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The name of this series is God's Administration in the History of Redemption (Eph 1:9). God's administration in the history of redemption is His management of the entire history, including the promising of the Messiah, giving prophecies of every detail of His coming, His birth and ministry on earth, and the atoning work on the cross. God interceded in mankind's history through His providence in every period to make sure His will of salvation of fallen mankind through Jesus Christ is fulfilled. This series follows that history and traces back to see what God has done to bring us to salvation.The history in which God intervenes and eventually comes down to save His people is the history of redemption. Because He worked through people in their history, His works can be traced back through genealogies, which contain names, events, and years. Together, they form a history and become important evidence for the reality of God's work. The Bible actually provides all the evidence that its stories are not mere myths or legendary stories. The History of Redemption Series puts together the clues and evidence in the sequence of the redemptive historical flow, so the readers can see the drama and flow of God's work of salvation, which leads all the way to this current day. The genealogies of the godly seed continue in the book of Genesis through the fathers of faith who were able to overcome and set themselves apart from sins and greed in this world. The genealogies in Genesis lead to introduce Abraham, an essential figure in God's administration to bring salvation for the entire world. The work of redemption takes on a new phase through God's calling of Abraham and is fulfilled through the Messiah who comes as the son of Abraham. This magnificent story of godly lineage is what Moses refers to as the "days of old." They are the days that contain God's redeeming work which continues to fulfill His covenant in our lives today.
The Covenant of the Torch made with Abraham is the most significant among all the covenants in the Bible. Why? It's the most detailed yet condensed summary of God's divine administration for redemption that outlines the work of restoration of His godly people and holy land. In this book, Rev. Abraham Park brings to life the Covenant of the Torch and helps us to understand--accurately, and in chronological detail--692 years of redemptive history starting from Abraham, including the great exodus, the wilderness journey and the conquest of Canaan. Just as his best-seller The Genesis Genealogies has helped readers to better understand the time frames and relationships in The Book of Genesis, Rev. Park now helps us to study the books of Exodus up to Joshua carefully and to realize what those events and participants tell us regarding God's larger plan. This book offers: A detailed chronology of 692 years from Abraham to the Israelites' conquest of Canaan. The first-ever map of all 42 campsites in the wilderness. Color photos of the locations in the wilderness journey. A theologically sound method of viewing God's Word through the perspective of God's administration in the history of redemption. Wisdom and insight on how to overcome the spiritual "wilderness" in our lives of faith today. Despite periods of spiritual darkness, unbelief, complaining and grumbling by the people of God as they wandered in the desert, we see God's faithfulness in fulfilling His Word and the Covenant of the Torch. And by understanding the chronological flow of the biblical events in a systematic manner, we gain a much broader and deeper grasp of God's plan of salvation. This title is part of The History of Redemption series which includes: Book 1: The Genesis Genealogies Book 2: The Covenant of the Torch Book 3: The Unquenchable Lamp of the Covenant Book 4: God's Profound and Mysterious Providence Book 5: The Promise of the Eternal Covenant
Dr. Jeon's Biblical Theology is a timely must-read for church leaders, seminarians, pastors, and missionaries in the Global Mission Field. It examines God's redemptive history in creation, fall, redemption, and consummation as revealed in the Old and New Testaments. Dr. Jeon delves into the grand redemptive drama, progressively demonstrated through the divine covenants, as well as the manifestation of the eschatological Kingdom of God. This book provides not only a proper redemptive historical vision of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation but also key ideas for the formation of a solid biblical worldview. Dr. Jeon demonstrates the intersection and union between biblical and systematic theology while exploring redemptive history. Dr. Jeon also emphasizes that we currently live in the eschatological age, inaugurated after Jesus Christ's death and resurrection as the Mediator of the New Covenant. This inaugurated eschatological Kingdom of God will be consummated after the Second Coming of Jesus. Meanwhile, the present age is occurring during the last days, in which we live in the era of Global Missions by God's grace. The community of the New Covenant church should humbly respond by participating in evangelism and missions, demonstrating to the world that God's final judgment is coming.
