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Sise and Bender lay out a series of simple exercises that allow people in distress to quickly feel major physical and psychological shifts by holding their bodies in certain ways while taking deep breaths. Their book is packed with real-life case histories of clients who were not helped by the forms of therapy, but for whom the authors' technique, energy-TAB, produced miraculous results.
What's Limiting You? Release it today with Energy Psychology Change is hard. Negative thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors often continue as if they have a life of their own. You set a new goal, you state your intentions, and then the energy of an old limiting belief blocks your progress and holds you back. Now, a growing body of doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers, and mental health counselors are discovering the remarkable new techniques of Energy Psychology. By freeing up the flow of energy in the body with simple exercises, long standing psychological issues and limiting negative beliefs can be eliminated. You Will Feel the Difference Immediately! The Energy of Belief explains how to focus your intentions and release the energy of those limiting negative beliefs that are keeping you stuck. It is packed with real-life case histories of clients for whom Energy Psychology produced extraordinary results. Anxieties, phobias, addictions, grief, anger, depression, love pain, guilt, shame, and limiting negative beliefs can all be treated. The book also contains clear step-by-step instructions and dozens of illustrations. You will not only gain the energy to create a happier and more productive lifestyle, you will get your life back. Finally, there is help for when talking and trying aren't enough. What Are You Waiting For?
A book about "religions and gods and beliefs in general, [which] also [examines] something called The Scientific Method, which is how we learn new things about the world. By the time you're done reading you will know the answers to some of life's biggest questions, but more importantly you will see why your questions, and all questions for that matter, are so important"
Ari’s new book is the culmination of a lifetime of learning and thirty four years in business, the last three of which have been spent intensively studying, reflecting on, and writing about the critical role of beliefs in the businesses and organizations of which we’re a part. The fruits of that labor are now available in this new 600-page book. We could tell you more about what's in the book but we think John U. Bacon, author of the New York Times' bestseller, Endzone: The Rise, Fall and Return of Michigan Football, said it better than we ever could! “Some business leaders know practice. Some know theory. Ari Weinzweig is one of the few who knows both. He has built a famously successful organization, while giving it more thought than do the business gurus who merely philosophize about such things. The insights Ari shares here are both deeply perceptive and highly practical, from the ideas of Howard Zinn, Viktor Frankl and Anais Nin on one page, to the importance of learning your employees’ names on the next. Like its author, this book is uncommonly smart, helpful, and just plain fun.”
Thoughtful from the onset, The Power of Belief highlights the life story of the author, who despite all odds rose to greatness. Yusuf Sabiku, who grew up poor in one of the most densely populated areas of Lilongwe, Malawi, shares a journey of self-improvement that led him to a new world of possibility. Growing up in the slums where the dreams of many youths were shattered, the author came to realize that the power of belief reflects one’s thoughts. That is, if we can only change our mindset and embrace positive thinking, we can free ourselves from the mental shackles of negativity and become empowered to effect change around us. The author’s mastery of martial arts is a shining example of the power of belief, as well as his career in the British Army. Join the author on an incredible journey that will help you boost confidence and achieve excellence no matter what society expects from you. Transform your mind and annihilate all the obstacles that stand before you with the Power of Belief. Dwell into it and DEFY ODDS. Discover your real self Enhance the Potential within you Face your inner fears Yield self-belief and Positive thinking Overcome doubt and negativity Defeat adversity and embrace failure Define the meaning and purpose of life Serve your life with a greater cause
In the beginning if you believe. It is said that a Divine Energy declared the very existence of the universe in a strong definite divine affirmation, a thought. Within these words lies one of the many great secretes and the power of the universe, although no one can profess to know what this Divine Energy knows, one can say that there was a definite desire or definite purpose to create the earth and everything in it to include man and woman. From within this Divine Energy, would you believe that within each and every one of us lies very same divine energy that we can use to believe in ourselves, create the life that we have always wanted, and become closer to understanding what your true purpose in life is? This wonderful gift of is the Power of Belief. As you have guessed "The Power of Belief", is not a murder mystery or science fiction book, instead