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This book analyses the development of anti-corruption as a policy field in the European Union with a particular focus on the EU Anti-Corruption Report. It reconstructs the origins of anti-corruption policy in the 1990s when the EU started to recognise corruption as a serious crime with a cross-border dimension. It also analyses the processes surrounding the downfall of the Santer Commission on charges of corruption in 1999 and the enlargement of the EU. This incorporation of transitional new Member States was accompanied by a number of specific measures, instruments and monitoring mechanisms to combat corruption at the supranational level, finally leading to the introduction of the EU-wide Anti-Corruption Report in 2014. The book presents an in-depth analysis of its implementation, abandonment and the way forward under the European Semester as the new instrument for achieving EU anti-corruption reforms. It offers a new interpretation of the Report as a form of reflexive governance that operates at multiple levels and involves not only the European institutions and national governments, but also the role of civil society actors in the process of developing anti-corruption policy. It applies the theory of reflexive governance in analysing the impact of the Report in the UK, Romania and Albania, including the involvement of non-state actors in anti-corruption policy making in these countries. The book concludes with a discussion on how future EU Anti-Corruption policy can make use of reflexive governance and offers recommendations to enhance anti-corruption policies of the EU, the Member States and Candidate States.
Corruption continues to be a challenge for Europe. Affecting all EU Member States, corruption costs the European economy around 120 billion euros per year. Member States have taken many initiatives in recent years, but the results are uneven and more should be done to prevent and punish corruption. These are some of the conclusions from the first ever EU Anti-Corruption Report by the European Commission. The EU Anti-Corruption Report explains the situation in each Member State: what anti-corruption measures are in place, which ones are working well, what could be improved and how.
"Corruption seriously harms the economy and society as a whole. Many countries around the world suffer from deep-rooted corruption that hampers economic development, undermines democracy, and damages social justice and the rule of law. The Member States of the EU are not immune to this reality. Corruption varies in nature and extent from one country to another, but it affects all Member States. It impinges on good governance, sound management of public money, and competitive markets. In extreme cases, it undermines the trust of citizens in democratic institutions and processes. This Report provides an analysis of corruption within the EU's Member States and of the steps taken to prevent and fight it. It aims to launch a debate involving the Commission, Member States, the European Parliament and other stakeholders, to assist the anti-corruption work and to identify ways in which the European dimension can help."- -Introduction.
Analyses anti-corruption policy within EU Member States and the evolution of anti-corruption policy during the accession process.
Corruption has an impact. It is about time that anticorruption starts having an impact, too. This is the first annual policy report of the European Seventh Framework Research Project ANTICORRP, which has started in 2012 and will continue until 2018. Based on the work of 21 different research centers and universities gathering original data, ANTICORRP offers yearly updates on the latest from corruption research, analyzing both the consequences of corruption and the impact of policies attempting to curb it. This first report offers a methodology to evaluate corruption risk and quality of government at country, region and sector level by means of corruption indicators that are sensitive to change and policy intervention. The aim of the project is to offer testable, easy to handle policies which reduce corruption risk. Corruption distorts market competition, bolsters deficits on behalf of discretionary spending, hurts real investment in public health and education, reduces tax collection, detriments the absorption rate of EU funds, and generates vulnerable employment and brain drain. This study estimates that if EU member states would all manage to control corruption at the Danish level, tax collection in Europe would increase by 323 billion Euro per year – double of the EU budget for 2013.
This volume on Government Favouritism in Europe reunites the fieldwork of 2014-2015 in the ANTICORRP project. It is entirely based on objective indicators and offers both quantitative and qualitative assessments of the linkage between political corruption and organised crime using statistics on spending, procurement contract data and judicial data. The methodology used in the analysis of particularism of public resource distribution is applicable to any other country where procurement data can be made available and opens the door to a better understanding and control of both systemic corruption and political finance.
