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In 2007, the author received a revelation that compared the church to a condemned building. Pam was asked, ""would you put up curtains at the windows of a condemned building?"" With that revelation came the understanding that the organized church was judged 3 decades ago. Not believing this word, Pam set out to disprove it by doing a study of church history. She also reviewed various occult, new age websites of mediums or channels who have been communicating with beings who first identified themselves as UFO's and then ultimately called themselves ""ascended masters."" The Fake Jesus is a record of what Pam discovered once she tried the spirits to see if they be of God. This book will open your eyes to the truth as to ""who the fallen angels are, who sent them, what is their agenda, and how to recognize if your church is under their influence. The hour is late. This book has traced that fallen angels have been among us since about 1830. Don't YOU be deceived by a fallen angel.
"Did rebel angels take on human bodies to fulfill their lust for the “daughters of men”? Did these fallen angels teach men to build weapons of war? That is the premise of the Book of Enoch, a text cherished by the Essenes, early Jews, and Christians but later condemned by both rabbis and Church Fathers. Elizabeth Clare Prophet examines the controversy surrounding this book and sheds new light on Enoch’s forbidden mysteries. She demonstrates that Jesus and the apostles studied the Book of Enoch and tells why Church Fathers suppressed its teaching that angels could incarnate in human bodies. Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil takes you back to the primordial drama of Good and Evil, when the first hint of corruption entered a pristine world—earth. Contains Richard Laurence’s translation of the Book of Enoch, all the other Enoch texts (including the Book of the Secrets of Enoch) and biblical parallels."
"Who are the fallen angels? Elizabeth Clare Prophet tears the mask from the ancient deceivers of mankind, exposing their profile of evil and tracing it back to the fall of heavenly angels into human bodies. This important book shares what early texts had to say about the existence of fallen angels and takes us behind the world of appearances to explore a perspective that is shocking yet profoundly hopeful. You will learn about the strategies and tactics of the fallen angels and how they amass power and control as well as the unparalleled opportunities we have today to create great transformation in times of intense challenge and change."
People are suffering here in America and abroad. Global warming, mass conflicts, increased domestic and foreign murders, governmental corruptions, starving nations, global wars coupled with global warming, the consciousness of the men attempting to turn into women, and the consciousness of the woman falling from her place to be as a man, all of these are threats against our survival of tomorrow. Wars are now fought with computerized drones overseas. Drugs, gangs, killings, police shooting coupled with political protection are ravishing the land of equal rights under the symbol of the eagle. These are biblical signs of the realities of the problems and conditions that should tell us all something is very wrong. The major questions are, can the human race avoid self-destruction? And if so, does our salvation rest in relying on a higher power to insure future generations have a world that’s worth living in under the laws of man? For too long we the human family have collectively functioned like lost children, but, some as prodigal sons, even as fallen angels. However, our earthly existence isn’t random coincidences, for it is not, all of these conditions of the man that’s upon this earth are a one chance to learn and understand what it is to live in equality under the original orders and commandments of God the creator and those of Jesus Christ the savior of all men. Personally, I believe that God is humanity’s best hope for survival. The book’s title The Fallen Angel Man – Egairram, Not Marriage, essentially refers to mankind’s disconnect from his creator. Within its pages you see vivid examples of, among other things, our moral decadences, and I’d dare say that only a willingly blind person would fail to see the consequences all around us from a severed spiritual bond. So whether you believe in divine solutions, or you prefer a more “common sense” approach to fixing society’s problems in playing eternal death roulette, feel free to criticize these books. Even disagree with some of the subject material as presented. These books explain the fallen consciousness of the man and that of those of the billions of rebellious and fallen angels that turned against the perfect laws and orders of God. But, don’t be surprised to find the pages inside stroking your curiosity to read on into these six volumes. A.M. Brown II
"The Fake Jesus" centers on end-time blasphemy that the author suspects have permeated all institutional Christianity-- originated and perpetuated by evil unseen forces centuries ago. The author refers to these assigned fallen angels as "aliens." Centered in the Bible, the focus of each chapter of "The Fake Jesus" is based on 1 Timothy Chapter 4: 1,2. Now the Holy Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy. The progressive and consistent exposure of cumulative conditions is revealed as a worldwide apostasy within the Christian religion. As a major result, spiritual contamination has sculpted the nature and character of what the Apostle John highlighted as the end-time Harlot. (Revelation 17). So, in keeping with the Apostle Paul's important biblical prophecy, "the Fake Jesus" interprets 1 Timothy 4 in the light of actual Christian history. From the standpoint of blasphemy, the book exposes an invisible golem of apostasy that has been invisibly formed and revered in later times. As a result, this compelling book stands as an accurate, biblical testament to the Apostle Paul's prediction--an enlightening and unexpected prophetic fulfillment of 20 centuries of Christian history. To the non-believer or the backslider, this book might be unsettling at first. Yet for those among you who intended to be in God's camp, repentance is abundantly available as you read the author's anointed words. Powerfully presented, this book is expected to overturn the weakness of faith while simultaneously instilling a belief in Christ, His cross, and His resurrection. At times shocking, though tasteful, a true Christian reader will experience many "ah ha" moments. Perhaps foreboding and even suspenseful to some, believers will find that they are left with a joyous clarity that miraculously overturns fear and confusion. Even a strong Christian reader will rejoice in hope and faith, breaking forth into a godly awakening. For truly, this book uplifts God's people with faith to turn their heads toward the heavens. In fact, each chapter provides truth to set captives free from evil. Without a doubt, each revelation can connect the elect of God around the world in hopeful anticipation of the return of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, soon and very soon. The Lord of lords who is also King of kings, is consistently lifted from chapter to chapter, inspiring hopeful expectations of healing and restoration not only to the sinner but also to the future restoration of this planet. For all earthly governments will be on the Lord's shoulders for the next 1000 years, removing the fear of annihilation of the planet. Most of all, this book prepares the Bride of the true and real Jesus Christ for His return to this earth in these perilous, last of the last days.
