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This book is a provocative study of an aspect of Reformed Theology that has not been treated before: a new interpretation of the Federal Theology of Johannes Cocceius. It traces the pneumatological profile of Cocceian theology. In this way it makes a significant contribution to our knowledge of seventeenth-century developments in theology and philosophy.
This volume deals with the Federal theology of Johannes Cocceius, who lived in the seventeenth century (1603-1669). German by birth, he taught at Bremen, Franeker and Leiden, where he was Professor of Theology (1650-1669). As foremost biblical interpreter he sought to formulate a Covenant theory which described all of human history by introducing the structure of consecutive covenants or foedera. The book poses a surprising alternative to the readings of earlier scholarship on Cocceius by its careful presentation of the pneumatological components of the doctrine of covenants. Cocceius' Federal theology was of considerable importance in the theological and political history of Europe and the United States and formes the framework for much of the Reformed theology in the past three centuries.
Carmichael argues that Johannes Cocceius's theology of the Sabbath serves as a window through which one can view more clearly his federal theology or covenant theology. Covenant theology was the most distinctive feature of his theology. Moreover, Cocceius spent a notable portion of his life engaging in the Leiden Sabbath Controversies from 1655 to 1659, which played a key role in the split of the Reformed Dutch Republic into two socio-political blocs—Cocceians and Voetians. So far scholars have tended to overlook this critical phase in Cocceius's theological development. Carmichael sheds light on it by looking at the theological texts that Cocceius wrote that absorbed his attention during this significant period. Casey Carmichael examines first the evolution of the problem of the Sabbath in Cocceius's theological tradition—Reformed Orthodoxy—in Chapters 2–4 and second the development of Cocceius's doctrine of the Sabbath, structured around the Leiden Sabbath Controversies, in Chapters 5–8.
Johannes Cocceius (1603 1669) was prominent Bible scholar who taught at the universities of Bremen, Franeker, and Leiden. As a gifted linguist, he produced a Hebrew lexicon, commentary related to every book of the Bible, and several theological treatises. Cocceius's contributions to covenant theology simultaneously sparked theological controversies and further fruitful dialogue for understanding the progressive nature of salvation history. The Doctrine of the Covenantand Testament of God describes the entire biblical history as a series of events by which an original covenant of works is gradually annulled, bringing new phases in the history of the covenant of grace. He shows that God's standard way of relating to mankind is through covenant, which, at its heart, is friendship with God. Casey Carmichael's translation of Cocceius's book is monumental, providing the first English edition of a work that helped shape Reformed theology for centuries. Historical theologians have long noted Cocceius's work as a crucial text in the development of federal theology, and now this translation will open access to a wider range of readers and is sure to spur further interest and research in Reformed expositions of covenantal thought. The introduction by Willem J. van Asselt, the world's leading scholar on Coccieus's life and theology, provides the historical context for understanding the importance of the book and a summary of the significant contributions it made to Reformed theology. Series Description Cocceius' The Doctrine of the Covenant and Testament of God is the third volume of the Classic Reformed Theology series, edited by Dr. R. Scott Clark. This series seeks to produce and provide critical English translations of some of the more important but generally neglected texts of the orthodox period. It is the sincere hope of the editor and the board that at least one volume shall appear annually.
"This book fills a void in the literature on covenant theology in the sixteenth century by exploring the exegetical debates and technical terminology underlying the crucial dogmatic developments of the period. It also provides important new insight into the thought of Johannes Cocceius by exploring his exegetical writings and grounding them in earlier federal thought." "Brian J. Lee's study focuses particularly on Johannes Cocceius' 1659 Hebrews commentary in its polemical context. It reveals the importance of testamentary relations in Cocceius' thought and demonstrates both the variety and the significant continuities within the Reformed federal tradition." --Book Jacket.
