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This book contains the mysteries written in the book of Revelation concerning the Seals, Vials, and Trumpets. Also the times in which they are fulfilled and the times forth coming. And the deep and hidden things from the times of old. That there is a God thats not only watching, but also performing an awesome work before us (mankind) and those who are watching and influencing us. The parables of Christ will begin to take on new meaning as to the times and seasons of our world. As well as whats coming, which will change the earth as we know it. This book also contains a former and latter writings which took 22 years for its completion. This book also gives prophecies concerning the years to follow as well as the knowledge and technology which is forth coming and destine for our generation. And if that was not enough, this book also reveals the key to the understanding of the Unified Field Theory which Albert Einstein was unable to finish in his life time. And to date it has been cast off and replaced with other concepts which he himself rejected. Because he knew that there is a Unity Theory that would apply to these fields together, because they are liken to one another and must have a common link to their characteristics. This in turn would open a whole new concept that will usher in a knowledge and an awesome Technology that our mind has never even considered before.
The final book of the Bible, Revelation prophesies the ultimate judgement of mankind in a series of allegorical visions, grisly images and numerological predictions. According to these, empires will fall, the "Beast" will be destroyed and Christ will rule a new Jerusalem. With an introduction by Will Self.
Many Christians think of end times prophecy as a gigantic, intimidating puzzle -- difficult to piece together and impossible to figure out. But every puzzle can be solved if you approach it the right way. Paul Benware compares prophecy to a picture puzzle. Putting the edge pieces together first builds the 'framework' that makes it easier to fit the other pieces in their place. According to Benware, the framework for eschatology is the biblical covenants. He begins his comprehensive survey by explaining the major covenants. Then he discusses several different interpretations of end times prophecy. Benware digs into the details of the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, the judgements and resurrections, and the millennial kingdom. But he also adds a unique, personal element to the study, answering questions as: -Why study bible prophecy? -What difference does it make if I'm premillenial or amillenial? If what the Bible says about the future puzzles you, Understanding End Times Prophecy will help you put together the pieces and see the big picture.
What does Revelation really mean? Writers in the past have tried to use their own understanding to explain Revelation instead of using the Bible. The result is complicated, confusing and difficult to understand. The explanation in this book relies on the scriptures. There are no complicated verses to connect together, no going here and there for answers. This book puts the scriptures right in front of you so you can see for yourself if what is said is right.
The identity of the Two Witnesses, and when they shall appear upon the prophetic scene, takes an eschatological back seat to what they actually do. We have entered the cosmic courtroom of the Almighty--this is the purpose of John's Revelation. The Lamb is coming in judgment and His judgment is altogether righteous; however, prior to the verdict and subsequent sentencing, the witnesses must come forth to testify--literally to prophesy. They are not the accused. They are the plaintiffs. These witnesses have been compiling evidence nigh 4,000 years against an implacable foe who knows he has but a short time. It is time to present the facts. Why? Because literally millions have paid with their very lives. These are the slain--martyred; whose blood cries out from beneath the altar to be avenged. On trial is a thief and a robber, a murderer from the very beginning of history--one who came to steal, to kill and to destroy. He has done everything imaginable to intimidate the witnesses, lest he be convicted of his high crimes and misdemeanors against God and humankind. His identity is known to all. The trial, although taking place for centuries wherein scores of testimonies have been given by countless souls from every tribe, nation, tongue, people and even from kings against this Destroyer and Desolator--has entered its formidable and final seven-year phase. Alas! From the murky abyss arises a figure to accuse the brethren one more time--but they are not on trial--the Devil, Satan, the Dragon, the Beast and False Prophet are and all they "who dwell on the earth" are on trial. It will appear throughout this text that fear and intimidation--you can call it "witness tampering to the uttermost" will and has been incessantly used by this crafty deceiver who repeatedly either murdered the faithful followers or tried to bribe them from giving testimony against his evil cabal. The word for "witness" in the Bible's Greek has its root in the word "martyr" - for these witnesses upon giving the culmination of their testimony against the Wicked One's Great City, Babylon . . . against his apostate religious, exploitative