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Part I, p.297-387; Location of Kowraregas, Muralegas, Italegas, Badulegas, Gumulegas, Kulkalegas, Massilegas; arithmetic, counting; diseases and native remedies; plant foods, cooking; cannibalism; narcotics; crime and punishment; trade in canoes; sexual relations; religious beliefs, soul, future life, spirits, ancestral cults, fetishism, superstitions, magic and divination; government, leaders; weapons, bows and arrows, javelin and throwing stick, stone and wooden clubs; laws of real property, inheritance; punishments; etiquette for meeting, hospitality; totemic food taboos, speech restrictions; Trade 1) intra - insular, 2) with Daudai, 3) with Cape York; exchange values; war and fighting (brief versions of myths given); hunting and fishing; agriculture; social relationships, marriage, widows, abortion and infanticide; education, games and amusements, dancing (masks, body decorations); body painting and scarification, hair dressing, ornaments; cranial deformation; painting (pigments, brushes); music and musical instruments, gives 4 line song set to music with separate free translation (Thursday Island), words of 4 songs (two from Mabuiag with free translation, two from Muralug in English only); navigation, canoes; fire, string making; p.388-437; Part II, deals with each island separately - Saibai, Dauan, Boigu, Mabuiag, Badu, Tud, Yam, Nagir, Waraber, Masig, Damut, Moa, Muralug; plates show cicatrice patterns, headdress, bow and arrows; map shows native names, English names given in separate list.
The first volume compiles the results of an ethnographical research expedition in the Torres Strait, New Guinea, and Borneo.
The fifth in a series compiling the results of an ethnographical research expedition in the Torres Strait, New Guinea, and Borneo. Originally published in 1904, it contains information on the societies and belief structures of the indigenous peoples living in the western islands of the Strait.
Comparison to show relations between Papuans and Australians; Miriam, Saibai, Daudai; divisions of Saibai = Kauralaig (Prince of Wales and Moa), Gumulaig (Badu and Mabuiag), Sabailaig (Saibai, Dauan and Boigu) and Kulkalaig (Nagir, Tud, Masig); Mirriam = Murray Island (Mer, Waier and Dauan), Erub and Ugar; comparative vocabulary of English, Miriam and Daudai; sketch of Miriam grammar, lengthy vocabulary, texts with translations.