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In the beginning… Three brothers – Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer. Royalty. Archangels. United in devotion to their father and all his works. But when Lucifer learns of their father’s latest creation – a new race, fashioned from crude matter and yet made in his image – he is consumed with resentment. Why have he and his angelic kind been overlooked? After a bitter confrontation, Lucifer is cast out, doomed to an eternity of exile and punishment. Unrepentant, he vows he won’t suffer alone. Mankind has made a powerful enemy – one determined to lure it into darkness and torment any way he can… “There could be no bigger canvas for film-making.” – Mark Ordesky (Executive Producer – Lord of the Rings); “Alec not only re-frames pre-history; she also imaginatively illustrates how the realm of spirit impacts the contemporary material world.” Ileen Maisel (Executive Producer for the Golden Compass) “This is the best work of fiction I have read since the last installment of Dean Koontz’ Frankenstein series” Jim McDonald – 1340Mag – Online Entertainment Magazine.
Before the CHRONICLES OF BROTHERS, another struggle plays out. Against a backdrop of heavenly gardens, royal palaces, and the hellish battlefields, this is a saga of faith, jealousy and betrayal. These are the roots of a war fought for the greatest prize in the universe - the race of men. This is the first book in the series.
The ruler of darkness? the Tempter? the Great Red Dragon? Apollyon; the Destroyer? One being is revealed to have all these titles and more - names that reveal his horrific nature? All names given to Satan, your adversary who comes like a lion "seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8). Today, many question and even mock the very existence of Satan, as well as the reality of evil. Even in the Church, by and large, there are few biblical resources on the subject to counter the destructive claims raised in today's humanistic culture. In The Fall of Satan: Rebels in the Garden you will discover the answers to 35 captivating questions, such as: How could one created good become so absorbed by evil? Why would God, who is not evil, allow evil to continue to exist? Did sin begin with Adam or was its origin found in Satan? When did Satan rebel against God's authority? Where can the answers be found to such provocative, spiritual questions that have been asked so many times over? Carefully consider the biblical response, since it is the only completely reliable foundation for information about Satan. As our absolute authority, we must reject unqualified conclusions drawn from sources outside the Bible, such as the current ideas and traditions of the culture. No believer should be unaware of these sound answers found in the Bible.
This volume is a collection of articles by some of the foremost scholars in the field, dealing with the rich variety of Adam and Eve-traditions, from "The Life of Adam and Eve" onwards to late medieval writings in Armenian.
Is God changeable? Does He have different gospels for different people? The story of redemption takes you behind the scenes in the struggle between God and Satan. It explains how the conflict began, what the issues are, and how the outcome is already assured. It traces the theme of God's relationship with man from the garden of Edan to the return of Christ and beyond.
Rene Girard holds up the gospels as mirrors that reveal our broken humanity, and shows that they also reflect a new reality that can make us whole. Like Simone Weil, Girard looks at the Bible as a map of human behavior, and sees Jesus Christ as the turning point leading to new life. The title echoes Jesus' words: "I saw Satan falling like lightning from heaven". Girard persuades us that even as our world grows increasingly violent the power of the Christ-event is so great that the evils of scapegoating and sacrifice are being defeated even now. A new community, God's nonviolent kingdom, is being realized -- even now.
This compilation from the Spirit of Prophecy (the writings of Ellen G. White) covers the history of Lucifer from his creation to his fall, thru his warfare on earth, down to his final destruction. The purpose of this book is not to exalt Satan, but rather to show his character works, and methods as he wars against God, Christ, and the Church. As the Apostle Paul warned, "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices" (2 Corinthians 2:11), we are vulnerable in our ignorance. God's people need to be aware of the serpent's cunning, so as not to fall under his power and influence. That knowledge alone, however, will not keep us safe. We must "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." (Ephesians 6:11) The tremendous amount of material on this subject presented a challenge in compiling that which could tell the high points of the history, provide the best possible lessons and warnings for God's people, extend hope and encouragement for these last days (when Satan and his hosts are making "war with the remnant"), while keeping it within the confines of the cover of this small volume. Our hope and prayer is that we have succeeded in this challenge, presenting the reader with a priceless aid in preparation for earth's final conflict, as well as the day-to-day trials and struggles with the powers of darkness. The Lord be magnified!
Women desire to live well. However, living well in this modern world is a challenge. The pace of life, along with the new front porch of social media, has changed the landscape of our lives. Women have been told for far too long that being on the go and accumulating more things will make their lives full. As a result, we grasp for the wrong things in life and come up empty. God created us to walk with him; to know him and to be loved by him. He is our living well and when we drink from the water he continually provides, it will change us. Our marriages, our parenting, and our homemaking will be transformed. Mommy-blogger Courtney Joseph is a cheerful realist. She tackles the challenge of holding onto vintage values in a modern world, starting with the keys to protecting our walk with God. No subject is off-limits as she moves on to marriage, parenting, and household management. Rooted in the Bible, her practical approach includes tons of tips that are perfect for busy moms, including: Simple Solutions for Studying God’s Word How to Handle Marriage, Parenting, and Homemaking in a Digital Age 10 Steps to Completing Your Husband Dealing With Disappointed Expectations in Motherhood Creating Routines that Bring Rest Pursuing the Discipline and Diligence of the Proverbs 31 Woman There is nothing more important than fostering your faith, building your marriage, training your children, and creating a haven for your family. Women Living Well is a clear and personal guide to making the most of these precious responsibilities.
Lucifer is the character study of a great archangel with near limitless potential. He comes to realize this and becomes possessed by the idea of his own superiority. He falls from grace as he leads a rebellion against Heaven and God Himself.