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In this book you will discover: 1. What life is not 2. The true measure of life 3. The origin and source of life. 4. 4The cost of ignorance 5. How to discover your purpose in life 6. The meaning of life 7. The true essence of life 8. Deadly distractions of life 9. The superiority of life 10. Living with your regrets
This book makes four bold claims: 1) life is an ultimate datum, open to philosophical analysis and irreducible to physical reality; hence all materialist-reductionist explanations - most current theories - of life are false. 2) All life presupposes soul (entelechy) without which a being would at best fake life. 3) The concept of life is analogous and the most direct access to life in its irreducibility is gained through consciousness; 4) All life possesses an objective and intrinsic value that needs to be respected, human life possesses beyond this an inviolable dignity. Life and personal life are pure perfections, it being absolutely better to possess (personal) life than not to possess it. Chapter 1: the metaphysical essence and the many meanings of 'life,' as well as its 'transcendental' character. Chapter 2: the irreducibility of biological life, its amazing empirical and philosophically intelligible essential features, and the ways of knowing them. Chapter 3: the immediate evidence and indubitable givenness of mental, conscious life as well as questions of (brain-) death and immortality. Chapter 4: the inviolable objective dignity of personal life and its self-transcendence; a new theory of the fourfold source of human dignity and rights. Chapter 5 (in dialogue-form): methods and results of philosophy versus those of empirical life-sciences.
The Essence of Reality is the most perceptive, exacting look at the flow of Reality ever. Rarely has a human glimpsed beyond the confines of the self-aware mind to see the interactive flow of mind-value into Reality. Thomas Nehrer here goes beyond a glimpse to specify that flow, depicting Consciousness explicitly. The Essence of Reality illustrates that all of one's life - health, success, authority, abundance - reflect one's inner nature, leading the reader to see exactly how that works. It gives explicit tools for delving into limiting mindsets to accomplish real change.
Have you found and experienced the essence of life's journey? In all your pursuits, you can never find any greater reason for living than this. Outside of this experience, you can never really possess endless, boundless joy and fulfillment. All that gives life its true meaning, purpose, and value is wrapped up in The Essence of Life's Journey. This book unlocks the very key to our existence on Earth and throughout eternity. It points to the solution that will unleash spiritual blessings beyond even what your human mind can now conceive. It offers the very solution to living life at its highest altitude and exploiting the very best that life can ever offer. Isn't this everybody's greatest need and desire? Isn't this truly your heartfelt desire? Isn't it what your life demands and need? Why not take this opportunity to explore the essence of your life's journey?
This book is subsequent for and and is based on the basic knowledge of the Bible and some philosophical thoughts. It includes new religious and philosophical concepts that the righteous live by faith, sinners live by hope, and life lives by love. This book describes that the purity of love existentializes when the absoluteness of hope dwells in the martyrdom of faith. The love of God makes life exist, the love of Jesus makes sin born again into righteousness, and the love of the Holy Spirit makes the church the bride of Christ. Love is purity for righteousness to holiness.
This selection of the major works of constitutional theory during the Weimar period reflects the reactions of legal scholars to a state in permanent crisis, a society in which all bets were off. Yet the Weimar Republic's brief experiment in constitutionalism laid the groundwork for the postwar Federal Republic, and today its lessons can be of use to states throughout the world. Weimar legal theory is a key to understanding the experience of nations turning from traditional, religious, or command-and-control forms of legitimation to the rule of law. Only two of these authors, Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt, have been published to any extent in English, but they and the others whose writings are translated here played key roles in the political and constitutional struggles of the Weimar Republic. Critical introductions to all the theorists and commentaries on their works have been provided by experts from Austria, Canada, Germany, and the United States. In their general introduction, the editors place the Weimar debate in the context of the history and politics of the Weimar Republic and the struggle for constitutionalism in Germany. This critical scrutiny of the Weimar jurisprudence of crisis offers an invaluable overview of the perils and promise of constitutional development in states that lack an entrenched tradition of constitutionalism.
Hans Kelsen is widely recognized as one of the most important legal theorists of the 20th century. Surprisingly, however, his political writings are not nearly as widely known as his legal theory, especially in the English-speaking world. This book fills the void between what is and isn't known about Hans Kelsen's political philosophy, and the ways that philosophy has and will continue to shape political debates inherent to democracy in the future. For the first time in English, this classic book - with an introduction by political theorist Nadia Urbinati - provides an overview of Kelsen's career and his contributions to 20th century political thought.
The Essence of Life is a life skills and value education series for classes 1 to 10. The aim of this series is to enable the children to develop good habits and mindset as they become a part of society. It is essential to plant the values of love, kindness, compassion gratitude, etc. in the learners at a young age so that they evolve to become responsible citizens. Further, values like hard work, self-management, perseverance, teamwork and punctuality help the learners achieve their goals in life. This series includes the latest features emphasised by the National Education Policy 2020 and encompasses the values incorporated in it. This book will prove to be a practical guide for children that will enhance their decision-making abilities. They will be able to distinguish between the good and the bad, the right and the wrong. The chapters include inspirational stories of people that have excelled in their respective fields. Students look up to such people and will be able to relate with their life experiences. Consequentially, they will be able to learn and adapt the values and life skills from their journeys. Books from classes 6 to 10 include posters at the end. These posters can be pasted, framed and displayed by the students in places like their study table, or bedroom where they can see them and imbibe positive thoughts. Suggestions for parents can be accessed by scanning the QR code at the back of the book. These suggestions include activities which the parents can take up by themselves to introduce these values to the children. This will allow parents to play an active part in cultivating the values covered in the book. These suggestions are not exhaustive and offer the parents flexibility to devise their own ways to cultivate the right values. The primary aim of this series is to impart the values and life skills that are crucial in the contemporary world. We are sure that this series will play a significant role in shaping the learners' conscience and making them better human beings Publishers
What is the meaning of life? In today's secular, post-religious scientific world, this question has become a serious preoccupation. But it also has a long history: many major philosophers have thought deeply about it, as Julian Young so vividly illustrates in this thought-provoking second edition of The Death of God and the Meaning of Life. Three new chapters explore Søren Kierkegaard’s attempts to preserve a Christian answer to the question of the meaning of life, Karl Marx's attempt to translate this answer into naturalistic and atheistic terms, and Sigmund Freud’s deep pessimism about the possibility of any version of such an answer. Part 1 presents an historical overview of philosophers from Plato to Marx who have believed in a meaning of life, either in some supposed ‘other’ world or in the future of this world. Part 2 assesses what happened when the traditional structures that give life meaning began to erode. With nothing to take their place, these structures gave way to the threat of nihilism, to the appearance that life is meaningless. Young looks at the responses to this threat in chapters on Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre, Camus, Foucault and Derrida. Fully revised and updated throughout, this highly engaging exploration of fundamental issues will captivate anyone who’s ever asked themselves where life’s meaning (if there is one) really lies. It also makes a perfect historical introduction to philosophy, particularly to the continental tradition.