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As Louise Brown—the first baby conceived by in vitro fertilization—celebrates her 30th birthday, Margaret Marsh and Wanda Ronner tell the fascinating story of the man who first showed that human in vitro fertilization was possible. John Rock spent his career studying human reproduction. The first researcher to fertilize a human egg in vitro in the 1940s, he became the nation’s leading figure in the treatment of infertility, his clinic serving rich and poor alike. In the 1950s he joined forces with Gregory Pincus to develop oral contraceptives and in the 1960s enjoyed international celebrity for his promotion of the pill and his campaign to persuade the Catholic Church to accept it. Rock became a more controversial figure by the 1970s, as conservative Christians argued that his embryo studies were immoral and feminist activists contended that he had taken advantage of the clinic patients who had participated in these studies as research subjects. Marsh and Ronner’s nuanced account sheds light on the man behind the brilliant career. They tell the story of a directionless young man, a saloon keeper’s son, who began his working life as a timekeeper on a Guatemalan banana plantation and later became one of the most recognized figures of the twentieth century. They portray his medical practice from the perspective of his patients, who ranged from the wives of laborers to Hollywood film stars. The first scholars to have access to Rock’s personal papers, Marsh and Ronner offer a compelling look at a man whose work defined the reproductive revolution, with its dual developments in contraception and technologically assisted conception.
Give yourself the best-possible odds for getting pregnant and having a baby with this concise, expert, and encouraging companion as your guide! In the only general guide to infertility written by a medical doctor who specializes in the subject, Mark Trolice, MD—who is board-certified in both OB/GYN and REI (Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility)—shares the practical knowledge he has gained from working in infertility medicine for years, with many hundreds of patients, alongwith the warmth and wisdom he has acquired from getting to know prospective parents from all kind of backgrounds. The journey from infertility to fertility, from childlessness to a brand-new baby, can be long and arduous. It involves complicated medical diagnoses, a wide range of treatment options, a host of potential lifestyle changes, lots of emotional ups and downs, and—even with the best medical insurance—challenging financial decisions. Your doctors cannot decide everything for you, and that is why an authoritative and comprehensive book, written in clear and understandable language for the layperson, is essential. This is that book. The book opens with an exploration of all the possible causes of infertility, covering both couples who have never been pregnant and ones who have had recurrent losses of pregnancies. Unique among infertility guides, this volume gives roughly equal weight to male and female causes, which is important because about 40% of infertility cases are due to men's issues—and some couples need to address issues in both the prospective mother and prospective father. It covers endometriosis, fibroids, POS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), tubal factor, male factor, and other possible causes. Next it looks at your treatment options. Importantly, these are not just medical interventions, but they also include lifestyle changes you alone can make, involving sleep, diet, exercise, and other forms of self-care. Among medical options, IUI (Intrauterine Insemination), IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), and various surgical procedures are covered in detail. Some couples are lucky to have a short journey to fertility. For others, the process takes years. With a gentle and sure hand, and non-judgmentally, Dr. Trolice guides you through the many decisions you need to make along the way, such as whether or not to continue treatments, whether to change practitioners or treatments, and whether it is a good idea to continue to spend money on procedures not covered by your insurance. He understands that these are emotionally weighty decisions that involve the future of your family, and he provides ample grounds for optimism and hope, empowering you as you take this journey.
Conception - A Fertility Doctor's Memoir will describe the history of IVF and the world it made from someone who has been practicing since its earliest days. It will describe how Dr. Merle Berger first got interested in becoming a doctor, then an obstetrician and gynecologist and finally a specialist in reproductive medicine and infertility as well as a fierce woman's health care advocate. The book will give readers necessary perspective on where this medical technology came from and how quickly it has advanced, and it will lay out many of the ethical conundrums we will face in the coming decades. It will appeal to anyone who has considered IVF in the past 40 years, and those who wonder if they will ever need it in the future. It will also likely appeal to those who have reservations about assisted reproduction and how it has so dramatically moved a fundamental human act out of the bedroom and into the lab, even as it has stoked our fears about designer babies. Conception will help people to understand the headlines we read every day about egg-freezing technology and the way in which celebrities over 45 get pregnant. (Hint: they use donor eggs.) It will make readers fluent in the technologies that will shape reproduction in the coming decades. It will more fully trace the way in which sex was decoupled from reproduction in the 20th century, and it will outline how reproduction might be separated from eggs and sperm in the near future. What lies ahead is thrilling to contemplate and even a little bit frightening. But when we have context for these discussions, readers will be able to make the choices that are best for them.
