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In a dazzling, lyrical mixture of science and philosophy, acclaimed science writer David Darling makes a provocative case for the workings of human consciousness, its origins, and its destiny when the next Big Bang precipitates a quantum leap in evolution. Equations of Eternity rethinks thought and the existence of intelligence in a way that will give readers a lot to think about.
Leading scientists and historians explore the equation that guides modern astrobiology's search for life beyond Earth.
This book introduces ten equations that transcend the boundaries of time and space. It takes readers through a journey of self-discovery where they will learn the history, science, and significance of these equations in the context of their lives. Moreover, the mathematical beauty of these equations is presented in a profoundly modest fashion to highlight the idea that equations are eternal but humans are transient. Each chapter offers readers a sublime experience and provides insights into the laws of nature that address the ever-expanding intricacy of our universe. The history of humankind, according to Franz Kafka, is the instant between two strides taken by a traveler. Therefore, what remains eternal when we finish our journey on this tiny rocky planet is our deep desire to connect with everything else in this universe. These equations capture the essence of that aspiration and remain everlasting while we continue our trivial human pursuits. These equations change the way we live and view the world and will outlast even the most enduring signs of our civilization. They have the potential to take us from planet to planet and perhaps to make us a cosmic species. They can destroy the last strand of DNA to terminate life as we know it and generate life again from the fundamental laws of nature. While these equations remain intangible, they can create a tangible world yet remain truly eternal.
Love poems and thoughts about relativity of time, metaphysics and the Equation of Love. Definition and concept of time. Gravity and a new theory of everything. In this book, perspectives of modern science and metaphysics are combined; besides the introduction about the relativity of love there are two titles dedicated to time and the Love Equation and gravity, respectively. In title II, the different definitions of time are discussed, emphasizing the subjective origin of the concept and the never-ending attempts to obtain its common and objective idea. There is a brief discussion about the new concept used by the physics science and, more thoroughly, the personal conception of metaphysical time and the time line as something real and subjective in contrast to the imaginary nature of time in Modern Physics. Title III focuses on the Equation of Love, Newton’s gravity and its interrelations with Modern Physics and, in particular, with Einstein’s equation of the mass-energy equivalence. In other words, the new theory attempts to replace the correct duality of subjective and objective reality in the realm of philosophy, separating them from other, let’s say, imaginary realities. It is not to say that imaginary realities are completely incorrect, but they do not correspond to the standard, common and simpler form of the operation of human logic and, as a epistemological result, of the scientific method.
This book is about how the living soul can attain eternal peace and hence eternal life as a living soul would yield it when abiding in the Lord Jesus Christ. Tapping the Lords Prayer as the authorized spiritual vehicle to communicate with God, this book attests that the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation, the seal of salvation, and the bearing point to overcome the world. By showing the intrinsic relationship of the invisible with the manifested world, the heavenly and the earthly, this book lucidly defines why the soul should glorify God as an end to lifes purpose while seeking righteousness and fulfilling the commandments. By presenting ground breaking revelations about the spiritual realm and hence the living God through the spiritual compass, this book would help the reader to discern wisdom about how to worship the Lord in truth and spirit to see the glimpse of eternal life and enjoy eternal peace, not as the world offers it but as the Lord Jesus confers it on the living soul.
This book is unusual in many respects. It was written by a prolific author whose tragic untimely death did not allow to finish this and many other of his undertakings. It was assembled from numerous excerpts, notes, and fragments according to his initial plans. Zilberman’s legacy still awaits its true discovery and this book is a second installment to it after The Birth of Meaning in Hindu Thought (Kluwer, 1988). Zilberman’s treatment of analogy is unique in its approach, scope, and universality for Western philosophical thought. Constantly compared to eastern and especially classical Indian interpretations, analogy is presented by Zilberman as an important and in many ways primary method of philosophizing or philosophy-building. Due to its universality, this method can be also applied in linguistics, logic, social analysis, as well as historical and anthropological research. These applications are integral part of Zilberman’s book. A prophetic leap to largely uncharted territories, this book could be of considerable interest for experts and novices in the field of analogy alike.
The book attempts to present a new perspective to its readers for looking self and surrounding world. It tries to tell that we humans, all living beings and all non living things, moon, planets, stars, galaxies are made of the same matter particles. How everything is cosmically connected? How all matter, all space, all energy has been formed during the cosmic evolution? What are different ways to decipher such understanding? What are the scientific principles, laws and theories which help in explaining and understanding them? What are the tools and techniques which enable us to look, to experience and to test them? How vast is the universe and how small and insignificant we are? In short, the book provides a cosmic perspective for self realization to mankind. The Bhagavad Gita mentions one of the paths for salvation as Gyan Yoga (the path of knowledge for self realization). This book is a step forward in that direction. While giving brief account of cosmos, the book tries to soften human ego and expects its readers to keep our earthly differences aside and realize our cosmic connection.