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In ancient Israel, only high priests were allowed through the veil into the "Holy of Holies" of the temple. Thousands of years later, this legacy continues with a baby girl. As the Great Depression looms, Naomi is born with the legendary "birth veil" over her face. In those superstitious times, many believed this meant the child possessed supernatural abilities. After leaving their Jewish faith in the old country, Naomi's family dabbled in such mystical beliefs. But what would "the veil" really mean to Naomi and what does it mean to us today? And who is the mysterious visitor only little Naomi can see? Part the curtains of time with Naomi, then her daughter and granddaughter, as each discovers the hidden secrets of the veil.
Muslim-American women, in all their diversity, are given the chance to tell their stories in their own voice by award-winning journalist Donna Gehrke-White. The only book of its kind, it tells in extraordinarily moving detail the lives of New Traditionalists, who wear the veil though their forebears did not; Blenders, who do not wear the veil but consider themselves spiritual; and Converts - women from other religious backgrounds who have converted to Islam. A rare, revealing look into the hearts, minds and lives of a misunderstood people.
An unprecedented, sympathetic, and wide-ranging exploration of the mysterious world of Islamic women--the people behind the veils--is presented by female writers and Christian workers.
Muslim women living in America continue to be marginalized and misunderstood since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, yet their contributions are changing the face of Islam as it is seen both within Muslim communities in the West and by non-Muslims.
Many in the Church are waiting with expectation for the second coming of Christ. The parable of the wedding feast in Matthew 22 tells us that the Church, the Bride, was invited to the wedding but didn’t come. In 2 Thessalonians, Paul warns that the second coming would be preceded by a “great falling away” and Matthew 24 says that if these days were not cut short then even the elect could be deceived. With thousands of Christian denominations preaching a different gospel, let us examine Scripture from the earliest perspective, which is that of the Early Church. The Early Church Fathers were the spiritual sons of the apostles, who learned directly from Jesus. They tell us what the end would be like and unlock the deeper meanings of Scripture. While many today are waiting to be “raptured,” these apostolic men believed that the glory of God would first manifest in His Church. The apocalypse, often misunderstood to mean the end of the world, is simply two Greek words put together: apo (to destroy) and kalypto (the veil). The Book of Revelation is about destroying the veil to enter back into the glory of God. These revelatory teachings were passed down and preserved for hundreds of years, yet for the most part the opposite is being taught in the body of Christ today. Jesus tells us in Matthew 17 that “Elijah is coming and will restore all things.” This Elijah spirit is upon us now to make the way straight through revelatory teaching of Scripture and to bring the fear of the Lord back to wake up the sleeping Church while there’s still time. The Early Church taught that without Elijah preparing and sealing the Church not one would be saved. At the same time, under the leadership of the Catholic Church, a second sealing is taking place, with all major Christian denominations coming into covenant with Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism, saying there are many ways to God. The great apostasy is here, but nothing will stop this final move of God. The world will see a full restoration of His glory on Earth as it is in heaven. Through revelation, or an apocalypse, let us step behind the veil to have full access to the glory of God and His redemptive plan for us as His children. For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea (Hab. 2:14).
In 1920s Los Angeles, Letitia Hawking inhabits the veil between life and death. Using her scrying bowl to experience the final moments of the deceased, Letitia brings what little closure she can to her clients, allowing them to move on with their lives. Grief-stricken war widows and mourning families find peace when they visit Letitia. She knows no such peace. For Letitia, it's penance.For Alasdair Driscoll, Letitia's abilities offer the chance to save his beloved niece, Finola, from her nightmares and-as he fears-her growing insanity. But when Letitia sees a shadowy figure attached to the Driscoll family, old fears of her unspeakable past in England surface. She refuses to help him, despite his money and insistence. Instead, Letitia finds herself facing a father whose young daughter has been kidnapped-the third girl to have gone missing in as many months. Evading a determined Mr. Driscoll, a man used to getting his way, proves difficult. And as the darkness creeps in, Letitia makes the connection between the missing girls and Finola: the shadows haunting her visions. Letitia thought she could find refuge in a new, burgeoning city, far from her past. But she'll discover that unless she helps Mr. Driscoll rid his niece of her nightmares, the shadows will haunt Letitia-risking not only her newfound sanctuary but also her very sanity.
This topic divides people - and it will divide readers of this book too. Many Muslims worldwide either support or adopt religious veiling, and those who argue against it are often criticised, or worse. But, according to Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, the veil throws up a number of concerns, from questions of health and freedom of choice to issues of gender and personal identity. She argues that veiling conceals abuse, propagates eating disorders and restricts access to sunlight and exercise. It is imposed on babies and young girls, allows women to be shamed for not covering up, and has become associated with extremist factions. It demonises men, oppresses feminism and presents obstacles to performance and success. It even encourages racism, distorts Muslim values and strips women of autonomy and individuality. Written from a unique perspective and packed with personal experiences as well as public examples, Yasmin addresses the ultimate question of why Muslim women everywhere should refuse the veil.
This book is based upon our YouTube series "Idiots Guide to Islam", of Q & A chapters that are listened to. It is fully complimented, with more details on our web site ""The purpose of this book is to enlighten, step by step, an otherwise IGNORANT immense majority of humanity among both the so called Believers & Unbelievers about the FACTS & REALITYof the Cult of Muhammadan Islam.All references are based entirely upon the Arabic language of the Quran, Hadiths, Arab & Islamic histories.It analyses almost every concept, precept, thought, idea, expression and relevant verse of the Quran and contains extremely controversial and unusual statements and conclusions.By the time one has either read this book or listened to the series, one will become so knowledgeable on the Quran, Hadiths, Arab & 'Islamic' histories, to such an extent, that never again would one be fooled, deceived or misled regarding these subjects.
Lydia Laube set off in search of adventure to work as a nurse in Saudi Arabia. Soon she found herself embroiled in a society that did not allow women to drive, vote, or speak to a man alone. As soon as she stepped off the airplane, Lydia's passport was confiscated and quickly she felt like a prisoner, trapped in a country with no means of escape. Wearing head-to-toe coverings in stifling heat, and battling against unfathomable bureaucracy, Lydia maintained her sanity throughout her year of service. This is the gripping account of one woman's resolve to survive in the hostile environment of a Saudi Arabian hospital.
Since the early 2010s, an increasing number of European countries have passed laws that prohibit the wearing of various kinds of Islamic veil in particular circumstances. This insightful book considers the arguments used to justify such laws and analyses the legitimacy of these arguments both generally and in regards to whether such laws can be seen as justified interferences with the rights of women who wish to wear such garments. This timely book considers the most recently passed European laws that target Islamic veiling. The author situates the justifications for anti-veiling laws in the context of a careful analysis of the reasons why women wear veils, and considers these justifications by reference to emerging debates surrounding the relative value of liberalism and human rights, multiculturalism, and the need to protect 'traditional values'. The book concludes that these laws are best viewed as symbolic strikes at a recognizable symbol of an ideological opponent, theorising that their principal purpose is to enable particular countries to reaffirm traditional values in a context of increased domestic opposition to multiculturalism. This engaging work will be valuable reading for students and scholars of human rights law, Islamic law and those interested specifically in the laws and regulations surrounding Islamic veiling around the world.