This volume on Government Favouritism in Europe reunites the fieldwork of 2014-2015 in the ANTICORRP project. It is entirely based on objective indicators and offers both quantitative and qualitative assessments of the linkage between political corruption and organised crime using statistics on spending, procurement contract data and judicial data. The methodology used in the analysis of particularism of public resource distribution is applicable to any other country where procurement data can be made available and opens the door to a better understanding and control of both systemic corruption and political finance.
The volume includes comparative and comprehensive discussions on anti-corruption policies of governments and anti-corruption agencies across Europe. Compared to existing literature that focuses either on general and theoretical aspects related to corruption or on country-specific experiences, this volume provides an interdisciplinary and broad overview of corruption prevention policies and measures undertaken by major European member states, relying both on literature and on institutional documentation of national anti-corruption agencies, which greatly contribute to shaping anti-corruption policy directions. In so doing, it advances the existing theoretical agenda of corruption studies and policies, situating it within wider disciplinary fields. This volume is especially concerned with the interrelationship between good administration, integrity, ethical behaviour and corruption; the role of transparency and digitalisation in preventing corruption and ensuring rights, efficiency and impartiality in the public administration; the measurement of corruption, with specific reference to preventative measures and indicators of administrative anti-corruption efforts; big data, block chains, and artificial intelligence; public management codes of ethics, performance targets and skills, and their role in tackling and preventing corruption; and public procurement, transparency and anti-bribery measures in the European public procurement system. This volume is of interest to graduate students and researchers in political sociology, political science, European corruption law, international relations, public policy, and social statistics.
Corruption is a multi-sector phenomenon, present both in the public and private sector, and in the political arena. While corruption can take the form of petty crime or complex high-level corruption, it can also hide behind favouritism and nepotism, conflicts of interest and revolving doors - where business meets politics. The European Commission (EC) has been given a political mandate to measure efforts in the fight against corruption and to develop a comprehensive EU anti-corruption policy. On 3 May 2023, the European Commission adopted anti-corruption measures. This includes a proposal for a new Directive on combating corruption by criminal law. It aims to update and harmonise EU rules on definitions and penalties for corruption offences to ensure high standards against the full range of corruption crimes. It provides also for corruption prevention. Prevention helps to support a culture of integrity, in which corruption and impunity are not tolerated. This Eurobarometer survey, first conducted in 2013, and repeated in 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2022, is designed to explore the level of corruption perceived and experienced by businesses employing one or more persons in the following six key sectors: energy, mining, oil and gas, chemicals; healthcare and pharmaceutical; engineering and electronics, motor vehicles; construction and building; telecommunications and information technologies; and financial services, banking and investment. The survey covers a range of areas, including: - Businesses' perception of the level of corruption in their country; - The prevalence of practices leading to corruption; - How corruption is investigated, prosecuted and sanctioned.; - Problems encountered when doing business; - Corrupt practices in public tender and public procurement procedures.
Within the framework of the European Commission's Falcone programme, a study of the organisation of the fight against corruption in the Member States and candidate countries of the European Union was established by Ghent University. The results of the study can be found in this book, which provides a comparative analysis of anti-corruption arrangements across 24 European States. In addition to this it includes the full texts as provided by the experts selected to contribute both to the volume itself and the accompanying two-day meeting in Ghent, Belgium. The collection and publication of these reports supports one of the two central aims of the project: to assist in furthering mutual knowledge and understanding of the legal frameworks and organisations that are tasked with the fight against corruption across the European Union and candidate countries. This collection also reflects the second central aim of the project which was to assist in the formation of a wide network of people involved in anti-corruption efforts. For this reason the provided texts have come from a broad spectrum of interested agencies and individuals. Subsequently, they provide a broader picture of corruption in the 24 countries than might otherwise be expected. Accordingly, this four part volume begins with a brief introduction in which the aims, context, methodology and questionnaire are covered. Part two provides a comparative analysis of the reports, bolstered by the findings of the meeting. Part three contains the collected reports and can be used by practitioners and others interested in the anti-corruption arrangements of the various European Union Member States and candidate countries. The fourth and final part of this volume is a concluding statement in which the recommendations of the final meeting are suggested for consideration.