When three whistle-blowers informed authorities and the media in 1995 that doctors at the prestigious and lucrative Center for Reproductive Health -- a fertility clinic operated by the University of California, Irvine (UCI) -- were taking eggs from some women and implanting them into others without donor consent, a scandal unfolded that ended careers, destroyed reputations, and forever altered the lives of many families. This first incident of egg and embryo theft, as well as claims of insurance fraud, research misconduct, and misappropriation of funds, grabbed headlines around the world and was featured on television programs from Primetime to The Oprah Winfrey Show. By the time the scandal had subsided several years later, two of the clinic's preeminent physicians had fled the country to avoid prosecution, one doctor was convicted on criminal charges in a highly controversial trial, and UCI had paid over twenty million dollars to settle laws suits filed by former patients. The full story behind the much-publicized case is unveiled for the first time in this riveting book. The authors untangle an intricate web of repeated cover-ups, scapegoats, evasions, self-interest, nastiness, and injustice. They scrutinize how a complex interplay of circumstances set the stage for wrongdoing at the clinic, reveal how the dramatic events were played out on both the public and legal battlefields, and examine the personal histories, motivations, and actions of the major players-the physicians, the whistle-blowers, the claimants, the lawyers, the various investigatory committees, the overzealous media, and UCI administrators. Stealing Dreams provides an absorbing, evenhanded look at the evolution of the fertility clinic scandal and illuminates the complex ethical, medical, and legal issues surrounding the largely unregulated field of reproductive medicine.
A pioneer in the field of assisted reproduction, Dr. Richard Marrs has spent his life counseling couples who struggle with the pain of infertility, developing new treatments, and helping thousands to experience the wonder of birth. Now Dr. Marrs shares his knowledge and expertise in a groundbreaking book that answers all your questions, understands your concerns, and covers every aspect of fertility problems, including infertility's emotional price as well as its financial one. Based on the latest research and technologies--and the real-life experiences of thousands of couples--Dr. Marrs tells you everything you need to know about getting pregnant, including: Which cutting-edge advances in reproductive technology--including in vitro, gift, zift, sperm manipulation, and immunological therapy--are right for you Is it your nerves? How emotions can delay or stop ovulation The biggest mistake doctors make when a man's sperm count is borderline or subnormal Which fertility drugs work best...and the side effects you should expect Your chances of multiple births...twins, triplets, or more When to change doctors or see a specialist The good news about using a partner's sperm and not a donor's...even if your partner's count is very low Your insurance coverage--what you can and cannot do And much more
In the first complete history of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), Elizabeth Siegel Watkins illuminates the complex and changing relationship between the medical treatment of menopause and cultural conceptions of aging. Describing the development, spread, and shifting role of HRT in America from the early twentieth century to the present, Watkins explores how the interplay between science and society shaped the dissemination and reception of HRT and how the medicalization—and subsequent efforts toward the demedicalization—of menopause and aging affected the role of estrogen as a medical therapy. Telling the story from multiple perspectives—physicians, pharmaceutical manufacturers, government regulators, feminist health activists, and the media, as well as women as patients and consumers—she reveals the striking parallels between estrogen’s history as a medical therapy and broad shifts in the role of medicine in an aging society. Today, information about HRT is almost always accompanied by a laundry list of health risks. While physicians and pharmaceutical companies have striven to develop the safest possible treatment for the symptoms of menopause and aging, many specialists question whether HRT should be prescribed at all. Drawing from a wide range of scholarly research, archival records, and interviews, The Estrogen Elixir provides valuable historical context for one of the most pressing debates in contemporary medicine.
