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The book tells the story of how we never evolved to exercise - to do voluntary physical activity for the sake of health. Using his own research and experiences throughout the world, the author recounts how and why humans evolved to walk, run, dig, and do other necessary and rewarding physical activities while avoiding needless exertion. Drawing on insights from biology and anthropology, the author suggests how we can make exercise more enjoyable, rather that shaming and blaming people for avoiding it
"The Great Cardio Myth uncovers the science behind cardio and why it is an ineffective workout for weight loss and overall health"--
Contrary to what most diets would have you believe, the human body does not recognize all calories as equal. Some foods are used to boost brain power, fuel metabolism, and heal the body—while others are simply stored as fat. In The Calorie Myth, Bailor shows us how eating more of the right kinds of foods and exercising less, but at a higher intensity, is the true formula for burning fat. Why? Because eating high-quality foods balances the hormones that regulate our metabolism. When we eat these foods, our bodies naturally maintain a healthy weight. But when we eat sugar, starches, processed fats, and other poor-quality foods, the body's regulatory system becomes "clogged" and prevents us from burning extra calories. Translation: Those extra 10 pounds aren't the result of eating too much . . . they're the result of eating the wrong foods! Bailor offers clear, comprehensive guidance on what to eat and why, providing an eating plan, recipes, and a simple yet effective exercise regimen. Losing weight doesn't have to mean going hungry or spending hours at the gym. The Calorie Myth offers a radical and effective new model for weight loss and long-term health.
The global health and fitness industry is worth an estimated $4 trillion. We spend $90 billion each year on health club memberships and $100 billion each year on dietary supplements. In such an industrial climate, lax regulations on the products we are sold (supplements, fad-diets, training programs, gadgets, and garments) result in marketing campaigns underpinned by strong claims and weak evidence. Moreover, our critical faculties are ill-suited to a culture characterized by fake news, social media, misinformation, and bad science. We have become walking, talking prey to 21st-Century Snake Oil salesmen. In The Skeptic’s Guide to Sports Science, Nicholas B. Tiller confronts the claims behind the products and the evidence behind the claims. The author discusses what might be wrong with the sales pitch, the glossy magazine advert, and the celebrity endorsements that our heuristically-wired brains find so innately attractive. Tiller also explores the appeal of the one quick fix, the fallacious arguments that are a mainstay of product advertising, and the critical steps we must take in retraining our minds to navigate the pitfalls of the modern consumerist culture. This informative and accessible volume pulls no punches in scrutinizing the plausibility of, and evidence for, the most popular sports products and practices on the market. Readers are encouraged to confront their conceptualizations of the industry and, by the book’s end, they will have acquired the skills necessary to independently judge the effectiveness of sports-related products. This treatise on the commercialization of science in sport and exercise is a must-read for exercisers, athletes, students, and practitioners who hope to retain their intellectual integrity in a lucrative health and fitness industry that is spiraling out-of-control.
This myth busting expose will show you just how the food, diet and exercise industries choose what to recommend based on what generates the most money for them. And why they don't care how their decisions impact you waistline or your health.
To preface this article, let me start out by saying that the no. 1 rule is the same for everyone. Every person is an individual and needs to learn their own bodys signals that exercise may be too much or too little. I am also not a doctor and make no claims medically. You should know that when it comes to your health, medicine and doctors have their place. It is just not always the first place, and many times, its the last place. Also if you have already had surgeries (i.e., neck or spine surgeries, pins, screws, prosthetics, pacemakers, or any other foreign material in your body), you will need to take extra precautions while exercising. Once the mechanics of the human body have been altered, it can no longer function completely, as it was intended to. However, this does not mean its okay to park yourself on a couch and never do anything about your fitness level. Fitness is not about vanity. Your body was never intended to be dormant. It needs to move to survive.
In industrialized nations, our sedentary lifestyles have contributed to skyrocketing rates of obesity and diseases like diabetes. A key remedy, we are told, is exercise - voluntary physical activity for the sake of health. However, most of us struggle to stay fit, and our attitudes to exercise are plagued by misconceptions, finger-pointing and anxiety. But, as Daniel Lieberman shows in Exercised the first book of its kind by a leading scientific expert, we never evolved to exercise. We are hardwired for moderate exertion throughout each day, not triathlons or treadmills. Drawing on over a decade of high-level scientific research and eye-opening insights from evolutionary biology and anthropology, Lieberman explains precisely how exercise can promote health; debunks persistent myths about sitting, speed, strength and endurance; and points the way towards more enjoyable and physically active living in the modern world.
Jonathan Bailor spent the past decade collaborating with top doctors and researchers to analyze more than 10,000 pages of academic research related to diet, exercise and weight loss. The end result is this very straightforward, simple and easy-to-read book, where Bailor bridges the gap between the academic world and the everyday world to dispel the myths, lies, and corporate sales hype that have fueled the current obesity epidemic. More than any other author in this new century, Bailor has separated scientific fact from weight loss fiction--to deliver a proven, permanent and easy-to-implement fat loss solution. Based on clinically proven research--not trendy opinions--Bailor uses biology and common sense to bring reason to the topic of diet, exercise and weight loss. ------Endorsements------- Proven and practical. Dr. Theodoros Kelesidis Harvard & UCLA Medical Schools The latest and best scientific research. Dr. John J. Ratey Harvard Medical School An important piece of work. Dr. Anthony Accurso Johns Hopkins Smart and health promoting. Dr. JoAnn E. Manson Harvard Medical School The last diet book you will ever need to buy. Dr. Larry Dossey Medical City Dallas Hospital Revolutionary, surprising, and scientifically sound. Dr. Jan Friden University of Gothenburg Compelling, simple, and practical. Dr. Steve Yeaman Newcastle University Stimulating and provocative. Dr. Soren Toubro University of Copenhagen Amazing and important research. Dr. Wayne Westcott Quincy College Brilliant. Will end your confusion once and for all. Dr. William Davis Fellowship of the American College of Cardiology, author of Wheat Belly Bailor's work stands alone. Maik Wiedenbach World Cup and Olympic Athlete Bailor opens the black box of fat loss and makes it simple for you to explore the facts. Joel Harper Dr. Oz Show fitness expert A groundbreaking paradigm shift. It gets results and changes lives. Jade Teta, ND, CSCS