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A careful examination of the earliest biblical interpretations of Genesis considers such topics as human destiny, the Creation, sexuality, sin, and forgiveness, from the perspectives of both Judaism and Christianity.
Contents by chapter: What was Leviathan? Was Behemoth a Dinosaur? King James' Unicorns Making Sense of Isaiah's Flying Serpents Does Genesis 1:1 Describe the Absolute Beginning? Ancient Hebrew Heavenly Cosmology The Ancient Hebrew Conception of the Earth Eden: The Cosmic Mountain of God The Meaning of the Seven Days of Creation The Numerological Lifespans of the Patriarchs Animal Death Before the Fall Why the Holy Spirit isn't Your Bible Commentary How Popular Views of Inspiration Protect Readers from Their Bible False Artifacts, Hoaxes, and Misinterpretations: Young-Earth Creationism's Use of Dragon Legends Misuse of Flood Legends Cosmology and Traditional World Cultures Praise for (Mis)interpreting Genesis: "Stanhope's scholarly, multi-pronged critique...helped me to see the biblical narrative as holding far deeper, more significant meaning than what these Christian materialists seem bent on forcing the text to say. The text itself, in its ancient context, is far more interesting than what these eisegetes want to make it say." - John Holzmann, Co-Founder, Sonlight Curriculum Ltd.; Manager, Holzmann Family Enterprises LLC "Stanhope has dedicated many years to combatting the misinformation circulated by young-earth creationists in print and online. In this book, we see the fruit of his labors and a clear demonstration of his love for the Bible and dedication to understanding it in its historical and cultural context. The result is a monumental work.... The book offers a positive and remarkably thorough survey of the relevant biblical texts (both the ones young-earth creationists twist and the ones they conveniently ignore) as well as of relevant archaeological data.... In short, the book offers a compelling case for how to interpret the biblical material about creation that is more honest and more genuinely biblical in character than what one finds in the homeschooling and other literature promoted by the Creation Museum and other organizations like it. All those concerned not only about the state of science education in the United States, but also the decline in biblical literacy, owe Stanhope a debt of gratitude." - James F. McGrath, Clarence L. Goodwin Chair in New Testament Language and Literature, Butler University. Author of The Only True God: Monotheism in Early Judaism and Christianity "Stanhope relies on the most up-to-date scholarship to explain many concepts in the biblical texts that have been misunderstood by many people in today's world. This book is necessary for anyone to dive deeper into the biblical texts. I cannot recommend it enough." - Michael Jones, Founder and Director of the Inspiring Philosophy Christian research video library Ben Stanhope has served as a Garrett Fellow in the Department of Literature and Culture of Boyce College, holds a certificate in Worldview from Biola University, a B.A. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and an M.A. in Manuskriptkulturen from the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures at the German University of Hamburg, where he was educated in archaeometric techniques under Dead Sea Scroll scientists. His research thesis First Temple Hebrew Seals and Bullae Identifying Biblical Persons synthesizes archaeological and museum catalog data to present novel discoveries in the interpretation of Egyptian icons on biblical period papyrus seals. He has authored a work on first century Roman philosophy entitled, The Golden Sayings of Epictetus: In Contemporary English.
Now you have the perfect body that GOD created now rest. Genesis 2:3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.
God’s Story Will End Better than It Began . . . Experienced Bible teacher Nancy Guthrie traces 9 themes throughout the Bible, revealing how God’s plan for the new creation will be far more glorious than the original. But this new creation glory isn’t just reserved for the future. The hope of God’s plan for his people transforms everything about our lives today.
Throughout recorded history mankind has attempted to define perfection. This always has been a most perplexing task, almost as difficult as attaining perfection once the term has been defined. One of the most vexing problems facing the perfectionist has been how to elevate themselves above matter, especially the body, in order to emulate their god-model. Reaching Beyond: Chapters in the History of Perfectionism highlights the concept of perfection in primitive man, in both Old and New Testaments, and in a variety of perfectionist individuals and movements throughout Christian history, including the Montanists, the Medieval Apocalyptist, Joachim of Fiore; the rationalist, Thomas Aquinas; a leading Eastern Orthodox mystic, St. Symeon the New Theologian; Calvin and his followers; early modern Puritans and later primitivists; and the Pentecostals, who strive for both purity and preparation. In short, this book is a study of the human perfectionist impulse and its motivations. In certain cases, perfectionism is a reaction against limitation, inadequacy, incompleteness and evil-a rejection of comfortable, popular religion. In other instances, perfectionism is a more positive effort, a striving after holiness or knowledge, a preparation for the parousia or a quest for a return to primitive religious roots.
In this easy-to-read book, Ken Ham gives us a primer in Creation science evangelism using two very different sermons from the book of Acts that were designed to reach two different audiences — the churched and the unchurched. Jew and Gentile — to effectively reach the lost. Outlines the social and moral consequences that modern culture’s war on the Bible is having on societyProvides helpful insight into understanding how to evangelize to young peopleOffers guidance on how to ensure churches are properly equipping their members to defend their faith
The Genesis of Genesis is about the mytho-empiricism of creation—cosmogony. In its attempt to compare the mythologies of the ancient Eastern Mediterranean cultures—Egyptian, Greek, Judaic and Mesopotamian—the Judaic cosmogony of genesis, which is unique in its reliance on the word as creative agent, is contrasted with the Egyptian, Greek and Mesopotamian mythologies, which are more deterministic.
For centuries, the Garden of Eden story has been a cornerstone for the Christian doctrine of the Fall and original sin. In recent years, many scholars have disputed this understanding of Genesis 3 because it has no words for sin, transgression, disobedience, or punishment. Instead, it is about how the human condition came about. Yet the picture is not so simple. The Genesis of Good and Evil examines how the idea of the Fall developed in Jewish tradition on the eve of Christianity. In the end, the Garden of Eden is a rich study of humans in relation to God that leaves open many questions. One such question is, Does Genesis 3, 4, and 6, taken together, support the Christian doctrine of original sin? Smiths well-informed, close reading of these chapters concludes that it does. In this book, he addresses the many mysterious matters of the Garden story and invites readers to explore questions of their own.