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A succinct, up-to-date and chronological history of the 21 general councils, along with their major tasks, achievements and failures and their impact on their times.
Specially commissioned for this series shortly after the announcement by Pope John XXIII of a forthcoming General Council of the Church, Father Dvornik's history of previous councils is a lucid and authoritative guide covering the period from the assemblies of the Apostles to the Vatican Council of 1870. Father Dvornik examines in detail the first seven Ecumenical Councils at which the Eastern Fathers, united with Rome, defined the fundamental dogmas on the Holy Trinity and on our Lord, doctrines which are common to all Christians and which still link Eastern Christianity to that of the West. He shows how these and others councils not only defined dogma but also engaged in a constant struggle against heresy and, during the Middle Ages, against the encroachments of the secular powers. The conciliar theory that councils were superior in authority to the Pope is also examined against the background of the Western and Eastern schisms and, subsequently, the Reformation whose challenge was answered by the Council of Trent. A final chapter is devoted to the last general council, the Vatican Council, and the relationship of its definition of papal infallibility to the conciliar principle.
Well-documented story of the Ecumenical Councils of the Catholic Church. The second part of this work analyzes Vatican II and its effect on our world today. The turbulent history of the Catholic Church will come alive as the centuries unfold before the reader. God's tender care for His children amid life's storms and tumultuous times is evident and unmistakable.
There have been twenty-one universal gatherings 'ecumenical councils' of the Catholic Church. The first opened in 325, the last closed in 1965, and the names of many ring out in the history of the church: Nicea, Chalcedon, Trent, Vatican II. Though centuries separate the councils, each occurred when the church faced serious crises, sometimes with doctrinal matters, sometimes with moral or even political matters, and sometimes with discerning the church's relation to the world. The councils determined much of what the Catholic Church is and believes. Additionally, many councils impacted believers in other Christian traditions and even in other faiths. In this accessible, readable, and yet substantial account of the councils Joseph Kelly provides both the historical context for each council as well as an account of its proceedings. Readers will discover how the councils shaped the debate for the following decades and even centuries, and will appreciate the occasional portraits of important conciliar figures from Emperor Constantine to Pope John XXIII.
In this study, Ramsay MacMullen steps aside from the well-worn path that previous scholars have trod to explore exactly how early Christian doctrines became official. Drawing on extensive verbatim stenographic records, he analyzes the ecumenical councils from A.D. 325 to 553, in which participants gave authority to doctrinal choices by majority vote. The author investigates the sometimes astonishing bloodshed and violence that marked the background to church council proceedings, and from there goes on to describe the planning and staging of councils, the emperors' role, the routines of debate, the participants' understanding of the issues, and their views on God's intervention in their activities. He concludes with a look at the significance of the councils and their doctrinal decisions within the history of Christendom.
In this remarkably clear text, Tanner offers the results of years of intensive study and teaching of the ecumenical councils, provides a comprehensive history of councilor teaching, extending from the early and medieval councils to the Second Vatican Council.