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The author claims that she had a spiritual experience at the age of thirty-four that gave some unity to her life. She experienced the gaze of the Crucified Christ in a very powerful way. This is where the name of the book comes from. The book contains a theological reflection on the gaze of God, but it is also the autobiography of the author, and it includes references to the people, the music, the movies, the books, and the politics that made her life what it is. The author claims that, throughout her ups and downs, even in sin and illness, she has felt that Christ's gaze has stayed: loving, forgiving, and accompanying.
The author claims that she had a spiritual experience at the age of thirty-four that gave some unity to her life. She experienced the gaze of the Crucified Christ in a very powerful way. This is where the name of the book comes from. The book contains a theological reflection on the gaze of God, but it is also the autobiography of the author, and it includes references to the people, the music, the movies, the books, and the politics that made her life what it is. The author claims that, throughout her ups and downs, even in sin and illness, she has felt that Christ’s gaze has stayed: loving, forgiving, and accompanying.
Eight hundred years ago, Clare of Assisi advised a correspondent to gaze into the mirror of the crucified Christ and study her own face within it. A hundred years ago, sociologist Charles Horton Cooley said we can know our self only as it is reflected to us by others. Contemplation is the choice to find our reflection in the divine Mirror. In The Sacred Gaze, Susan Pitchford explores how a false self is created by distortions in the mirrors around us. Drawing from the mystical and sociological traditions, and with practical suggestions for how to begin, Pitchford shows how gazing into the face of Christ can reveal to us who we really are. When the true self is known, and known as God s beloved, the way is opened to radical freedom and joy.
In the wilderness, when Moses the prophet observed the thorn bush unharmed by the flames of fire, he said, "I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn" (Ex 3:3) and God called to him out of the midst of the bush, and said, "Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground." (Ex 3: 5) As you draw near this awesome sight of The Crucified Jesus, stand in reverence and sever all your worldly attachments. Prepare for the outpouring of grace that will come upon you from the Cross. Gaze toward the Cross as toward the spring of your salvation, the source of your deliverance, the root of your happiness in this present life and the assurance of attainment of eternal glory in the coming age. The Crucified Jesus is a 20th century classic that has finally been made available in the English language. It is a group of contemplations on the events that took place during Holy Week, with a special chapter of contemplations on the words of Jesus on the Cross.
Few treatments of the death of Jesus Christ have made a point of accounting for the gruesome, degrading, public manner of his death by crucifixion, a mode of execution so loathsome that the ancient Romans never spoke of it in polite society. Rutledge probes all the various themes and motifs used by the New Testament evangelists and apostolic writers to explain the meaning of the cross of Christ. She shows how each of the biblical themes contributes to the whole, with the Christus Victor motif and the concept of substitution sharing pride of place along with Irenaeus's recapitulation model.
Masterfully written and intensely enlightening, Franciscan Prayer could very well be considered the essential handbook for all those seeking to pray and live the Franciscan way. With exquisite execution, Franciscan theologian Ilia Delio clearly outlines what it means to pray as a Franciscan. Through her experience as a discalced Carmelite nun and then her transformation into Franciscan scholar, Sister Delio brings to light the “contemplative,” “cosmic” and “evangelizing” aspects of Franciscan prayer. Everyone, says Delio, seems to know about Francis’ life, his miracles, his devotion to evangelization and his dedication to living a simple and humble life, yet few know about his prayer life, which seemed, over the centuries, to get lost in the paper shuffle between theologians, followers and historical biographers. It is through Clare of Assisi, Delio asserts, that we have insights into the Franciscan path of prayer. “[Clare] provides the ‘road-map’ of prayer for evangelical life…she was able to do this because she lived under monastic rule while ardently desiring evangelical life.” Through Clare’s letters and actions, we find the rudiments of Franciscan prayer: “Gaze—Consider—Contemplate—Imitate.” Delio also uses the insights of Saint Bonaventure as well as Saint Francis to fully show the meaning and purpose of prayer in the Franciscan tradition.
"He is the radiance of the glory of God..." - Hebrews 1:3The most glorious news in all of reality is that the God for whom we--and all things--exist is communicated to his creation with definitive authority in the incarnate Son (John1:14,18), and with climactic finality in the revelatory redemption of the cross (John 8:28, 17:1,5). Knowing and enjoying the One True God in the crucified and risen Jesus is the wellspring of our love (1 John 4:19), the substance of our sanctification (2 Corinthians 3:18), and the heart of eternal life (John 17:3), and this book is an attempt to help you do just that. "Full of Eyes" is a daily devotional containing 100 examples of visual exegesis. Each picture is designed to help you see, savor, and sing the beauty of God in his crucified and risen Son. As the Scripture in this book illuminates the pictures so that the pictures can shine back to exegete the Scripture, may you be ever more deeply enamored with the all satisfying excellence of who God has declared himself to be for us in Jesus.
In the Christian Tradition, our understanding of Christ has been enhanced by the contemplation of a number of titles ascribed to him: Friend, Healing Presence of God, Caller of Disciples, Bread of Life, Good Shepherd, Priest, Brother, Prince of Peace, and Good Samaritan. Reflecting on these traditional christological titles, Robin Ryan uses them as windows through which to gaze on the inexhaustible mystery of the crucified and risen Jesus. Each window provides some insight into a dimension of the person of Jesus and his life-giving action in our lives. Book jacket.
""Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"" (John 1:29) No work of modern literature can usher you so powerfully and intimately into the Savior's heart like "The Day I Was Crucified." Master storyteller, Gene Edwards (author of Divine Romance) recounts the harrowing scene of Calvary as if the crucifixion narrative was being told by Jesus Himself. In this book, you will... Encounter the depths of God's unfathomable love as you walk side by side with Jesus during His final moments on Earth. Live in new levels of thankfulness as you come face to face with the full measure of what Jesus carried to the Cross on your behalf. Take an unforgettable journey, where the heartache of the Cross and victory of the Resurrection have never been more real to you. Step into history's most powerful and defining moment as you gaze upon the Lamb of God with new eyes.