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This collection examines the evolving European Union legal-institutional and policy frameworks for governing migration, borders and asylum post-2015/16. It is the first study on why and how the ‘intersectionality’ across policy areas and actors affects democratic rule of law and the mobility, livelihood and human rights of refugees and immigrants.
In recent years, Europe has seen its largest influx of migrants and refugees in decades, with 1.9 million arrivals to the continent between 2014 and 2017. Peak arrivals in 2015, and sustained flows since then, have found the European Union and its 28 member states unable to face what has been called the “European migration crisis.” Part of their response has focused on cooperation with third countries of transit or origin, by leveraging development, humanitarian, and foreign policy tools to try and reduce migrant flows to Europe, including through many funding and budgetary decisions. This report attempts to quantify, through budgetary analysis, what shifts occurred in the external dimension of Europe’s migration policy following the crisis, and in three member states (Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands). These short-term shifts, representing policy priorities, carry long-term consequences for the European Union’s role as a foreign policy and soft power actor.
What level of policy convergence has been achieved by EU member states on immigration, borders and asylum? Although this question may sound rather theoretical, in practice it has profound consequences on the everyday life of individuals and the very nature of the EU. Common action in this field is exacerbated by the significant obstacles that negatively impact the quality of policies and the success of their implementation. Together with the tense EU struggle between the intergovernmental and community method of governing, these factors are detrimental to an EU-wide policy for promoting freedom, justice and stability in an enlarging Union. In response, authors Thierry Balzacq and Sergio Carrera undertake a critical analysis of the most recent policy developments in this politically sensitive domain. They investigate persistent barriers to harmonisation and suggest how the EU may achieve policy optimalisation. Their work progressively develops a set of recommendations, aimed at overcoming current vulnerabilities in policy approximation and achieving the most appropriate action to ensure equal treatment and social cohesion in the EU.
This contributed volume examines the trend whereby the EU resorts ever more often to informal arrangements and deals with third countries in an effort to curb and manage migration flows towards the EU and facilitate the return of irregular migrants to their countries of origin or transit. The perceived success of the EU-Turkey deal provided a strong impetus for the continuation of this trend. The contributions collected and presented in this book aim to shed light on the implications of this trend for the EU constitutional order, the human rights of those affected by these deals, the third countries with which the EU cooperates, and the global refugee protection regime. They demonstrate how these deals raise more issues than they solve; by, for instance, sidestepping established Treaty rules and procedures, violating the human rights of those affected, and overburdening the nascent migration and asylum systems of third country partners. This book, the first volume to appear in the Global Europe Series, will be of great interest to researchers and policy makers working in the field of migration and asylum. Eva Kassoti and Narin Idriz work in the Research Department of the T.M.C. Asser Institute in The Hague.
Der vorliegende Band geht zurück auf eine internationale Summer School zum Migrations-, Asyl- und Flüchtlingsrecht in Barcelona. Im Sinne eines intergenerationellen wissenschaftlichen Austausches kommen Studierende, Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen und arrivierte Expertinnen ins disziplinübergreifende Gespräch zu migrationsrechtlichen respektive migrationspolitischen Grundsatzfragen, die seit der Flüchtlingsschutzkrise des Jahres 2015 virulenter denn je geworden sind. Europa-, menschen- und völkerrechtliche Aspekte werden um nationalstaatliche Perspektiven aus Belgien, Bulgarien, der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Italien, Spanien, der Türkei und dem Vereinigten Königreich ergänzt. Mit Beiträgen von Claudia Candelmo, Carmine Conte, Francisco Javier Donaire Villa, Arolda Elbasani, Leonard Amaru Feil, Francesco Luigi Gatta, Chad Heimrich, Markus Kotzur, Annalisa Morticelli, David Moya, Claudia Pretto, Andrea Romano, David Fernandez Rojo, Senada Šelo Šabić, Valentina Savazzi, Ülkü Sezgi Sözen und Catharina Ziebritzki.
This discerning book examines the external dimension EU migration and asylum polices in times of crisis. It thoroughly assesses patterns of co-operation in EU migration management with a focus on co-operation with the global south. A key resource for academics and students focussing on EU Law and migration more specifically, this book will also appeal to policy-makers, legal practitioners and international organisation representatives alike.
