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Use the powerful spiritual principles of Chinese Medicine to discover your personality type and bring balance to all areas of your life with this practical, solution-oriented book from expert Jean Haner. The ancient Chinese discovered a secret that remains little-known in the West to this day: the map of how your life is meant to work. And just like an acupuncturist treats energy points in the body to heal you physically, this book will show you how to make tiny changes in your everyday activities to heal your life when it's not working for you. Based on the traditional wisdom of the Chinese Five Elements-Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal-the quizzes and step-by-step guidance in this book will help you discover how to solve problems in ways that fit your unique personality type. Drawing from over 30 years of experience, Jean Haner offers specific strategies from the spiritual side of Chinese medicine to help you create true and effective change. With short-term practices and select activities, such as aligning with your "magic hours," new ways of clearing clutter, and even adding certain colors and foods to your life, you can get solutions for any problem at three different levels-simple remedies, full prescriptions, and a five-week "reboot" plan-to get your entire life moving in the right direction again.
Use the powerful spiritual principles of Chinese Medicine to discover your personality type and bring balance to all areas of your life with this practical, solution-oriented book from expert Jean Haner. The ancient Chinese discovered a secret that remains little-known in the West to this day: the map of how your life is meant to work. And just like an acupuncturist treats energy points in the body to heal you physically, this book will show you how to make tiny changes in your everyday activities to heal your life when it's not working for you. Based on the traditional wisdom of the Chinese Five Elements-Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal-the quizzes and step-by-step guidance in this book will help you discover how to solve problems in ways that fit your unique personality type. Drawing from over 30 years of experience, Jean Haner offers specific strategies from the spiritual side of Chinese medicine to help you create true and effective change. With short-term practices and select activities, such as aligning with your "magic hours," new ways of clearing clutter, and even adding certain colors and foods to your life, you can get solutions for any problem at three different levels-simple remedies, full prescriptions, and a five-week "reboot" plan-to get your entire life moving in the right direction again.
What if you could tell, just by looking at others, how they tend to think, feel, and behave? What if your partner's face revealed the best way to resolve any conflicts between you? And what if you could discover in your own face the wisdom that you need in order to be your true self? Based on the same ancient foundation as acupuncture and Chinese medicine, face reading has been in the ''research and development'' phase for over 3,000 years. When translated to make it meaningful for our Western lives, it's a powerful source of wisdom that we can all access. Chinese face reading shows you how to live your life in alignment with your own natural flow, find the life path that gives you joy, attract relationships that nurture you, and most of all, enable you to feel compassion for yourself and others. This book will forever change how you see yourself . . . and all the people in your life!
Offers real-life stories, items, and methods that allow for a deeper understanding of any issue, provide the power to use failure as a step toward success, and develop a habit of creating probing questions.
The theory of the Five Elements, which has been employed for over 6000 years, serves as an age-old framework aimed at averting illness and enhancing overall well-being. Presently, it continues to be the foundational concept shaping the realm of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This enduring concept, the Five Elements, proves to be an indispensable asset for promoting health and vitality. TCM practitioners leverage this ancient theory to delve beyond mere symptom management, allowing them to effectively identify and address the underlying root causes of health issues. The Five Elements theory, deeply ingrained in the fabric of TCM, provides a comprehensive understanding of the interconnectedness between various aspects of health. By tapping into this holistic approach, practitioners can tailor their interventions to not only alleviate symptoms but also foster a more profound and enduring state of well-being. In essence, the enduring relevance of the Five Elements theory underscores its significance as a timeless guide in the pursuit of optimal health. Its enduring legacy attests to its efficacy as a tool for comprehensively addressing health concerns, making it an integral aspect of the holistic approach embraced by Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners.
The Five Elements brings the wisdom of an ancient healing system to modern readers, helping them understand themselves--why they do what they do--better. Dondi Dahlin shows us that we are all born with individual rhythms that go beyond the influence of our genes and upbringing. The five elements originated in ancient Chinese medicine over 2,000 years ago--when scholars theorized that the universe is composed of five forces: water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. Understanding these elements helps us stay in balance physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. By explaining the efficacy of wood, the depth of water, the joy of fire, the compassion of earth, and the wisdom of metal, this book helps people understand themselves and form lasting connections to others, answering the age-old question of why we do what we do.
An accessible introduction to the finite element method for solving numeric problems, this volume offers the keys to an important technique in computational mathematics. Suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses, it outlines clear connections with applications and considers numerous examples from a variety of science- and engineering-related specialties.This text encompasses all varieties of the basic linear partial differential equations, including elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic problems, as well as stationary and time-dependent problems. Additional topics include finite element methods for integral equations, an introduction to nonlinear problems, and considerations of unique developments of finite element techniques related to parabolic problems, including methods for automatic time step control. The relevant mathematics are expressed in non-technical terms whenever possible, in the interests of keeping the treatment accessible to a majority of students.
On the day you were born, you were imprinted with a plan and a purpose – elegant patterns that can be read to see who you really are and what your true calling is. And like your own personal map, the design for each phase of your life journey was created on the day of your birth. Based on ancient Chinese principles of balance and health, this book gives you a rich understanding of your hidden symmetry – the intricate inner design that influences who you are and how your life unfolds. This book is not about astrology or numerology; it is grounded in thousands of years of research about how time moves in natural patterns that profoundly affect you. You can use this knowledge to discover the themes running through your life experience, tap into your core strengths, find lasting love, and do your best work in the world. Jean Haner shows you how to ride the waves instead of fight the current of your life, make the best use of what’s coming in future years, and understand why things happened as they did in the past. Jean will guide you to discover who you really came here to be, recognize the true nature of everyone you meet, and break free of old limitations – to create a life of conscious vitality, joy, ease, and love!
This book is a tutorial written by researchers and developers behind the FEniCS Project and explores an advanced, expressive approach to the development of mathematical software. The presentation spans mathematical background, software design and the use of FEniCS in applications. Theoretical aspects are complemented with computer code which is available as free/open source software. The book begins with a special introductory tutorial for beginners. Following are chapters in Part I addressing fundamental aspects of the approach to automating the creation of finite element solvers. Chapters in Part II address the design and implementation of the FEnicS software. Chapters in Part III present the application of FEniCS to a wide range of applications, including fluid flow, solid mechanics, electromagnetics and geophysics.
Have you ever entered a room and it just didn’t feel right, yet you couldn’t explain why? Do you sense a natural comfort with some people but are immediately stressed by others? The truth is that we’re all influenced far more than we realize by the invisible energy of the people and places around us. This, along with difficult experiences in your past that still weigh you down, can keep you from being a creative force in your life. Clearing is a gentle but powerful way to release the old stress you’re still carrying from your life history, as well as transform how you’re affected by the energy around you each day. Many people experience immediate shifts in their energy during a clearing, and significant change often unfolds in the days and weeks afterward. In fact, clearing has even been described as "accelerated meditation" because it can lead to a sense of calm and happiness that typically results only after years of a mindfulness practice. In this simple, elegant guide, Jean Haner teaches you, in easy-to-follow steps, how to clear your own energy or that of any person, as well as bring harmony to the energy of the spaces you inhabit, so you can reclaim your vitality and joy, and open up infinite new possibilities in life. Healers, intuitives, energy workers, highly sensitive people, and anyone who just wants to optimize their energy and live their best life will find this to be the perfect training. Jean refines energy clearing to its pure essence—the power of the compassionate heart!