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Europe has ambitious laws and policies to protect air and water, to promote the circular economy, prevent waste generation, raise recycling rates, and safeguard nature. Implementation is key to achieving environmental objectives, and meeting obligations as defined by the EU environmental legislation. In 2016, the Commission undertook to report regularly on the state of the implementation of EU environmental legislation. It launched the Environmental Implementation Review (EIR), a tool that helps Member States address systemic obstacles to environmental integration by identifying the causes behind poor implementation and by sharing good practices through peer-to-peer support. This factsheet summarises the progress achieved and the remaining challenges identified for Portugal in the third EIR package published in September 2022. Portugal hosts a rich biodiversity both on land and in its marine environment. The implementation of EU environmental law and policy supported by significant EU funding has contributed to preserve and to improve the environment in Portugal. Nevertheless, overall environmental implementation and enforcement continues to be a challenge for Portugal.
Europe has ambitious laws and policies to protect air and water, to promote the circular economy, prevent waste generation, raise recycling rates, and safeguard nature. Implementation is key to achieving environmental objectives, and meeting obligations as defined by the EU environmental legislation. In 2016, the Commission undertook to report regularly on the state of the implementation of EU environmental legislation. It launched the Environmental Implementation Review (EIR), a tool that helps Member States address systemic obstacles to environmental integration by identifying the causes behind poor implementation and by sharing good practices through peer-to-peer support. This factsheet summarises the progress achieved and the remaining challenges identified for France in the third EIR package published in September 2022. France is home to a great diversity of terrestrial and marine ecosystems, thanks to its geographical position in Europe and its outermost regions and overseas territories. Although the country has a good overall record in implementing environmental EU law and an ambitious set of environmental policies, intensive farming, urbanisation, land take and transport infrastructures continue to have significant impacts on its environment.
Europe has ambitious laws and policies to protect air and water, to promote the circular economy, prevent waste generation, raise recycling rates, and safeguard nature. Implementation is key to achieving environmental objectives, and meeting obligations as defined by the EU environmental legislation. In 2016, the Commission undertook to report regularly on the state of the implementation of EU environmental legislation. It launched the Environmental Implementation Review (EIR), a tool that helps Member States address systemic obstacles to environmental integration by identifying the causes behind poor implementation and by sharing good practices through peer-to-peer support. This factsheet summarises the progress achieved and the remaining challenges identified for Austria in the third EIR package published in September 2022. Austria has an overall good record of implementing EU and national environmental legislation. The environment related responsibilities lie with the provinces and municipalities. However there are few mechanisms to encourage under-performing regional authorities to reach the level of best performers.
Europe has ambitious laws and policies to protect air and water, to promote the circular economy, prevent waste generation, raise recycling rates, and safeguard nature. Implementation is key to achieving environmental objectives, and meeting obligations as defined by the EU environmental legislation. In 2016, the Commission undertook to report regularly on the state of the implementation of EU environmental legislation. It launched the Environmental Implementation Review (EIR), a tool that helps Member States address systemic obstacles to environmental integration by identifying the causes behind poor implementation and by sharing good practices through peer-to-peer support. This factsheet summarises the progress achieved and the remaining challenges identified for the Netherlands in the third EIR package published in September 2022. The Netherlands is a densely populated country. It implements a sound long-term planning, a willingness to explore new approaches and holds an overall good EU legislation implementation record, supported by innovative multi-level governance. The highly intensified agriculture across the country represents a pressing concern and a challenge for the Netherlands.
The present work seeks to analyse the reasons behind the creation of a new instrument by the European Commission in order to improve the implementation of the European Union (EU) environmental law : the Environmental Implementation Review (EIR). To do so, it builds upon existing theoretical frameworks developed in the analysis of policy implementation, public policy instruments and public policy change. The analysis of the empirical evidence leads to conclude the significance of organisationel factors - the better regulation reform program and the new Commission's executive. The design of the EIR itself seems to have been influenced by both the instrument mix already used in the environmental field and instruments developed in other policy fields. The role played by external actors remains difficult to assess, although it can't be denied that they contributed to reinforce the saliency of the implementation issue at the EU level.
Europe has ambitious laws and policies to protect air and water, to promote the circular economy, prevent waste generation, raise recycling rates, and safeguard nature. Implementation is key to achieving environmental objectives, and meeting obligations as defined by the EU environmental legislation. In 2016, the Commission undertook to report regularly on the state of the implementation of EU environmental legislation. It launched the Environmental Implementation Review (EIR), a tool that helps Member States address systemic obstacles to environmental integration by identifying the causes behind poor implementation and by sharing good practices through peer-to-peer support. This factsheet summarises the progress achieved and the remaining challenges identified for Italy in the third EIR package published in September 2022. Italy has a rich and diverse natural capital, as well as an unparalleled urban heritage. Its high population density, especially in the north, leads to environmental pressures, which have made environmental protection a matter of increasing public concern. On the other hand, the south suffers from deficits in environmental infrastructure. The success of the Italian public administration's management of environmental challenges, and provision of adequate financing, varies significantly across regions.
Europe has ambitious laws and policies to protect air and water, to promote the circular economy, prevent waste generation, raise recycling rates, and safeguard nature. Implementation is key to achieving environmental objectives, and meeting obligations as defined by the EU environmental legislation. In 2016, the Commission undertook to report regularly on the state of the implementation of EU environmental legislation. It launched the Environmental Implementation Review (EIR), a tool that helps Member States address systemic obstacles to environmental integration by identifying the causes behind poor implementation and by sharing good practices through peer-to-peer support. This factsheet summarises the progress achieved and the remaining challenges identified for Sweden in the third EIR package published in September 2022. Sweden is a country with a low population density outside of its urban areas. It has a variety of climatic zones and landscapes, with long coastlines, thousands of lakes, freshwater streams, mountains, and forests. Overall, Sweden has a good record in implementing EU environmental legislation.
Europe has ambitious laws and policies to protect air and water, to promote the circular economy, prevent waste generation, raise recycling rates, and safeguard nature. Implementation is key to achieving environmental objectives, and meeting obligations as defined by the EU environmental legislation. In 2016, the Commission undertook to report regularly on the state of the implementation of EU environmental legislation. It launched the Environmental Implementation Review (EIR), a tool that helps Member States address systemic obstacles to environmental integration by identifying the causes behind poor implementation and by sharing good practices through peer-to-peer support. This factsheet summarises the progress achieved and the remaining challenges identified for Denmark in the third EIR package published in September 2022. Most of the country is cultivated and over 10% is covered by roads and built-up areas, with the main urbanisation around Copenhagen. Despite these challenges, environmental policy implementation in Denmark remains at a high standard however, Denmark still needs to step up action on waste management and on agricultural pollution.
Europe has ambitious laws and policies to protect air and water, to promote the circular economy, prevent waste generation, raise recycling rates, and safeguard nature. Implementation is key to achieving environmental objectives, and meeting obligations as defined by the EU environmental legislation. In 2016, the Commission undertook to report regularly on the state of the implementation of EU environmental legislation. It launched the Environmental Implementation Review (EIR), a tool that helps Member States address systemic obstacles to environmental integration by identifying the causes behind poor implementation and by sharing good practices through peer-to-peer support. This factsheet summarises the progress achieved and the remaining challenges identified for Poland in the third EIR package published in September 2022. Poland is rich in nature and landscapes and provides the natural habitat for rare species on a Europe-wide scale. Therefore, it is key that the country protects its environmental resources which will provide a solid base for its economic growth in the coming years. The EU funds provide substantial support for this. Environmental policies have indeed delivered results, but more progress is needed to reach full compliance with EU requirements.