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What does progressive religion reveal about American ''family values?'' Grace Yukich shows how, in an anti-immigrant climate, religious activists in the New Sanctuary Movement call on Americans to keep immigrant families together by ending deportation.
What does it take to be a “real” man? You don’t have to be perfect to be a man of God. As Dr. Charles Stanley writes, a man of God is a maturing man, a striving man, a knowledgeable man. And the first step in real manhood is spiritual rebirth. In Man of God, Dr. Stanley asks and answers questions such as these: What can we learn about manhood from Jesus’s example?How does a true leader allow God to lead him?Why is a godly man “both velvet and steel”?What does it look like to be a provider?What does it mean to lead with sensitivity? Man of God will challenge and equip you to become a better leader, teacher, father, and husband. What makes a man? The answer starts here. Includes study guide for individuals or groups.
Every family is different. Some families are formed through birth, others through adoption, some through marriage, and still others through fostering or inter-generational means. Not every family is created in the same way, but every family is created by God.
Why should you care about Israel? With the war in Iraq, possible engagement in Iran, and an imminent presidential election, U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East and the issue of solidarity with Israel remain important. In Two Nations Under God, American missionary Tom Doyle presents even greater reasons why the U.S. should show concern for Israel. Part one, “Why Should America Care?” is a biblical and historical primer on Israel with fascinating insights into connections between American and Middle East culture. Part two, “Sorting Out the Middle East Maze,” presents more facts about Islam and the spiritual roots behind the Middle East conflicts. Part three, “Maximizing the Moment,” is a call to action and prayer for the A merican church regarding the future of Israel. Best of all, readers will learn throughout that, despite the headlines, there is plenty of good news coming from the Middle East. Doyle reports on the increasing number of Muslims converting to Christianity, profiles local disciples and church planters, and provides helpful timelines, comparison charts, photographs, and more to keep every detail concerning Israel in perspective. Endorsements: "Chaos. Carnage. Confusion. For many, that’s the modern Middle East. But Tom Doyle gets it. Better yet, he can really explain it. With a pastor’s heart, he clearly and concisely describes why God loves the Jews of Israel and her Muslim neighbors, and why we should, too. What’s more, Tom reveals how powerfully God is moving in the modern Middle East, and how we can join Him. Two Nations under God is a must read—fascinating, insightful, and deeply thought-provoking. Get one for yourself, and another for your pastor." Joel C. Rosenberg, New York Times best-selling author of Epicenter: Why the Current Rumblings in the Middle East Will Change Your Future
God’s Dream for Marriage Can Be Reality! Who still treasures God’s dream for marriage? The institution of marriage has been assaulted with a vengeance, bringing high divorce rates, widespread cohabitation, and a sharp decline in esteem for traditional marriage; but a ray of hope burns steady and bright. By returning to God’s original intent for marriage, we can overcome all of this world’s attacks against it. One Marriage Under God, by bestselling author and educator Dr. H. Norman Wright, unfolds in a fresh way what God’s dream for our marriages really involves, and how to recover it—for good. Couples find hope, healing, and new joy in their God-ordained union. What’s It Like Being Married to Me? Stepping into someone else’s shoes never fails to bring fresh insight. Ever tried on God’s? Bestselling author and educator H. Norman Wright cuts through the cultural confusion and clarifies the institution of marriage as God originally created it—a beautiful, committed, eternal bond. A bond that leaves only one option for anyone who’s ever said I do: Make it work, no matter what. But how? Wright considers the temptations and struggles facing today’s couples and offers practical, proven guidance steeped in God’s Word. You and your spouse will discover how to answer the call to be one, meet the challenge to love, and rise to the occasion of sharing your story with others. One Marriage Under God will help you see things from God’s perspective. It’s the best thing you will ever do for your marriage. Become a Marriage Keeper Popular culture attacks it and your own doubts can plague it, but God’s original intent for marriage will forever remain. You can honor Him by choosing to preserve, honor, and nurture your own marriage as well as the marriages around you. God is calling forth Marriage Keepers to make a difference in society today. One Marriage Under God explores thought-provoking insights: • Whether you married the “right” or “wrong” person is entirely up to you. • God has a good plan for every marriage. • Your marriage needs to be recreated daily. • Culture’s alternatives to marriage are destructive; God’s plan is flawless. Your marriage won’t wait. Begin to build up today what God first brought together. Story Behind the Book “I have a real connection with this book. I even processed ideas and chapters while I was bass fishing! While that was scary, my hope is that it will disturb readers in a positive way, providing the hope that marriage really can be richly fulfilling. This book is different from the rest because each reader will discover the benefits of marriage done God’s way, be challenged to recreate their marriage according to Scripture, be motivated to apply several marriage change princples, be provided with skills to become a Marriage Keeper, and to take posititve steps to reverse our culture’s trends toward divorce and living together.” —H. Norman Wright
One Family under God is written for a clear understanding of our relationship to each other as a family and to God as our Heavenly Father! Its writings isnaEUR(tm)t directed to any denomination or biblical belief. Its root is pointed directly to the Kingdom of God, Our Father!
Inscribed near a broken chain at the base of the Statue of Liberty are these words: Give me your tired, your poor; Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free; The wretched refuse of your teeming shore; Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me; I lift my lamp beside the golden door! Lady Liberty proclaims freedom every day to anyone with a heart to hear her. Yet, although the opportunity to experience the benefits of legal freedom exists in our nation, many people still live in bondage to a number of injustices. In One Nation Under God, Dr. Evans addresses freedom, justice, economics, racism, education and politics from a kingdom perspective. Citizens will be moved to display biblical justice, thus working to build a society based on the foundational principles of God’s word. If God's people are to reverse the course that this nation is heading down, believers must care about what God cares about, and implement specific strategies to change this nation. This booklet is a part of the Life Under God series, a 5-book series adapted from the 5 sections found in The Kingdom Agenda, the legacy work of Dr. Tony Evans. This booklet is based on the “One Nation under God” section.
The author gives encouragement and insight into life-changing action that will impact generations to come. Parents will be inspired to build faith and character in the heart of their kids. Topics covered include: the God-filled normal life, impacting a thousand generations, creating a home of unity, the noble calling of fatherhood and motherhood, the blessing of family worship, and discipline that disciples.