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"The Fortunate Foundlings" by Eliza Haywood is a novel that has charmed its readers for many years. Opening with a gentleman finding orphaned children, the story follows the heartwarming journey this new, found family takes in growing to love and care for one another. It also shows how, with just a little luck, one's life can truly change.
It was in the ever memorable year 1688 that a gentleman whose real name we think proper to conceal under that of Dorilaus returned from visiting most of the polite courts of Europe in which he had passed some time divided between pleasure and improvement.
"The Fortunate Foundlings" is a picaresque novel from 1744 featuring twins Horatio and Louisa, whose journey in the world differs because of their gender. They were both abandoned in infancy and adopted, but soon leave their carer to go off on their one. Whilst Louisa must fight to preserve her virtue in a man’s world, her brother joins the army. This is an eighteenth century rollercoaster - action packed, passionate, melodramatic, and at times unashamedly sentimental. Eliza Haywood (1693– 1756), née Elizabeth Fowler, was a British author, actress and publisher, who was rediscovered in the 1980s. Little is known about the author, who herself left conflicting information about her life, and was extremely secretive about her personal life. She was a prolific author of romances and other novel’s focusing on women’s point of views, status, and rights. Among her most famous works are "Love in Excess; Or, The Fatal Enquiry" (1720), "Fantomina; Or Love in a Maze" (1725) and "The Anti-Pamela; Or Feign’d Innocence Detected" (1741). Haywood is an important figure of 18th century literature.
The many Fictions which have been lately imposed upon the World, under the specious Titles of Secret Histories, Memoirs, &c. &c. have given but too much room to question the Veracity of every Thing that has the least Tendency that way: We therefore think it highly necessary to assure the Reader, that he will find nothing in the following Sheets, but what has been collected from Original Letters, Private Memorandums, and the Accounts we have been favoured with from the Mouths of Persons too deeply concerned in many of the chief Transactions not to be perfectly acquainted with the Truth, and of too much Honour and Integrity to put any false Colours upon it.