An OG/GYN and fertility specialist details her personal struggles with getting pregnant, sharing a doctor’s perspective on a journey faced by many. After years of dedicating her career to bringing new lives into the world, ob/gyn and fertility specialist Dr. Dorete Noorhasan wanted to have a child of her own. But her journey to motherhood was not an easy one. This is her story. The story of a girl who grew up amid hardship, natural disaster, and the harsh reality of life and death. The story of a young woman who dedicated herself to her education and pursued a career in medicine so she could help patients become parents. The story of a mother who was determined, despite all the struggles, setbacks, and heartbreak, to bring her child into this world. Today, one woman in eight is battling infertility. As a physician, Dr. Noorhasan understands the medical aspects of this condition. But as a patient, she has also experienced the emotional turmoil firsthand. Through this unique perspective, Miracle Baby sheds much-needed light on infertility while also offering hope and comfort to those struggling on the road to parenthood, showing how even the most difficult journeys can end in a miracle. Praise for Miracle Baby “Poignant, transparent, inspiring, Dr. Noorhasan’s perspective will resonate with anyone facing a challenging journey to parenthood. Having found her own path to motherhood through surrogacy, she brings a physician’s insight to a deeply personal struggle, and her books are much-need tools to de-mystify infertility and help families find the hope and understanding to persevere.” —Kavitha Blewitt, MD, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Women’s Health Specialists of Dallas
A helpful medical reference on conceiving and maintaining pregnancy from the Mayo Clinic, #1 on US News & World Report’s 2020-2021 Best Hospitals Honor Roll. Deciding to start or build a family is a life-changing decision. Once the decision is made, there’s a whole new set of unknowns—including whether the journey will be easy or difficult. How can you increase your chances of becoming pregnant? What health and lifestyle changes should you make to have a healthy pregnancy? And if you’re struggling to become pregnant, what medical treatments are available? Where can you get emotional support if you can’t get pregnant or if you’ve had a miscarriage? And when is enough? The fertility experts at Mayo Clinic offer answers to these questions and more. Through the pages of this book, they’ll guide you through the process of trying for—and achieving—a successful pregnancy. You’ll also hear throughout the book from couples and individuals who have struggled to have a family. For a variety of reasons—health conditions, unexplained infertility, or life circumstances—getting pregnant or deciding to have a family was difficult for them. These personal stories are to let you know that you’re not alone in your journey, and to give you hope that with time and patience, pregnancy is often possible. From lifestyle and dietary recommendations to understanding your ovulatory cycle to medications and procedures that can improve fertility, this book is a comprehensive source of answers from “one of the most reliable, respected health resources that Americans have” (Publishers Weekly).
A simple, accessible guide to fertility testing and treatments by an OB/GYN and fertility specialist who’s experienced the patient’s perspective firsthand. When you want nothing more than to start or grow your family, fertility issues are the most frustrating and heartbreaking obstacles to encounter. But fortunately, there is hope. As a fertility doctor who struggled through her own journey to motherhood, Dr. Dorette Noorhasan knows what it’s like to be on both sides of the exam table. The Fertility Manual: Reproductive Options for Your Family draws upon her unique bank of knowledge and experience to explore all the options. One of the most respected fertility specialists in North Texas, Dr. Noorhasan walks you through the field of fertility testing and treatments in language easy for those without a medical background to follow and understand. She equips you with the right tools and questions to bring to your doctor so that you can continue your journey to parenthood with strength and courage.
Maximise your chance of getting pregnant with this up-to-date and authoritative book that provides a clear and holistic approach to fertility. Areas including: - Understanding your body and maximising your chances of conceiving naturally as well as through complex treatments such as IVF, IUI and egg freezing - A pre-conception plan with sections on lifestyle, nutrition and the role of stress - The common (and uncommon) causes of fertility problems in both men and women - Options for single people and same-sex couples - Up-to-date information on ethics, funding and the law both nationally and internationally - Insightful testimonials from patients dealing with fertility problems and the emotional impact of treatment.Written by Professor Mary Wingfield, one of Ireland's foremost fertility experts who has helped hundreds of people to conceive over the last thirty years. All royalties from the sale of this book will be donated to the Merrion Fertility Foundation, which funds fertility treatment.