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We can't share something we don't have. We can't bring secular people to God if we don't know Him ourselves. If it's our desire to bring secular people into a relationship with God, we must be willing to share ourselves in deep relationship with them. This book will share with you ways to: We can't share something we don't have. We can't bring secular people to God if we don't know Him ourselves. If it's our desire to bring secular people into a relationship with God, we must be willing to share ourselves in deep relationship with them. This book will share with you ways to:
What is the gospel? It seems like a simple question, yet it has been known to incite some heated responses, even in the church. How are we to formulate a clear, biblical understanding of the gospel? Tradition, reason, and experience all leave us ultimately disappointed. If we want answers, we must turn to the Word of God. Greg Gilbert does so in What Is the Gospel? Beginning with Paul's systematic presentation of the gospel in Romans and moving through the sermons in Acts, Gilbert argues that the central structure of the gospel consists of four main subjects: God, man, Christ, and a response. The book carefully examines each and then explores the effects the gospel can have in individuals, churches, and the world. Both Christian and non-Christian readers will gain a clearer understanding of the gospel in this valuable resource.
How did Pentecostalism become the fastest growing movement within Christendom in the twentieth century? Faupel contends that Pentecostalism was propelled onto the world stage when early adherents felt commissioned by God to announce that Christ would soon return to establish his kingdom on earth. The gift of tongues would equip them supernaturally to proclaim this message to the nations in the language of the people. Although this expectation was soon disproved, the eschatological hope nevertheless remained the motivating force for Pentecostalism’s rapid growth. This book has been prescribed reading on the Pentecostal hope for many years. This edition makes it available once again to a worldwide readership.
This book is about Jesus’s wonderful Everlasting Gospel (Revelation 14:6,7) Rescue mission to save mankind, not in their sins but “from their sins” (Mat. 1:21). Jesus will soon be returning to take his children home. There are preparations we can make. The book you are holding is a story about fighting the good fight of faith and conquering it with Jesus’s help. God’s Word says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). The Bible also says, “The truth shall make you free . . . ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:32,36). Author Rick Streight speaks heart-to-heart with the reader about the realities of the Christian journey and the reward that is waiting for us. He also speaks about the dangers that surround us, the temptations we often struggle with, and how to overcome sin through Christ. He asks a major question: “Why hasn’t Jesus come yet?” This book answers that important question. Are you spiritually homesick? God has made a plan that we may have “boldness in the day of judgment” (1 John 4:17). Jesus depended totally on his Father for wisdom and power. If we depend on Jesus, we can receive that same power to live the Christian life maturely with no shortcuts—that’s God’s way! This book also provides answers as to how we can hasten Jesus’s Second Coming. May we all: “prepare to meet thy God.” (Amos 4 vs. 12) through in-depth study of his Word with much prayer. Ask God, “How do I apply these things I am learning to my life?”
Pose the question, "What is the gospel?" to a group of Christians, and back comes the automatic response: "The gospel is the good news." Not to everyone, it isn't. To some Christians, the gospel seems almost hopelessly confusing. Is it justification--or sanctification--or both? What do those words really mean? And if the gospel is such good news, why isn't the church stirred, galvanized, electrified by it? The gospel is so much more than a spiritual warm fuzzy. Prepare yourself for a discovery that is truly Beyond Belief! - Preface. The Sin Problem. God's Redemptive Love. The Gospel Defined. Christ Our Substitute. The Two Adams: Romans 5. The Two Adams: 1 Corinthians 15. The Cross and the Great Controversy. The Cross and the Atonement. The Cross and the Human Race. Righteousness by Faith. Justification and Sanctification. The Joyous Experience of Salvation. The Principle of the Cross. The Work of the Holy Spirit. Spirit, Soul, and Body. Law and Grace-I. Law and Grace--II The Sabbath Rest. Appendix
Blake's notebooks after his death disclose an unfinished poem titled "The Everlasting Gospel." The message of the poem is enduring, and presents a humanist document with few parallels and perhaps no predecessors. Blake's personality was seen by his contemporaries as part genius, part naïf-just the combination to touch areas of sensibility remote from the rest of us. But in fact good and evil are not at all remote, they are simply removed from our daily considerations. To live with such consciousness, and with such conviction to shout against the platitudes of our lives, may be possible only for such a personality. Blake's ability to step outside the conventional thinking of his day (and of ours) gave him a point of view from which he could critically re-evaluate cherished values and expectations of the Christian tradition, such as good and evil.
The Everlasting Gospel by E. J. Waggoner.