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The book explores whether fiscal policies can secure full employment without inflation, one of the key questions in economics after Keynes. Part 1, General Theory of Public Finance and Fiscal Policy, discusses Ends and Means in economic policy. The results of this ends-means analysis are applied to fiscal policy. Part 2, Microeconomics, deals with the impact of fiscal measures on the behaviour of the individual household, firm and other organization, concentrating on the effects on consumption and saving. Part 3, Macroeconomics, considers how the problem of keeping the price-level constant and the labour market in equilibrium at full employment may be solved by means of fiscal and monetary measures. Problems connected with the volume of investments and the balance of payments are considered simultaneously.
An important recent advance in macroeconomics is the development of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) macromodels. The use of DSGE models to study monetary policy, however, has led to paradoxical and puzzling results on a number of central monetary issues including price determinacy and liquidity effects. In Money, Interest, and Policy, Jean-Pascal Benassy argues that moving from the standard DSGE models - which he calls "Ricardian" because they have the famous "Ricardian equivalence" property-to another, "non-Ricardian" model would resolve many of these issues. A Ricardian model represents a household as a homogeneous family of infinitely lived individuals, and Benassy demonstrates that a single modification-the assumption that new agents are born over time (which makes the model non-Ricardian)-can bridge the current gap between monetary intuitions and facts, on one hand, and rigorous modeling, on the other. After comparing Ricardian and non-Ricardian models, Benassy introduces a model that synthesizes the two approaches, incorporating both infinite lives and the birth of new agents. Using this model, he considers a number of issues in monetary policy, including liquidity effects, interest rate rules and price determinacy, global determinacy, the Taylor principle, and the fiscal theory of the price level. Finally, using a simple overlapping generations model, he analyzes optimal monetary and fiscal policies, with a special emphasis on optimal interest rate rules
We do not have a good measure of the effects of fiscal policy in a recession because the methods that we use to estimate the effects of fiscal policy - both those using the observed outcomes following different policies in aggregate data and those studying counterfactuals in fitted model economies -- almost entirely ignore the state of the economy and estimate 'the' government multiplier, which is presumably a weighted average of the one we care about - the multiplier in a recession - and one we care less about - the multiplier in an expansion. Notable exceptions to this general claim suggest this difference is potentially large. Our lack of knowledge stems significantly from the focus on linear dynamics: VARs and linearized (or close-to-linear) DSGEs. Our lack of knowledge also reflects a lack of data: deep recessions are few and nonlinearities hard to measure. The lack of statistical power in the estimation of nonlinear models using aggregate data can be addressed by exploiting estimates of partial-equilibrium responses in dissaggregated data. Microeconomic estimates of the partial-equilibrium causal effects of a policy can discipline the causal channels inherent in any DSGE model of the general equilibrium effects of policy. Microeconomic studies can also provide measures of the dependence of the effects of a policy on the states of different agents which is a key component of the dependence of the general-equilibrium effects of fiscal policy on the state of the economy -- National Bureau of Economic Research web site.
This paper studies equilibrium effects of fiscal policy within a dynamic general equilibrium model where tax evasion and underground activities are explicitly incorporated. There are three main results. (i) The underground sector mitigates the distortionary impact of fiscal policies, while lessening the drop (rise) of aggregate production after restrictive (expansionary) tax shifts. In this respect, tax evasion and the informal economy offer a channel for insuring income and consumption from distortions generated by fiscal policy. (ii) Tax evasion and underground economy can completely reverse the theoretical predictions of the standard neoclassical growth model and rationalize expansionary responses to contractionary fiscal policies. (iii) A dynamic general equilibrium with tax evasion gives a rational justification for a variant of the Laffer curve.
This book reports the authors' research on one of the most sophisticated general equilibrium models designed for tax policy analysis. Significantly disaggregated and incorporating the complete array of federal, state, and local taxes, the model represents the U.S. economy and tax system in a large computer package. The authors consider modifications of the tax system, including those being raised in current policy debates, such as consumption-based taxes and integration of the corporate and personal income tax systems. A counterfactual economy associated with each of these alternatives is generated, and the possible outcomes are compared.
A general equilibrium tax model estimated for 60 countries provides a simple but rigorous method for estimating the fiscal impact of trade reform.
Over the past twenty five years, fiscal and monetary authorities around the world have pursued policies roughly consistent with the insights from optimal monetary and fiscal policy. In the area of monetary policy, the modern consensus is to set policy rules so that nominal interest rates and inflation are low. In the area of fiscal policy, statutory corporate income tax rates have decreased sharply in OECD countries on average over time. Typically, theoretical models in the literature usually examine either monetary or fiscal policies in isolation, but not both of them simultaneously. This book presents two alternative dynamic, general equilibrium models where the prescriptions from optimal monetary and fiscal policies are simultaneously examined. These models offer some new insights on the interaction of such policies, especially in terms of their effects on household s welfare. A third chapter examines optimal fiscal policy in the context of preference reversals. This book should be especially useful for policymakers in the area of macroeconomics and researchers working in the field.