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More than three decades have passed since the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979. In that time, theories of modern revolution would suggest a retreat from ideological goals, heralding a phase of institutional development. However, Hamad Albloshi argues that Iran is unique: the current rhetoric of conservative Iranian leaders implies the regime has not left its revolutionary stage. Through an examination of the hardline conservative ideology in Iran-personified by the former president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad-this book explores how the usual development seen in revolutions from radical discourse to pragmatic rhetoric has not been the case in Iran. Albloshi explores the evolution of the hardline conservatives and their main ideas about the nature of the Iranian regime, their position toward other groups within the system, and their approach to the international community. By doing so, he sheds new light on the group's position in the country and the ideological roots of major shifts that occurred in Iran's internal and external policies in the period between 2005 and 2013.
In response to criticism from Soviet politician Karl Radek, Leon Trotsky wrote the essay "The Permanent Revolution". Following Trotsky's expulsion from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1927, The Left Opposition released the text in Russian. This was written following the death of Vladimir Lenin, which started a power struggle among the Communist Party of the Soviet Union's military, bureaucratic, and legislative branches. General Secretary Joseph Stalin created a political partnership with Trotsky opponents Lev Kamenev, Zinnoviev, and Nikolai Bukharin inside The Politburo and The Central Committee. Stalin's bloc followed an isolationist ideology known as Socialism in One Country, which prioritized economic growth above global upheaval.
Through exclusive archive access and interviews, Dmitri Volkogonov provides a reinterpretation of the life and ruthless career of Leon Trotksy, one of the most influential figures of the 20th century whose faith in the world socialist revolution remained undimmed to the end. This biography examines Leon Trotsky’s career as a revolutionary before World War I, including his success as chief organizer of the October revolution, becoming a military hero of the Russian civil war, and his outspoken criticism of the Stalinist style of leadership. Expelled from the Communist Party, written out of the history of the revolution, and murdered in Mexico by Stalin’s agents, Volkogonov shines a light on this dynamic public speaker, brilliant organizer, and theorist. Through interviews with Stalin’s overseas hit-squad and relatives of Trotsky, as well as access to top-secret Soviet archives, Trotsky lends insight into one of the most influential figures of the twentieth century.
"To be a Christian is to be at war with the world." So begins this call to join in the Eternal Revolution - the ongoing fight for the Kingdom of Heaven in a fallen world. The Eternal Revolution provides a fresh persepective of the Christian life as the ongoing spiritual battle in which you are born, and will continue to fight every day of the rest of your life. Paul Nowak, author of "The Way of the Christian Samurai," renews the challenge found throughout Scripture to fight the good fight for the Kingdom of God, providing inspiration and practical steps for Christians to live as courageous warriors of spirit.
Clean of Heart is written for practicing Catholics who accept all the teachings of the Church, yet are still ensnared by pornography and self-abuse. There is hope! Through the Sacraments, God provides all the grace one needs to become pure. No matter how long one has indulged in pornography or how deep one has sunk into the mire of vice, Our Lord can still break the addiction! What makes Clean of Heart different? First, it is written from a Catholic point-of-view. While Evangelical Christians have many books and programs for pornography addicts, there are few titles on the market for Catholics. Clean of Heart consists of forty-three daily meditations which draw from the power of the Sacraments and the wisdom of the Saints (elements lacking in many Evangelical books). Second, Clean of Heart is a surprisingly chaste book. It contains no obscenities or explicit testimonies which may be an occasion of sin for some. The focus is on attaining a clean heart rather than recalling past sins.
Christians are called to be both servants and soldiers of Christ. As this book demonstrates, there is much to be learned from the teachings and example of the Samurai, legendary servant-warriors of Japan, in order for believers respond to Gods call as Christian Samurai. (Christian)
Chinese storytelling has survived through more than a millennium into our own time, while similar oral arts have fallen into oblivion in the West. Under the main heading of 'The Eternal Storyteller', in August 1996 the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies hosted an International Workshop on Oral Literature in Modern China. To this meeting, the first of its kind in Europe, five special guests were invited - master tellers from Yangzhou: Wang Xizotang, Li Xintang, Fei Zhengliang, Dai Buzhang and Hui Zhaolong. The volume derived from this meeting includes an introductory article written by John Miles Foley entitled 'A Comparative View on Oral Traditions'. Thereafter, a wide range of topics relating to Chinese oral literature is covered under the headings: 'Historical Lines', 'A Spectrium of Genres', 'Studies of Yangzhou and Suzhou Story- telling' and 'Performances of Yangzhou Storytelling'. However, the present volume does more than include papers derived from the meeting. It is also lavishly illustrated in word and picture from performances by the guest-storytellers. In so doing, the world of Chinese story telling is not just described and analysed - it is also brought to life.
This is a biography of Leon Trotsky, a dominating figure of the Russian Revolution. He was largely responsible for building the Red Army, and advocated the system of state terror which was ultimately to lead to the nightmare of Stalinism.
This book not only relates the defining moments of the Cuban Revolution – such as the Moncada Barracks attack, the assault on Batista’s Presidential Palace, the Bay of Pigs invasion, and the Cuban Missile Crisis – but also lesser-known events like the “War Against the Bandits”; the overseas adventures of Che Guevara in the Congo and Bolivia; Fidel Castro’s possible prior knowledge of and involvement in JFK’s assassination; Cuba’s “silent war against the environment”; and ongoing foreign intelligence operations. The book contains information most readers and academicians may not be familiar with and utilizes major tomes as sources that have only been published in Spanish and so are not widely available to international audiences outside of Spain and Latin America. It will enlighten readers about the realities of the Cuban Revolution – its purported achievements as well as its definite shortcomings; its impact on world events in the last seven decades; and correct the record where needed – enhancing the fount of knowledge for further research by social scientists, historians, and political scientists.