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Today's international development financing system seems like a collection of disjointed entities that often work at cross purposes without being able to mobilize enough finance for developing countries in their efforts to reduce poverty and improve living standards. This book brings together the vast array of new initiatives in financing mechanisms and proposals to transform the development finance architecture. Based on four different scenarios for the next ten-year period, proposals are made for how to reach an effective system.
Financial innovation can drive social, economic, and environmental change, transforming ideas into new technologies, industries, and jobs. But when it is misunderstood or mismanaged, the consequences can be severe. In this practical, accessible book, two leading experts explain how sophisticated capital structures can enable companies and individuals to raise funding in larger amounts for longer terms and at lower cost—accomplishing tasks that would otherwise be impossible. The authors recount the history and basic principles of financial innovation, showing how new instruments have evolved, and how they have been used and misused. They thoroughly demystify complex capital structures, offering a practical toolbox for entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and policymakers. Financing the Future presents clear, thorough discussions of the current role of financial innovation in capitalizing businesses, industries, breakthrough technologies, housing solutions, medical treatments, and environmental projects. It also presents a full chapter of lessons learned: essential insights for stabilizing the economy and avoiding pitfalls. Distinguishing genuine innovation from dangerous copycats Crafting sustainable financial innovations that add value and manage risk The best tools for the job: choosing them, customizing them, using them Selecting the right instruments and structures, and making the most of them Financial innovations for business, housing, and medical research Finding new and better ways to promote entrepreneurship and advance social goals Innovating to save the planet and help humanity The power of finance to protect natural resources and alleviate global poverty This is the first in a new series of books on financial innovation, published through a collaboration between Wharton School Publishing and the Milken Institute. Future titles will focus on specific policy areas such as housing and medical research. The Milken Institute is an independent economic think tank whose mission is to improve the lives and economic conditions of diverse populations in the United States and around the world by helping business and public policy leaders identify and implement innovative ideas for creating broad-based prosperity. It puts research to work with the goal of revitalizing regions and finding new ways to generate capital for people with original ideas.
Financing the Future explains how the unique governance arrangements and financial model of Multilateral Development Banks (MDB) shape their behavior. Outlining a theoretical framework suitable to the 30-odd MDBs around the world, the book uses this to show how different sets of MDBs are grappling with the challenges of the 21st century. This is the first book to explain the core of the MDB model as a unique class of international institution and shows how that model is playing out the traditional large MDBs, smaller borrower-led banks, and the two new MDBs recently created with the support of China. The combination of an original theoretical approach, rich quantitative and qualitative empirics, and clear writing means this book will appeal to both academic and practitioner audiences.
Digital transformation is revolutionising economies and societies with rapid technological advances in AI, robotics and the Internet of Things. Low and middle-income countries are struggling to gain a foothold in the global digital economy in the face of limited digital capacity, skills, and fragmented global and regional rules.
For a long time the topic of national development banks was limited to a debate between admirers and detractors of these institutions, often inserted into a more general debate of state versus markets. Since the 2007/8 North Atlantic financial crisis however, interest and support for these institutions has broadly increased in both developing and developed countries. Key issues such as understanding how development banks work, what their main aims are, and what their links with the private financial and corporate sector are have come to the forefront, and there is an increased interest in what instruments, incentives, and governance work better in general and in particular contexts. The Future of National Development Banks provides an in-depth study of several key examples of these institutions based in Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Germany, Mexico, and Peru. It explores horizontal issues such as their role in innovation and structural change, sustainable infrastructure financing, financial inclusion, and regulatory rules. It provides both research and policy-oriented perspectives on how these banks can make a significant contribution to a countries' development, and analyses their roles within broader economic policy, their governance, and the main instruments they use to perform their function. The Future of National Development Banks has important policy implications for countries that have these institutions and can improve them, and countries that do not have them yet and can learn from best practice.
Market placements backed by future receivables can allow public and private sector entities in a developing country to escape the sovereign credit ceiling and raise lower-cost financing from international capital markets. If planned and executied ahead of time, such transactions can sustain external financing even during a crisis.
The COVID-19 pandemic has uncovered major weaknesses in our global system. It has shown beyond doubt how the prevalence of poverty, weak health systems, lack of cducation, and above all sub-optimal global coopcration is aggravating the crisis. Be- sides its immcdiatc impact on hcalth, the socio-cconomic conscqucnces of the pan-demic are likcly to be felt by cconomic actors all over the world, and the populations of developing countries and economies in transition are expected to be among those most vulnerable to suffer from COVID-19-related challenges. The economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic has also left its mark on Sustainable Development financing. Financing Sustainable Developmment is critical for the future of the countries of the Global South. These countries are dependent on a single source of financing i.e. the ODAs from thec developed Global North. It is estimated that the financing gap betwecn the pre and post pandemic times could increase by a whopping 70 pcrccnt, owing to the fall in ODAs as a result of poor growth outlook in the devcoped countrics. 'The retreat from globalisation and the devastating impact of the pandemic on global economic growth needs to be dealt with an alternate strategy for financing Sustainable Development. The post-pandemic development finance needs to tap into muliple sources of financing that might include the public domestic resources, private sector linance, ODA from other governmens and philanthropies, remittances and South-South lows. This book is an outcome of the first of its kind e-conference in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, tackling the qucstions of cconomic growth recovery in the Global South and financing sustainable dcvclopment among the poor and vulncrable commu-nities of the Global South. Prof.(Dr.) Hebatallah Adam is Associate Professor, Assistant Dean for Acadcmic Affairs of Jindal School of International Affairs ISIA) and Executive director of Jindal Centre for the Global South O.P.Jindal Global University, Haryana - India. She is affiliated as well to the Department of Economics, Faculty of Business, Ain Shams University Cairo-Egypt where she has acquired more than 17 years of research and academic leaching experience.
For a long time the topic of national development banks was limited to a debate between admirers and detractors of these institutions, often inserted into a more general debate of state versus markets. Since the 2007/8 North Atlantic financial crisis however, interest and support for these institutions has broadly increased in both developing and developed countries. Key issues such as understanding how development banks work, what their main aims are, and what their links with the private financial and corporate sector are have come to the forefront, and there is an increased interest in what instruments, incentives, and governance work better in general and in particular contexts. The Future of National Development Banks provides an in-depth study of several key examples of these institutions based in Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Germany, Mexico, and Peru. It explores horizontal issues such as their role in innovation and structural change, sustainable infrastructure financing, financial inclusion, and regulatory rules. It provides both research and policy-oriented perspectives on how these banks can make a significant contribution to a countries' development, and analyses their roles within broader economic policy, their governance, and the main instruments they use to perform their function. The Future of National Development Banks has important policy implications for countries that have these institutions and can improve them, and countries that do not have them yet and can learn from best practice.
Developing countries need additional, cross-border capital channeled into their private sectors to generate employment and growth, reduce poverty, and meet the other Millennium Development Goals. Innovative financing mechanisms are necessary to make this happen. 'Innovative Financing for Development' is the first book on this subject that uses a market-based approach. It compiles pioneering methods of raising development finance including securitization of future flow receivables, diaspora bonds, and GDP-indexed bonds. It also highlights the role of shadow sovereign ratings in facilitating access to international capital markets. It argues that poor countries, especially those in Sub-Saharan Africa, can potentially raise tens of billions of dollars annually through these instruments. The chapters in the book focus on the structures of the various innovative financing mechanisms, their track records and potential for tapping international capital markets, the constraints limiting their use, and policy measures that governments and international institutions can implement to alleviate these constraints.