commercial and corrupted political system know full-well that if they do so, and they most definitely will, they most likely will have to pay with their lives, so costly will be their disclosures. But they know, as well, a "great cloud of witnesses" have gone on before them; many perished for the same reasons and many of them survived his onslaughts.Eventually, the witnesses are as prophets; willing to tell all and to persuade multitudes to believe there's a better life beyond this temporal pale where true justice and lasting peace abides forevermore."The Two Witnesses" are bigger than life. The closer you move into their history, past, present and future, you inevitably discover that without their unmitigated testimony and final flurry of intimidation, along with their willingness to lay down their lives, if need be, to gain that final climactic verdict, sentence and execution against their foe . . . the more you realize it was worth it all: "Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?"This is not an easy read--it is a theological bombshell whose ramifications at the close of this age are staggering. Today, the Two Olive Trees and the Two Lampstands, so identified as these Two Prophets, Two Witnesses, in Revelation 11, are engaged in a divine drama whose end was prophesied nearly 4,000 years ago, and some say nigh 6,000 years. These two volumes may constitute the magnum opus of Israel and the Church in the Latter Days. The Court is calling forth His witnesses . . . and wouldn't you know it: You might be one of them! Now's no time to run from it--you can't you've been subpoenaed to testify and there's no turning back. You will testify for some 1,260 days with power and authority. Will the witnesses tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? YES!
The author argues that the idea of witness is a live metaphor in the New Testament, to be understood in terms of the Old Testament legal assembly, though the Greek lawcourts are also relevant. Professor Trites contends that this idea of witness in relation to Christ and his gospel plays an essential part in the New Testament and in Christian faith and life generally.
The Sealed Portion-Another Testament of Jesus Christ is the second part of the Book of Mormon, which millions of people throughout the world accept as the word of God along with the Bible. Joseph Smith, Jr. (1830), the founder of the Mormon faith, claimed to have received gold plates from an angel of God named Moroni. When he received the plates, Smith relates that 2/3 of them were sealed. The angel Moroni commanded him not to break the seals, but to translate only the portion of the plates that was unsealed. It was prophesied that the sealed portion of the plates would one day be given to the people of the world. Using two stones called the Urim and Thummim, Joseph Smith translated the unsealed portion. Before returning the plates to the angel Moroni, Joseph showed them to several others. These men gave their personal testimony as witnesses to the existence of the plates and to the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. Claiming to have received the same instructions to translate the sealed portion of the gold plates, an obscure man, once an active member of the LDS faith, who goes only by the name of Christopher, has published the remaining sealed portion. Though others have made similar claims before him, none has ever testified that he received the Urim and Thummim that was prepared by God to translate the plates, and none has made claim that he has received the exact same gold plates that were in Joseph Smith's possession-except for Christopher. This book is a result of that translation. The Sealed Portion-The Final Testament of Jesus Christ, written by Moroni, relates the vision seen by the Brother of Jared. Within the pages, the entire history of mankind is covered. It begins with the kingdom where the spirits of the children of men were first created, and continues through until the end of the millennium, when the earth will be restored to a state similar to the garden of Eden, and the planets will be prepared as the degrees of glory in the kingdom of God. The most accurate and precise account ever given of the life of Christ is contained within the pages, including his early years with his family, his youth, baptism, marriages, mission, and death. Moroni explains the atonement, the LDS temple endowment, and some of the hidden symbolism of the book of Revelation. He recounts the prophets Ubaid, Zarathustra, Antioch, Socrates, Sythipian, Mohammad, and Joseph Smith, Jr., among others. The histories of the Egyptians, Hittites, Babylonians, Romans, and Americans are also covered. Also given is the in-depth and beautiful description of Jesus' intercessory prayer among the Nephites and the Lamanites on the American continent. Along with the translation of the sealed portion, the first part of the gold plates that was translated by Joseph Smith, Jr. and subsequently lost by his scribe, Martin Harris, is also included in this extraordinary work. This part is known as the Book of Lehi (the lost 116-page manuscript). The full text of Joseph Smith's reported First Vision, in which he claims to have been visited by God the Father and Jesus Christ, is also included in the book. The reader is lead from blindness into the light as he or she discovers the truths written within these pages.