In recent years the EU has been active in developing a common European immigration policy in cooperation with third countries and in building an “external dimension” of such an EU policy. The linkages between the EU’s external relations and migration policies have influenced the distinct legal positions of third-country nationals (non-EU nationals). This book critically discusses whether the EU’s objective of creating a common EU migration policy can be achieved against the backdrop of a highly fragmented EU framework for migration law and policy, and it argues that it is difficult to speak of one single, unitary group of third-country nationals forming the counterpart to EU citizens.
This six-volume book series titled “Refugee Crisis in International Politics” are prepared with the aim of clarifying the above-mentioned issues and enriching the content, context, and depth to the field of science. “States must protect all migrants against violence based on racism and xenophobia, exploitation, and forced labor. Migrants should not be detained without legitimate reasons or forcefully send back to their home country. States must take responsibility for and fulfill these responsibilities meticulously for refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants to be able to rebuild their lives safely against serious dangers. Sharing responsibility for global problems is fair in the 21st century”. İçindekiler PREFACE CHAPTER 1. THE EU REFUGEE POLICIES AND THE STATUS OF REFUGEES – Neriman Hocaoğlu Bahadır CHAPTER 2. THE EUROPEAN UNION MIGRATION POLICY: EVOLUTION THROUGH REFUGEE CRISIS – Sertif Demir CHAPTER 3. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE REFUGEE CRISIS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION – Mesut Şöhret CHAPTER 4. GENDER, MIGRATION, AND SECURITY: THE EU’S RESPONSE TO THE REFUGEE CRISIS – Ayşegül Gökalp Kutlu CHAPTER 5. RE-BORDERING EUROPE?: REFUGEES AND ‘TEMPORARY’ INTERNAL BORDER CONTROLS – Aslı Şirin and Ebru Dalğakıran CHAPTER 6. SECURITIZATION OF REFUGEE PROBLEM WITHIN EUROPEAN UNION – Mesut Şöhret CHAPTER 7. NORMATIVE ELUSIVENESS OF EUROPE IN TERMS OF REFUGEE CRISIS – Sinem Bal CHAPTER 8. REFUGEE POLICIES OF THE BALTIC COUNTRIES – Burulkan Abdibaitova Pala CHAPTER 9. A HISTORICAL AND CONTEMPORARY ANALYSIS OF THE BRITISH IMMIGRATION POLICIES AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR SETTLEMENT AND INTEGRATION: THE CASE OF TURKISH IMMIGRANTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM – Serkan Baykuşoglu CHAPTER 10. MIGRATION POLICY OF SPAIN – Ferda Özer CHAPTER 11. POPULISM AND REFUGEE POLICIES OF AUSTRIA – Sinem Eray CHAPTER 12. BELGIUM’S IMMIGRATION ASYLUM POLICIES IN TIMES OF CRISIS – Ebru Dalğakıran CHAPTER 13. HUNGARY’S ASYLUM POLICY BEFORE AND AFTER THE REFUGEE MOVEMENT IN 2015 – Aslı Şirin CHAPTER 14. ASYLUM POLICY OF REPUBLIC OF SERBIA: THE CASE OF THE HUMANITARIAN ROUTE – Ayşegül Bostan
This book analyses the extent and the modalities of the securitization of asylum-seekers and refugees in the EU. It argues that the development of the EU asylum policy, far from 'securitizing' asylum-seekers and refugees, has led to the strengthening and codification of several rights for these two categories of persons. However, the securitization of terrorism and the links that have been constructed between asylum, irregular migration and terrorism in the wake of the various terrorist attacks that have taken place in Europe in the last few years have had a significant impact on the ability of asylum-seekers to gain access to asylum systems in the EU. From a theoretical point of view, the book develops an original analytical framework that draws upon and further develops security studies – more precisely securitization theory – by connecting it to the literature on policy venues and venue-shopping. It therefore makes a significant contribution to the debates on both securitization and migration. Empirically examining the entire development of the EU’s policy towards asylum-seekers and refugees, from its origins in 1993, this book will be of great interest to students of European and EU politics, refugees, migration, security, terrorism and counter-terrorism, security studies and International Relations.