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The Eucharist should not be limited to the congregation that gathers to hear the word of God and proclaim its faith. It is, first of all, the active presence of the sacrifice of Christ, who gathers us together and lets us partake of his divine life through his body and blood in Communion. Christians are always hoping to find helpful ways to contemplate the eucharistic mystery in all its fullness, and this set of meditations by Father Raniero Cantalamessa - presented by him in the presence of Pope John Paul II - is written in a simple and warm style and nourished by Scripture and the teachings of the Church Fathers from both the East and the West. These meditations answer the needs of all who hope to experience the radiant and radiating Eucharist that shines into their hearts and into the life of the Church.
In "The Blessed Eucharist," Father Michael Mueller describes how Christ's love for us moved Him to create this most beautiful Sacrament. He explains why Our Lord veils Himself in the appearance of bread - a garment so humble He is little known, little loved even neglected and insulted. Fr. Mueller helps the reader discover what a treasure the Sacrament is, sharing countless compelling accounts of miracles involving the Eucharist, quotations from Scripture and the Saints reflecting the virtues that can be obtained from Communion worthily received and the consequences of an unworthy reception of Our Lord. He instructs the reader on how to best prepare for receiving the Sacrament, and how to properly offer thanksgiving afterwards. "The Blessed Eucharist" awakens a deeper awareness of the incredible gift that God has given us in His Presence in the Eucharist, allowing us to embrace all the wondrous fruits this Sacrament has to offer.
A child begs her father to take her to the baseball game, where she roots for the home team and eats peanuts and Cracker Jack.
Perhaps the doctrine of the Catholic Church most baffling to Protestants and the hardest to accept is her teaching on the Eucharist as both a sacrament and (especially) as the actual Body and Blood of Christ as he offered it on the Cross. But what does the Catholic Church really mean by what she teaches about the Eucharist as opposed to what many have supposed her to mean by it? Does the Catholic teaching have any foundation in the Bible? Did Christ himself say anything about the Eucharist? Is the Eucharist only a symbol; or is it, in the Sacrifice of the Mass, the actual Body and Blood of Christ for our salvation? These questions and others are answered for the Protestant inquirer in this book, which the author hopes will at the very least help the reader to understand that what the Catholic Church believes about the Eucharist is not an invention but is rooted in a profound understanding of the Scriptures.
Covers every aspect of the Great Mystery of the Altar. Describes how Christ\'s love for us moved Him to create this most beautiful Sacrament, and helps the reader discover what a treasure this Holy Sacrament is. Instructs the reader on how to best prepare to receive Holy Communion, and how to properly offer thanksgiving afterwards. Contains innumerable fascinating stories, Eucharistic miracles, etc. A fast-paced book of simply amazing insights into the nature and value of the Holy Eucharist. 298 Pp. PB. Impr.
Written particularly for the Charismatic Renewal in the English-speaking world, Come, Creator Spirit is a helpful guide for a better understanding of the Holy Spirit. In this detailed commentary on the famous hymn Veni Creator, sung at the beginning of every new year, ecumenical council, and priestly ordination, Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa describes the Paraclete and gives praise to its glory. Progressing through the hymn line by line, he provides insights, reflections, hymnography of Christian traditions, and testimonies of the saints. This book describes the Church's experience of the Spirit of today, as well as the past. The biblical and theological base of the hymn opens the reader to the perspectives and inspirations in this book. Its Vision of the Holy Spirit in the history of salvation emerges as the reader progresses through the reading. In the celebration of the ecumenical character of Veni Creator, this book draws from Orthodox, Protestant, and Catholic traditions for all those who wish to seek a better understanding of the Holy Spirit. Chapters are "Spirit, Come!" “Creator,” “Fill with Heavenly Grace the Hearts that You Have Made,” “You Whom We Name the Paraclete,” “Most High Gift of God,” “Living Water,” “Fire,” “Love,” “Anointing for the Soul,” “Sevenfold in Your Gifts,” “Finger of God’s Right Hand,” “The Father’s Solemn Promise,” “Gifting Lips with the Word to Say,” “Kindle Your Light in Our Minds,” “Pour Love into Our Hearts,” “Infirmity in This Body of Ours Overcoming with Strength Secure,” “The Enemy Drive from Us Away,” “Peace Then Give without Delay,” “With You As Guide We Avoid All Cause of Harm,” “Through You May We the Father Know,” “Through You May We Know the Son As Well,” and “And You, the Spirit of Them Both, May We Always Believe.”
The Eucharist goes back to the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples. It is based on the prayer of thanksgiving that Jesus pronounced over the bread and wine at that meal. "Eucharist" means thanksgiving, praise and blessing. The Church celebrates the Eucharist as a memorial of the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The memorial of the Eucharist is more than a remembrance of the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples. In the Eucharist the sacrifice of our redemption becomes present sacramentally. In the past, dogmatic theology has treated the meaning of the Eucharist while disregarding the form of its liturgical celebration, whereas liturgical studies have been content with the latter. Yet the two cannot be separated, however, any more than liturgy and dogma or pastoral practice and doctrine can. For the Church’s liturgy is not about something external to Christian revelation, but rather about "revelation accepted in faith and prayer" (Joseph Ratzinger). In this work Helmut Hoping combines the approaches of dogmatic theology and liturgy while examining the Eucharist from an historical and systematic perspective. The second German edition of this major work, which this new English translation is taken from, was revised and expanded, adding a comparative analysis of the Second Eucharistic Prayer and a chapter on the theology of the words of institution.
In this volume in the Liturgy Documentary Series, the bishops reaffirm the distribution of the Holy Communion to the faithful under both kinds.
These two moving studies by the eminent Orthodox theologian and sophiologist Father Sergei Bulgakov are remarkable in many ways. The first is a unique consideration--from the point of view of Eastern Christianity--of the Holy Grail, the chalice used by Joseph of Arimathea to catch the blood and water as it flowed from Jesus' side when it was pierced on the Cross by the spear of Longinus. This moment is described in John 19:34. Bulgakov's essay is a "dogmatic exegesis" of this passage in which, with astounding passion and precision, he reveals that the Earth itself and hence the human universe is the Grail wherein Christ lives forever. The second essay is also unique--the most important contribution to eucharistic theology by an Orthodox theologian. In the West, the meaning of the Communion bread and wine as the Christ's Body and Blood has been interpreted largely in philosophical terms deriving from Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas. Bulgakov insists on a christological and Gospel-based interpretation, one with tremendous significance for our understanding of the supernatural and sophianic nature of a world interpenetrated by the divine. This little book is a priceless gift, enriching our understanding of the Christian mystery and two of its deepest aspects, the Grail and the Eucharist.