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What is God's ultimate intention? Ask most Christians this question, and you'll likely hear something like this: To save us, to glorify Himself, or to make disciples of Jesus in the nations.But what if there is something deeper? What if God has a master plan, a blueprint from which He operates, that has been hidden from many believers for centuries? The apostle Paul unveiled this mysterious plan almost 2,000 years ago in the book of Ephesians, but unfortunately, it has become a mystery once again in the church. If you've ever felt a sense of unrest over the often-shallow, man-centered modern approach to Christianity, you know there must be more. And there is. God has an ultimate intention, an original plan and purpose from which we've strayed . . . and we need to find our way back.As you will see in The Eternal Blueprint, the way back begins with rediscovering God's eternal purpose, which has driven the ages of history and will drive the eternal ages to come. Before creation, before the garden, and before the fall, the triune God had a vision for the world-a vision that includes you. What's the purpose of life? Where do you fit into God's plans for the world? For eternity? When you discover God's original intention, you will find your true purpose and meaning in life. When you understand the magnificent plan that God established before the foundation of the world, you will know the reason why you were created.As The Eternal Blueprint explains, God has issued you the invitation of a lifetime . . . literally. You were created to be the Father's, the Son's, and the Spirit's eternal inheritance. Once you understand this life-transforming truth, which is at the center of God's eternal purpose, you will never be the same.
Based on his experience as an athlete and coach, Roosevelt Landrum realizes the importance of learning and teaching the basic fundamentals to be successful. He argues that the Christian walk is much the same; and to be successful, the Christian has to begin with the basics. The Master Blueprint teaches that a true relationship with God is the basic requirement of being a child of God. It reminds us that true relationships begin with sincere communication and a commitment to getting to know the person. Landrum discusses the idea that children of God must be taught the Word of God to free the Spirit of God to work in the life of God's people. This work is a diligent study of God's Word that enables Christians to teach God's Word and to apply God's Word to their lives. The Master Blueprint is an attempt to encourage the people of God to humbly submit themselves to prayer. Honest submission will require repentance. And when God's people truly repent, it moves God to move for His people. The Master Blueprint offers a fresh way to view 2 Chronicles 7:14. Landrum dissects the verse and clarifies the passage in an accessible manner that will enlighten the reader, whether a new believer or a scholar. This book will make a great Bible study.
Science , spirituality, and timeless laws of success are now being revealed through a trilateral force. The laws of the universe are now describing precisely powerful secrets that allow us to get what we want. Like the law of gravity affects all mass, so do the following principles perpetually govern our lives . . . whether we believe in them or not. “If the genius of invention were to reveal tomorrow the secret to immortality of eternal beauty and youth, for which all humanity is aching, the same inexorable agents which prevent a mass from changing suddenly its velocity would likewise resist the force of the new knowledge until time gradually modifies human thought” (Nikola Tesla). “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve” (Napoleon Hill). “For truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard grain, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you” (Jesus Christ, Matthew 17:20). These timeless principles based on laws of physics are revealing to us why we die and how biological immortality will soon be an absolute reality in our lives.
Learn to live the life the Father designed for you—and change the world for the better—with this Christian inspiration guide. The Blueprint of God takes readers on a journey of personal faith toward a lifetime partnership with the Father. Those who accept the journey will discover their true identity in God, manifest their dreams, and create a better future for themselves and the people around them. Ultimately, they will help bring about a brighter future for the world. In our true identities as sons and daughters of God, we have been given the mandate to take dominion, be fruitful and multiply. But it’s easy to lose track of the systems of thought that allow us to fulfill this charge when so much other noise is crowding the airwaves. The Blueprint of God helps Christians reconnect to the destinies, dreams, and desires that are hidden inside of them!