A fundamental part of understanding one's ancestors is knowing when they were born, how long they lived, and when they died. Here in The Genesis Genealogies lies that crucial core information about the forebears of Christianity. Rev. Abraham Park has meticulously analyzed the information in The Book of Genesis. Taking the explicit date references in Genesis and performing math calculations forward and backward in time, he builds a complete chronological Biblical timeline from Adam to the Exodus, including the duration of construction of Noah's ark. With this Bible study of the cornerstone text of The Old Testament, we can more deeply understand the layers of meanings that Genesis offers. The Genesis Genealogies is a must-have for every Church Library. This title is part of The History of Redemption series which includes: Book 1: The Genesis Genealogies Book 2: The Covenant of the Torch Book 3: The Unquenchable Lamp of the Covenant Book 4: God's Profound and Mysterious Providence Book 5: The Promise of the Eternal Covenant
Dongshin Don Chang examines 1 and 2 Maccabees, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Hebrews to see how the combined concepts of covenant and priesthood are defined and interlinked within various biblical and extra-biblical traditions. The three studies show the interesting and varying dynamics of the use of combined concepts of covenant and priesthood. The articulations of the two entities are shown to reflect, in part, the concern of the Second Temple Jewish authors; how significant the priestly institutions and priesthood were, not only in cultic matters, but also in relation to political and authoritative concerns. Chang's analysis makes clear that some of the Second Temple compositions have pursued ideas of the legitimacy of priestly identities by juxtaposing the concepts of covenant and priesthood from various traditions. Interpretation and representation of certain traditions becomes a way in which some Second Temple Jews, and some members of the early Jewish Christian communities, developed their priestly covenantal identities. It is with an understanding of this, Chang argues, that we can better understand these Second Temple texts.
The most solemn, majestic, and beautiful gifts that Jesus Christ gave to the world are His sacraments. He endowed them with unprecedented and unparalleled power—power to change lives, save souls, and share God’s very life. The sacraments are the ordinary means by which God directs the course of each human life and all of world history. The Church celebrates seven sacraments: baptism, Eucharist, confirmation, matrimony, holy orders, confession, and anointing of the sick. Each was established by Jesus for the sake of salvation. When Jesus spoke of the sacraments, He made clear that they were essential: Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God (Jn 3:5) . . . unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood, you have no life in you (Jn 6: 53). In Swear to God, Dr. Scott Hahn explores the richness of Christ’s sacraments—their doctrine, history, symbols, and rituals. Drawing upon the Bible and the Church’s tradition, he shows how God’s covenants—with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David—became the driving forces in history. When Jesus came to fulfill all these covenants, He established a new covenant, with greater power than ever before. Christians are God’s children now. Joined to Christ by baptism, we can already share in the eternal life of the Trinity, a life we hope to know fully in heaven. But heaven is with us, even now, in the sacraments.
This landmark commentary marshals the vast experience and brilliant insights of one of today’s most revered Old Testament scholars. To those familiar with the work of Bruce K. Waltke, the significance and value of Genesis will be instantly apparent. Others who are unfamiliar with Waltke have only to read the first few chapters to understand why he has earned the reputation of a scholar’s scholar, and why this masterful volume stands like a monolith among Old Testament commentaries. Exploring the first book of the Bible as "theological literature," Waltke illuminates its meanings and methods for the pastor, scholar, teacher, student, and Bible-lover. Genesis strikes an unusual balance by emphasizing the theology of the Scripture text while also paying particular attention to the flow and development of the plot and literary techniques--inclusion, irony, chiasm, and concentric patterning--that shape the message of the "book of beginnings". Genesis Models the way to read and interpret the narratives of the book of Genesis Provides helpful exegetical notes that address key issues and debates surrounding the text Includes theological reflections on how the message addresses our contemporary theological and social issues, such as ecology, homosexuality, temperance, evil, prayer, and obedience Addresses critical interpretive issues, such as authenticity, date, and authorship For all the author’s formidable intellect and meticulous research, Genesis is amazingly accessible. This is no mere study tool. Lucidly and eloquently written, it is a work of the heart that helps us not only to understand deeply God’s Word in its context, but also to consider how it applies to us today.