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Over 50% of known flaviviruses have been associated with human disease. The Flavivirus genus constitutes some of the most serious human pathogens including Japanese encephalitis, dengue and yellow fever. Flaviviruses are known for their complex life cycles and epidemic spread, and are considered a globally-emergent viral threat.Pathogenesis and Immunity, the second volume of The Flaviviruses, examines the processes by which the flaviviruses cause disease, the different cytopathic effects and the associated immunopathological responses produced in their hosts. * Comprehensive approach to the scientific disciplines needed to unravle the complexities of virus-host interactions.* New, detailed information on the pathogenesis and immunology of the Flavivirus family.* Descibes the technologies that have contributed to our current knowledge about the Flaviviruses.* Identifies the major problems faced in attempting to further understand the virus-host interactions that result in disease.* An exhaustive compendium of current and past knowledge on the Flavivirus family
This text provides a coherent and concise introduction to the field of viral pathogenesis and immunity. The text is divided into four sections which highlight the fundamental principles within this field of study. Section 1, Essentials of Viral Pathogenesis, describes the sequential events in viral infection, the localization of viral infections and the variety of virus-cell interactions. Section 2, Host Responses to Viral Infection, examines immune responses including virus-induced immunopathology and immunosuppression. Section 3, Virus-Host Interactions, covers virulence, viral persistence, virus-induced oncogenesis and host susceptibility. Section 4, Prevention of Viral Infections, explains the key principles of vaccine development.
The publication of this volume of The Viruses entitled The Togaviridae and Flaviviridae comes at an appropriate time. The structure and rep lication strategies of these viruses are now known to be sufficiently di verse to warrant the removal of flaviviruses from the Togaviridae family and establish them as an independent family. Flaviviridae have a special place in the history of virology. The prototype virus-yellow fever virus was the first virus to be identified as the cause of a human disease. Some of the history of this discovery is described in Chapter 1 of this volume; in Chapter 10 the complete sequence of the RNA genome of the virus is presented. This sequence not only defines the primary structure of the viral proteins, it also clarifies the mechanism of translation of the fla vivirus genome. Knowledge of the sequence of the structural proteins of these viruses represents an important step in the potential goal of using purified flavivirus glycoproteins as vaccines. Many of the chapters in this volume focus on the structure and replication of the Togaviridae. These viruses have provided valuable models for studies in cell biology, partic ularly with regard to the cotranslational and posttranslational steps re quired for the synthesis and localization of membrane glycoproteins. Fur thermore, Togaviridae have been pivotal in our growing understanding of how enveloped viruses enter and exit from cells. The broad outlines of the structure and gene expression of Togavir idae and Flaviviridae are known, but important questions remain.
Over 50% of known flaviviruses have been associated with human disease. The Flavivirus genus constitutes some of the most serious human pathogens including Japanese encephalitis, dengue and yellow fever. Flaviviruses are known for their complex life cycles and epidemic spread, and are considered a globally-emergent viral threat. Detection, Diagnosis and Vaccine Development, the third volume of The Flaviviruses details the current status of technologies for detection and differentiation of these viruses, their use in surveillance and outbreak investigation, and also reviews the latest clinical research. Comprehensive approach to the scientific disciplines needed to unravle the complexities of virus-host interactions Descibes the technologies that have contributed to our current knowledge about the Flaviviruses Identifies the major problems faced in understanding the virus-host interactins that result in disease An exhaustive compendium of current and past knowledge on the Flavivirus family
Der neue Band aus der Reihe International Society of Neuropathology wurde anlässlich der British Medical Association (BMA) Awards 2019 wärmstens empfohlen. Die Herausgeber sind Experten des Fachgebiets und beschreiben Infektionen des Nervensystems mit ihren klinischen, pathologischen und genetischen Eigenheiten. Auch seltene Erkrankungen werden in übersichtlichen Kapiteln erläutert, zusammen mit Definitionen, mikrobiologischen Eigenschaften, Epidemiologie, klinischen Ausprägungen, Labortests, Pathologie, Genetik und Behandlungsoptionen.
Japanese encephalitis and West Nile viruses are members of the Japanese encephalitis serological group of the genus Flavivirus and therefore closely related genetically and antigenically. They share a number of properties, including the use of birds as their major wildlife maintenance host and Culicine mosquitoes for transmission, and they are both associated with severe human disease, as well as fatal infections in horses. The emergence of these two viruses, and their well-established propensity to colonise new areas, make it timely to re-examine their ecology, biology, molecular structure, replication and epidemiology, and these therefore provide the focus of this volume.
