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The Fortuitous Teacher: A Guide to Successful One-Shot Library Instruction discusses how librarians have become accidental teachers in the academic university setting. It covers how (if at all) librarians are prepared by MILS programs to teach, compares typical characteristics of teachers versus librarians, and presents tactics on how to learn effective teaching skills on the job. In addition, readers will learn about the history of library instruction, the different types of library instruction, and the dynamics of one-shot library instruction, classroom culture, faculty buy-in, and collaboration. Examines how MILS programs prepare librarians to teach Compares the typical characteristics of effective teachers and librarians Offers advice for new academic librarians who take on the role of classroom teacher Explores future trends in library instruction and how to apply this to one-shot instruction sessions
We have all experienced fortuitous encounters--those moments in our lives--where a person, place, or thing caused our lives to change in a more positive direction. Our lives are full of what some have called serendipity, strange acts of fortune or causeless miracles. A favorite teacher inspires our choice of career, a chance encounter develops into love, marriage, and a new family. At the time we are most in need of a friend, one appears in our lives. We look at a mountain or the ocean and find meaning and peace, we read a book and an idea is planted in our brains that provides the wisdom we seek. The ability to experience fortuitous encounters is key to learning and growth. The more fortuitous encounters someone has, the better the odds are the person is successful and happy. While fortuitous encounters are by their very nature a product of chance that is beyond our ability to control, Davis and Spears strongly believe, as did Pasteur, that "chance favors only the prepared mind." The intention is not to try to explain chance, or divine intervention in this book, but simply to help the reader, whatever their core beliefs, to understand the power of fortuitous encounters. In this book, you will read firsthand reports of fortuitous encounters of many kinds. These true stories can help you to learn how to prepare yourself to experience your own fortuitous encounters, and experience a lifetime of learning and growth. This wise book will serve as a great companion to help you stay awake to the fortuitous people, places, and things that ultimately shape your days and your life. +
A revised edition of this book on teacher incompetence which, using research information, offers an analysis of the types of administrative response: tolerance of poor performance, salvage attempts and induced exits.
This book takes as its focus the key interactionist concept of ‘strategy’, a concept fundamental to many current concerns in the sociology of the school, including the understanding of the links between society and the individual, a more accurate description of certain areas of school life and implications for the practice of teaching. ‘Strategy’ bears on all these issues. It concerns both goals, and ways of achieving them and short-term, immediate aims as well as long-term ones. The essays in this book share a common concern with teacher strategies, emphasizing the discovery of intentions and motives, alternative definitions of situations and the hidden rules that guide our behaviour. Amongst the areas investigated are the influence of factors outside the school in determining the role of the teacher, and the nature and influence of teacher commitment. The implications for practical action and policy making are stressed throughout, and by recognising and exploring the constraints and influences that operate on teachers, this work constructs a realistic appraisal of the teaching situation.
The second book in this series, Impacting Teaching and Learning: Contemplative Practices, Pedagogy, and Research in Education, demonstrates research-based practices from a variety of teacher education programs, bringing together a rich collection of voices from diverse settings. All of the authors in this book share their research investigating the varied ways learners respond to contemplative practices, and the skills and dispositions that contemplative practices cultivate in preservice teachers. Authors explore challenges faced institutionally, with students, and personnel.