Lee bedient sich der historischen Exegese, um zu erklären, wie sich die reformierte Bundestheologie entwickelt hat. Diese exegetische Methode zeigt die Schwächen aktueller dogmatischer Erklärungen zum Ursprung der Bundestheologie auf und liefert dabei neue Einsichten zur Lehre vom Bund.Der reformatorische Wende hin zu den Quellen warf neue Fragen zu der Bedeutung der biblischen Begriffe vom Bund, berith und diatheke, auf und führte zu der Entwicklung einer eher technischen lateinischen Terminologie, die zwischen foedus, testamentum und pactum unterschied. In diesem Kontext erlangte auch die Beziehung zwischen den Testamenten wieder mehr Bedeutung. Hebräer 7–10 versammelte diese verschiedenen Lehrmeinungen um sich, die im Laufe der Zeit zu einem dezidierten theologischen Bundestopos wurden. Der Hebräerkommentar von Johannes Cocceius von 1659 spiegelt beide Interpretationsanliegen wider. Er bedient sich typisch föderaler Terminologie, die erst im Laufe des 16. Jahrhunderts Eingang in den Sprachgebrauch der Theologen gefunden hatte. Cocceius betont sowohl eine testamentarische Kontinuität als auch den soteriologischen Bruch (er spricht von zwei Formen der Rechtfertigung, eine vor und eine nach Christus). Über die Untersuchung der älteren Hebräerkommentars von Cocceius sticht die hohe Bedeutung der testamentarischen Beziehungen in Cocceius' Denken hervor. Dadurch stellt sich heraus, dass seine Bundestheologie stärker als bislang angenommen in den Entwicklungen des 16. Jahrhunderts wurzelt. Ferner treten die zentralen Kontinuitäten in der reformierten Bundestheologie stärker hervor.
John William Fletcher (1729-1785) was a seminal theologian during the early Methodist movement and in the Church of England in the eighteenth century. Best known for the Checks to Antinomianism, he established a theology of history to defend the church against the encroachment of antinomianism as a polemic against hyper-Calvinism. Fletcher believed that the hyper-Calvinist system of divine fiat and finished salvation did not take seriously enough either the activity of God in salvation history or an individual believer's personal progress in salvation. Fletcher made the doctrine of accommodation a unifying principle of his theological system and further developed the doctrine of divine accommodation into a theology of ministry. As God accommodated divine revelation to the frailties of human beings, Fletcher argued that ministers of the gospel must accommodate the gospel to their hearers in order to gain a hearing for the gospel without losing the goal of true Christianity. 'True Christianity' contains insights from Fletcher, who devoted himself, according to Wesley, to being 'an altogether Christian'.
A comprehensive study of the connection between Calvinist missions and Dutch imperial expansion during the early modern period “A tour de force offering the reader the best study of global Calvinism in the realms of the Dutch East India Company.”—Ronnie Po-Chia Hsia, editor, Calvinism and Religious Toleration in the Dutch Golden Age Calvinism went global in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as close to a thousand Dutch Reformed ministers, along with hundreds of lay chaplains, attached themselves to the Dutch East India and West India companies. Across Asia, Africa, and the Americas where the trading companies set up operation, Dutch ministers sought to convert “pagans,” “Moors,” Jews, and Catholics and to spread the cultural influence of Protestant Christianity. As Dutch ministers labored under the auspices of the trading companies, the missionary project coalesced, sometimes grudgingly but often readily, with empire building and mercantile capitalism. Simultaneously, Calvinism became entangled with societies around the world as encounters with indigenous societies shaped the development of European religious and intellectual history. Though historians have traditionally treated the Protestant and European expansion as unrelated developments, the global reach of Dutch Calvinism offers a unique opportunity to understand the intermingling of a Protestant faith, commerce, and empire.
In short, the central argument of this study posits that Goodwin's Christology is grounded in, and flows out of, the eternal covenant of redemption, also known as the pactum salutis or »counsel of peace«. That is to say, his Christology does not begin in the temporal realm at the incarnation, but stretches back into eternity when the persons of the Trinity covenanted to bring about the salvation of fallen mankind. Goodwin's Christology moves from the pretemporal realm to the temporal realm with a decidedly eschatological thrust, that is, with a view to the glory of the God-man, Jesus Christ. What this work does is connect two vital aspects of Reformed theology, namely, the doctrine of Christ and the concept of the covenant. The findings of this study show that, for Goodwin, Christ is the Christ of the covenant.
The Christ-centered exegesis of Jonathan Edwards Jonathan Edwards is remembered for his sermons and works of theology and philosophy--but he has been overlooked as an exegete. Gilsun Ryu's The Federal Theology of Jonathan Edwards explores how exegesis drove Edwards's focus on the headship of Christ as second Adam--and likewise formed a foundation for his broader theological reasoning and writing, especially on Christ and the covenants. Edwards's distinctive emphases on exegesis, redemptive history, and the harmony of Scripture distinguish him from his Reformed forebears. Ryu's study will help readers appreciate Edwards's contribution as an exegetically informed Reformed theologian.