Viral Pathogenesis: From Basics to Systems Biology, Third Edition, has been thoroughly updated to cover topical advances in the evolving field of viral pathogenesis, while also providing the requisite classic foundational information for which it is recognized. The book provides key coverage of the newfound ability to profile molecular events on a system-wide scale, which has led to a deeper understanding of virus-host interactions, host signaling and molecular-interaction networks, and the role of host genetics in determining disease outcome. In addition, the content has been augmented with short chapters on seminal breakthroughs and profiles of their progenitors, as well as short commentaries on important or controversial issues in the field. Thus, the reader will be given a view of virology research with perspectives on issues such as biomedical ethics, public health policy, and human health. In summary, the third edition will give the student a sense of the exciting new perspectives on viral pathogenesis that have been provided by recent developments in genomics, computation, modeling, and systems biology. Covers all aspects of viral infection, including viral entry, replication, and release, as well as innate and adaptive immunity and viral pathogenesis Provides a fresh perspective on the approaches used to understand how viruses cause disease Features molecular profiling techniques, whole genome sequencing, and innovative computational methods Highlights the use of contemporary approaches and the insights they provide to the field
[Truncate abstract] Flaviviruses are small, positive-stranded RNA viruses belonging to the family Flaviviridae. Flavivirus infection in humans could cause diseases ranging from febrile illnesses to fatal encephalitis. Mice provide a useful small animal model to study flavivirus-induced encephalitis in humans since mice also develop encephalitis during flavivirus infection. Some strains of mice have been shown to be resistant to flavivirus challenge and this resistance is conferred by a single autosomal dominant gene, designated as Flvr. Recently, OAS1b gene has been identified to be a gene candidate for Flvr. Several congenic resistant mouse strains have been developed by introducing resistance genes from outbred or wild mice onto the genetic background of susceptible C3H mice. These new resistant strains that carry different allelic variants at the Flv locus include C3H/PRI-Flvr (RV), C3H.MOLD-Flvmr (MOLD) and C3H.M.domesticus-Flvr-like (DUB), the latter two being developed in the same laboratory in which the work described in this thesis was accomplished. Preliminary studies in this laboratory found that flavivirus resistant mice are vulnerable to certain flavivirus infections, particularly when challenged by intracerebral (i.c.) route. Intracerebral (i.c.) challenge with flaviviruses such as West Nile virus (WNV) Sarafend strain and Kunjin virus (KUNV) MRM16 strain were found to induce high mortality in flavivirus resistant mice while infection with Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVEV) OR2 strain did not cause any apparent disease in the same mice. ... Thus, it can be concluded that CD8+ T cells exerted harmful effect to resistant DUB mice during KUNV i.c. infection by producing excessive IFN[gamma] that could be toxic, causing functional loss of the CNS cells. It was shown from in vitro studies that WNV had the highest tropism for macrophages and dendritic cells, followed by KUNV. MVEV however did not replicate well in these cells. This combined with the data from the in vivo studies indicates that macrophages might be involved in the pathogenesis of intraperitoneal (i.p.) infection of WNV but not KUNV and MVEV. The reason for this could be that the production of KUNV in macrophages may not be high enough to induce viraemia and subsequent fatal encephalitis in mice. In contrast, MVEV appears to use different mechanism or cells for virus dissemination. Although macrophages may not be involved in KUNV pathogenesis after i.p. infection, the fact that macrophages support KUNV replication in vitro may indicate the possibility that blood-borne macrophages were recruited to the brain where they can get infected with KUNV during i.c. infection and therefore could participate in KUNV pathogenesis in DUB mice. This study provides evidence for the first time on the detrimental effect of host antiviral immunity and inflammatory mediators during flavivirus i.c. infection in resistant mice. However, it also launches a new question on the selective cell tropism of KUNV versus MVEV responsible for inducing different pattern of immune responses and consequently leading to different outcomes of infection in resistant mice.
Structural Biology in Immunology, Structure/Function of Novel Molecules of Immunologic Importance delivers important information on the structure and functional relationships in novel molecules of immunologic interest. Due to an increasingly sophisticated understanding of the immune system, the approach to the treatment of many immune-mediated diseases, including multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease has been dramatically altered. Furthermore, there is an increasing awareness of the critical role of the immune system in cancer biology. The improved central structure function relationships presented in this book will further enhance our ability to understand what defects in normal individuals can lead to disease. Describes novel/recently discovered immunomodulatory proteins, including antibodies and co-stimulatory or co-inhibitory molecules Emphasizes new biologic and small molecule drug design through the exploration of structure-function relationship Features a collaborative editorial effort, involving clinical immunologists and structural biologists Provides useful and practical insights on developing the necessary links between basic science and clinical therapy in immunology Gives interested parties a bridge to learn about computer modeling and structure based design principles