From the co-author of the international bestseller Who Built the Moon? comes this well-researched scientific study of the possibility of a divine creator – or God This book puts the idea of God on trial. Whilst the case has been hotly disputed over recent generations with scientists on one side and theologians on the other, evidence either way has been thin on the ground. Faith - belief without evidence - has been the basis for the world's major religions. Most scientists reject the notion of God because they require factual, empirical evidence in order to accept any proposition as being real. However, new information has become available, which appears to provide hard-nosed evidence of God's existence. Can faith be replaced by understanding, and can scientists formally embrace, once again, the concept of a supreme being as they did in Isaac Newton's day? Nothing less than God's 'blueprint' appears to have been discovered - found by chance by the author while researching the science of the Neolithic (late Stone Age) people of western Europe. The case will be tried taking the evidence step-by-step. You, the reader, are the jury. You must evaluate the evidence as the proceedings develop and, to aid you, there will be a brief summing up at the end of each section.At the close of the book you are asked to make a judgment as to whether the case is proven or not. Does God exist?
Your Blueprint for Life gives the strategies readers need to align their passions, gifts, and calling. As CEO of the Blueprint for Life ministry, Michael Kendrick is devoted to helping others discover God’s purpose for their lives. Your Blueprint for Life guides readers toward a Christ-honoring life—one that brings joy spiritually, financially, relationally, physically, and professionally. With practical guidance for discovering passion, gifts, and callings, YourBlueprint for Life gives readers concrete strategies for achieving the life they were created to lead, such as: Intentionally carve out a specific time each day to hear from God Prune your relational portfolio Step into your children’s world Remember you are a steward of God’s resources, not an owner of your resources For anyone who has ever wondered why they were put on earth, YourBlueprint for Life not only answers the question, but it also gives readers a solid guide to understanding and achieving God’s vision for their lives.
Do you believe that everything matters... including, and especially, you? We live in a world that tells us everything is a cosmic accident and nothing has ultimate meaning. But God's Word says otherwise. The Bible tells us God made everyone and everything with thoughtful care, and He has a master plan for all of it. In Blueprint in Bedlam: God's Plan Amid the Chaos, author and pastor Kent DelHousaye makes a compelling case that the most foundational chapters in the Bible are the first three chapters of Genesis, for the simple reason that they tell us who and why we are. Within the context of the creation story, each of us can discover meaning and significance for even the smallest details of our lives. DelHousaye directs us to the genesis-the beginning-where we are introduced to God's intentions, or blueprints, for the world. He shows us where things went wrong. And he illuminates God's plans to heal and restore everything to his original design. Do you long to wrap your mind and heart around the truth about God's divine plan for the world and everything in it? Do you wonder what God expects for your life, your family, your friends, your vocation, and your future? It's time to reclaim the foundational truth that has been widely discarded. You are made in the image of God. You have tremendous value. And you exist for a divinely appointed purpose.
Most people who have heard the phrase, ‘there’s nothing new under the sun,’ tend to agree if they live long enough. I suspect that most people don’t know that this phrase was adapted from the Bible (Ecclesiastes 1:9). This book is about our biblical religion and admittedly, there is no information contained in the text of this book that is new under this sun. What makes this text different is the concise, direct, and to the point manner in which the three important concepts that are crucial to our destiny are highlighted. These vital concepts are essential to God’s divine plan for mankind. There are, also, biblical truths highlighted that many may find uncomfortable and controversial, however, the truth is not as grievous as some may fear because the truth will set you free (John 8:32). The purpose of this book is to highlight these simple, straightforward, and vitally important concepts that are often overlooked or diminished in our daily routines which are crucial to our salvation. The goal is to explain why they are significant so that you will have good solid information to build a sound foundation in which to worship. This book is for those that are open to, curious about, and actively seeking information that points in the right direction—the truth.
Our Eternal God Has an Eternal Plan, and His Plan Far Surpasses the Mere Satisfaction of Our Individual Hopes and Desires. God has His Own Desire, His Own Goal: He will Not Be Satisfied Until Every Trace of Rebellion is Eliminated from the Universe and all Things Are Headed Up in Christ. The Role of the Church is Crucial in the Accomplishment of God's Eternal Plan. Today, Like Never Before, the Church is in the Midst of a Universal Strugle Between God and His Enemy, Satan. This Struggle Began with the Rebellion of Satan, Persisted with Satan's Corruption of Man, and Continues to this Day As the Church Endeavors to Experience and Apply the Effectiveness of Christ's Death on the Cross. The Responsibility for Satan's Defeat Now Rests with the Church, as it Daily Must Seek Through Revelation and Prayer to Advance God's Interest on the Earth and to Shun Every Vestige of Satanic Influence.