only possible remedy."
The crimes of a few responsible for the 9/11 attacks resulted in an onslaught on Muslims. They were subjected to a “Global War on Terrorism” by the U.S. and its allies. And the tyrannical regimes installed and/or supported (or co-opted otherwise) by the Western powers, which deny them basic human rights, instituted Draconian laws against their opposition. All the while Islamophobia is rampant in Europe and the United States.This book, entitled “Muslims at the Crossroads” in accord with its subject matter discusses the above problems as well as the mainstream Muslim responses to these happenings. American Muslims became the immediate targets in the post-9/11 environment with mass suspicion and grave violations of their constitutionally guaranteed rights at home. Through the hastily drafted PATRIOT act, reauthorized by the Congress, the U.S. administration designated groups - most egregiously the common charities as co-opting with “terrorists”, stopped their operations, froze their assets, and even imprisoned those running them. Now groups with a vicious agenda raise the specter of fear and demonize American Muslims. This, despite findings of the Pew research and others that they are loyal citizens and well-integrated into the American society. They are active in helping their compatriots, involved in interfaith activities, and are engaged in work for their political empowerment. Unfortunately, the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with occasional bombing raids into Yemen and Somalia and increased incursions into Pakistan have furthered the gulf between the United Sates and the Muslim world. Afghanistan, the poorest and most land-mined country in the world, has borne the brunt of this after a decade-long war against the Soviet Union, and now in the longest U.S. war with no peaceful end in sight. Muslim history is replete with mainstream Islamic movements that came into being to redress their existing situation. A good part of this book is devoted to a discussion of their role in the broader Muslim societies extending from Morocco in the West to Indonesia in the East. They are engaged variously helping their people, and work through peaceful means to educate and enlighten them. Routinely victimized by the autocratic regimes they win elections easily, if given the opportunity. Working in cooperation with other organizations, they have been responsible for the recent Muslim awakening and rise against the rulers that deny their people elements of democracy, freedoms and human dignity.This book aims at creating an understanding of Muslims so that, respecting and respected, they regain their honored place in the comity of nations.
Sheds light on one of the most important religious thinkers in the modern Muslim world.