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The year she is in fifth grade, Doris meets a special friend in her Bronx neighborhood.
In Gift and Giver, leading New Testament scholar Craig Keener takes a probing look at the various evangelical understandings of the role of the Holy Spirit in the church. He explores topics such as spiritual gifts, the fruit of the Spirit, the Spirit's power for evangelism, and hearing God's voice. His desire is for Christians to "work for consensus, or at least for unity in God's work despite our differences on secondary matters." Employing a helpful narrative approach and an ample number of stories, Keener enters into constructive dialogue with Pentecostals, moderates, and cessationists, all the while attempting to learn from each viewpoint. He seeks to bridge the gap between cessationists and Pentecostals/charismatics by urging all Christians to seek the Holy Spirit's empowerment. His irenic approach to this controversial issue has been endorsed by charismatics and non-charismatics alike. Sure to provoke helpful dialogue on a topic that has caused unfortunate divisions within the church, Gift and Giver will be a valuable addition to college and seminary courses on pneumatology. It will also be helpful to lay readers interested in a balanced discussion of spiritual gifts. This repackaged edition includes an updated preface and a substantive new afterword.
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17 NIV Joe and Tahni Cullen’s life spun into supernatural mode when their seven-year-old, nonverbal autistic son, Josiah, who had never been traditionally taught to read or write, suddenly typed his first independent sentence on an iPad: God is a good gift giver. As told in the book Josiah’s Fire, God unlocked Josiah’s spiritual senses to the deep joys of heaven—renewing their hope, joy, and excitement for God’s Word, power, and presence. Josiah’s gems on their Josiah’s Fire Facebook page delight people from around the world with his wise, thought-provoking insights. This 21-day devotional unites three inspired voices—Tahni Cullen, Josiah Cullen, and Cheryl Ricker—as they share Josiah’s revelatory quotes, personal stories, Scripture for meditation, and prompts for reflection. You will see that blessings come in unexpected forms, personally prepared for you by the good gift giver himself. When received as gifts, these blessings will increase your gratitude, joy, and hope.
A Relational Approach to Fundraising For many people, fundraising has become a dirty word. Conjuring images of guilt-inducing gimmickry, the predominant model saps the joy from both the donor and the receiver. But what if fundraising has the potential to be good for the giver, not just the recipient? What if it's about love and service, not just "What's in it for me?" These are the questions that Peter Greer, president and CEO of Hope International, and David Weekley, one of America's most influential philanthropists, answer in The Giver and the Gift. Based upon their own relationship and experiences, The Giver and the Gift outlines a Kingdom perspective on fundraising. Instead of guilt, there is gratitude. Instead of obligation, joy. It's time to dismantle certain shaky beliefs and practices, energizing a new generation of generosity. "How does fundraising become a Kingdom partnership, instead of just the transfer of funds? As a person who has spent years in the middle of these partnerships, I found the book fresh, clear, and extremely helpful." --Denny Rydberg, president of Young Life
Do you feel overwhelmed at the thought of another Christmas, holiday season, or birthday? Do you ever wish you could effortlessly know what gifts make people happy? Are there times when you just can't think of what to get someone and you end up giving them a gift card, yet again? Ever hear of an amazingly unique gift someone gave, and wonder how they ever thought of it? In The Art of Gift Giving you will learn simple skills and discover useful resources that make birthdays and holidays something to look forward to -- as fun opportunities to show the people you care about how well you know and appreciate them. You will learn how to listen, be creative, and present gifts that always touch and bring happiness to the people in your life. You will become a Master Gift Giver
Around Christmas we think a lot about presents, but have you ever wondered why we give gifts? Learn about the life of Saint Nicholas and discover why he became known as one of the greatest giftgivers of all time. Told as a delightful poem, this colorfully illustrated children's book also includes tools to help parents engage in conversation about the content.
The 12th and 13th chapters in this book feature a twelve year old boy, David, who was inspired to connect with the roots of his Christian faith through his inquiries of the events of Israel today compared to its biblical history. He was so charged with interest and fascination in his Sunday School studies with all of the stories regarding Moses leading the Hebrew people to the Promised Land that he was beyond ecstatic when his father, Pastor Jon St. John announced to the family that they were going on a trip to Israel. And while in Jerusalem, he had an encounter with an Angel. When they returned home after the trip, and attended a formal dinner with the fellowship pastors and their family, Pastor St. John called his son David up before everyone to tell about his experience in Israel. During his talk, he presented a challenge to all of the pastors there. "Every time we open our Bible to study, to teach, to preach, every time we open our Bible should be a reminder to pray for peace in Israel."
During a culture-shocked exchange year in Japan, fifteen-year-old Lisa Dempster’s imagination is ignited by the story of the henro michi, an arduous 1200 kilometre Buddhist pilgrimage through the mountains of Japan. Perfectly suiting the romantic view of herself as a dusty, travel-worn explorer (well, one day), she promises to return to Japan and walk the henro michi, one way or another, as soon as humanely possible. Fast-forward thirteen years, and Lisa’s life is vastly different to what she pictured it would be. Severely depressed, socially withdrawn, overweight, on the dole and living with her mum, she is 28 and miserable. And then, completely by chance, the henro michi comes back into her life, through a book at her local library. It’s a sign. She decides then and there to go back to Japan almost immediately: to walk the henro michi, and walk herself back to health. Brushing aside the barriers that other people might find daunting – the 1200km of mountainous terrain, the sweltering Japanese summer, the fact she has no money and has never done a multi-day hike before – Lisa is determined to walk the pilgrimage, or die trying.
This book explores the co-dependency of monotheism and idolatry by examining the thought of several prominent twentieth-century Jewish philosophers—Cohen, Buber, Rosenzweig, and Levinas. While all of these thinkers were keenly aware of the pitfalls of scriptural theism, to differing degrees they each succumbed to the temptation to personify transcendence, even as they tried either to circumvent or to restrain it by apophatically purging kataphatic descriptions of the deity. Derrida and Wyschogrod, by contrast, carried the project of denegation one step further, embarking on a path that culminated in the aporetic suspension of belief and the consequent removal of all images from God, a move that seriously compromises the viability of devotional piety. The inquiry into apophasis, transcendence, and immanence in these Jewish thinkers is symptomatic of a larger question. Recent attempts to harness the apophatic tradition to construct a viable postmodern negative theology, a religion without religion, are not radical enough. Not only are these philosophies of transcendence guilty of a turn to theology that defies the phenomenological presupposition of an immanent phenomenality, but they fall short on their own terms, inasmuch as they persist in employing metaphorical language that personalizes transcendence and thereby runs the risk of undermining the irreducible alterity and invisibility attributed to the transcendent other. The logic of apophasis, if permitted to run its course fully, would exceed the need to posit some form of transcendence that is not ultimately a facet of immanence. Apophatic theologies, accordingly, must be supplanted by a more far-reaching apophasis that surpasses the theolatrous impulse lying coiled at the crux of theism, an apophasis of apophasis, based on accepting an absolute nothingness—to be distinguished from the nothingness of an absolute—that does not signify the unknowable One but rather the manifold that is the pleromatic abyss at being’s core. Hence, the much-celebrated metaphor of the gift must give way to the more neutral and less theologically charged notion of an unconditional givenness in which the distinction between giver and given collapses. To think givenness in its most elemental, phenomenological sense is to allow the apparent to appear as given without presuming a causal agency that would turn that given into a gift.