Shayla, ballerina professionista, vive per la danza. Quando parenti e amici le voltano le spalle, lei non si lascia scoraggiare, anzi continua ad inseguire i propri sogni più determinata che mai. Quando, in seguito ad un incidente stradale, riporta gravissime ferite alle gambe e rischia di non poter più ballare, le sue speranze cominciano però a vacillare. Amir entra nella vita di Shayla con l’intenzione di curarla, ma quando la vede, costretta in un letto d’ospedale, lottare con le unghie e con i denti per sopravvivere, nel suo cuore si accendono sentimenti mai provati. Lui, che non conosce amore e desiderio, si ritrova attratto da Shayla come una falena dalla luce; eppure le regole del Paradiso proibiscono agli angeli di innamorarsi degli esseri umani... Se dovesse cedere alla tentazione diventerebbe un Rinnegato, un angelo caduto, condannato a passare l’eternità fra i demoni infernali. Quando il suo desiderio per Shayla diventerà incontrollabile, Amir dovrà scegliere tra amore e dannazione, tra solitudine e beatitudine. Un angelo che ha vagato da solo sulla Terra per secoli sceglierà di rimanere sulla retta via o cadrà vittima del suo cocente desiderio e sarà condannato per sempre?
Angels are real, some of them fell and became known as fallen angels. They came from Heaven to the earth, there is proof in the bible and in history about what they did. The bible speaks of their offspring as giants, world history speaks of the offspring of "the gods" as giants. Is their a difference? The "sons of Seth" doctrine teaches that the "sons of God" mentioned in Genesis 6: were merely regular humans i.e. the "righteous line of Seth" who produced the giants. I will include the verse for those not familiar with Genesis 6 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. The information presented in this book reveals the falseness of the "sons of Seth" doctrine and sets the record straight about who the "sons of God" who "took wives" from the daughters of men actually were...And now, an in depth preview of the rest of the book...The Bible speaks of giants using names like Nephilim, Rephaim, Zamzumim, Zuzim, Emim and others. History speaks of giants using names like Si Te Cah, Annunaki, Aloadai, Formorian and others. The Bible describes giants as at least 13 feet tall and even much taller having 6 fingers and 6 toes on each hand and foot. History describes giants as at least 13 feet and much taller, skeletons of races of giants have been unearthed having 6 fingers and 6 toes on each hand and foot and many of them with double rows of teeth. The bible speaks of the "sons of God" the binai ha Elohim mating with women and producing giants and "mighty men" as you will see from this book the bible is clear that these "sons of God" were angels/celestial beings. Ancient cultures like Sumeria, Greece, Rome, Africa and others also speak of celestial beings mating with women and producing giants and super human men. The goal of this book is to confirm the bible through history and to confirm history through the bible. The bible is history, what has happened in ancient and recent times is also history. The various comparisons you will see in this book will show clearly that the giants and fallen angels of the bible are present throughout world history under different names. Moreover, this book will show the undeniable association between the gods/celestial beings, fallen angels and giants of ancient times.
What are angels? Where were they first encountered? Can we distinguish angels from gods, fairies, ghosts, and aliens? And why do they remain so popular? This Very Short Introduction investigates stories and speculations about angels in religions old and new, in art, literature, film, and the popular imagination.
'From humble beginnings as a private investigator in the Heavenly Court, Satan worked his way up the career ladder to become God's Chief Prosecutor. It wasn't long before he branched off and started his own global enterprise as Prince of The World. 'The Gospel of The Fallen Angel' is Satan's exclusive, honest account of the life and times of his greatest adversary, Jesus of Galilee.' When Jesus walked on earth he gave strict orders not to let anyone know who he was. My minions couldn't help themselves. They kept blurting it out! I had better self control. Until now! After 2000 years, I've finally broken my silence. Not bad going for the archetypal disobedient one! Satan Geraint's The Gospel of The Fallen Angel is a first to tell the story of Jesus from Satan's perspective. He tells the story of the real Jewish Jesus, not the fictitious Christ of the Christian church. A highly original, clever, often funny, alternative view of the Gospels. It has a lot to say about traditional Christianity that is interesting and uncomfortable. Its appeal is its modern message about what it means to be human, whether one is religious or not.
Leading Expert Demystifies Angels and How They Interact with People Angels have a vital role in the Kingdom of God--and in the lives of believers. Yet many Christians treat the existence of angels lightly or fail to consider them at all. In Angels Are Real Judith MacNutt pulls back the curtain on this intriguing topic, recounting inspiring, true-life stories and miraculous interactions, revealing what the Bible says about these heavenly beings, and offering insight into the spiritual realm. She draws on solid scriptural support to explore · what angels look like · what they do · why they are important in believers' lives · the heavenly hierarchy · what fallen angels are · and more. Angels Are Real is an accessible, comprehensive, encouraging guide for Christians. When believers grasp the importance of angels to God--and themselves--they will better understand God's power and his extraordinary love.