this book is about the awesome Power of Belief. This book is not meant to entertain. It was written to help the reader investigate themselves and shed light on their divine power. It will serve you greatly to remove all the stigmatism and dogmas of religion that have stopped you from believing in yourself, and your desire in life. The reader will be challenged to keep an open mind because you will exercise your creative faculty and your Mind's Eye to develop belief in self, belief in your thoughts and belief in what it is you most desire in life. This can also be called your "hearts desire" or "definite purpose in life". The Power of Belief will provide you with a sound philosophy to help you see and realize your divine plan in life by using your mind to visualize your thoughts through what we will call your "Mind's Eye". If one is mature enough and ready for a genuine change in life, then this philosophy will help you create your own formula for success through the Power of Belief. We know that daily existence is full of trials, letdowns, and setbacks. The Power of Belief was written for the purpose of addressing all the issues that you face when failure or tragedy has broken your concentration and belief. It is for this very purpose that the author has injected his own personal experiences to help plant the seeds of belief even further. This divine power can help you love and enjoy life again. You can become successful at everything your heart desires. By learning to use and understand this divine power persistently one can remove themselves from the great ocean of doubt, shame, or poverty. One must also understand that there are greater objectives and estates one can strive for other than money, fame or material wealth, a fact I strongly agree with. The Power of Belief is so powerful, it can be injected into another human being. It can also penetrate jail walls, steel, and concrete. Perhaps the greatest example of the Power of Belief is that of my own personal expierience. At the time this book was conceived, I had nothing left to turn to, all my bridges where burnt and I was facing potential prison time from living a destructive negative life. It was not until a powerful intangible "thought" materialized in my mind. The thought was so powerful, it woke me up out of a dead sleep. I was not sure if I was dreaming or hearing things. What I do know is that from this single "intangible thought" my entire life was changed, and the "Power of Belief" and the power behind this "Divine Energy" is real. This philosophy will work for everyone who is genuinely ready to make changes in their life. Nothing will be held back from the reader, on the contrary one will find that the secret is not a secret, and this philosophy has already helped millions in all walks of life. Believe that you deserve the same!
An exploration of one of the most universal human obsessions charts the rise of longevity science from its alchemical beginnings to modern-day genetic interventions and enters the world of those whose lives are shaped by a belief in immortality.
“To earn trust, money and power aren’t enough; you have to show some concern for others. You can’t buy trust in the supermarket." – His Holiness the Dalai Lama Faith is not the same thing as trust. These two words are actually distinct from one another and are used in various circumstances. Many people think that these two terms have the same meaning. While trust is a crucial notion in interpersonal interactions, faith is more frequently utilised in a spiritual setting. These two ideas go hand in hand and frequently discuss having faith in something. Relationship-wise, faith produces trust. Every disagreement stems from a problem with trust. Therefore, one must ask for faith in order to earn trust. Someone can be loved and still be untrustworthy. Love grows and is sustained by one's volition when trust is established. “Power of Belief” is a book of 30 writers who have penned down their thoughts on trust and belief.
An easy-to-use therapy tool for transforming unhelpful belief patterns and envisioning positive change • Identifies 28 beliefs per chakra that can be energetically realigned using the Healing InSight Method • Offers a tool set of therapeutic processes, affirmations, visualization, and bodywork for the practical application of the transformational belief realignment method • Includes 56 full-color, high-vibration chakra images, one for each main chakra as well as 7 additional empowering images for each chakra • Paperback with lay flat binding Working with Chakras for Belief Change transforms people’s unhelpful beliefs through clearing their chakras, raising their vibrations, and creating a fertile space for the New to come in. The Healing InSight Method presented in this practical full-color book is based on affirmations used together with individual chakra work and specific bodywork exercises, including techniques drawn from kinesiology, qigong, whole-brain integration, visualization, and infinity symbol exercises. Psychologist and energy therapist Nikki Gresham-Record channeled 28 common beliefs for each chakra, 196 total, which can be fully realigned using this transformational system of complete mind-body-spirit healing. The author organizes the beliefs around the chakra system and explains how unhealthy beliefs can take root within the chakras and the body. She shows how her belief realignment method is capable of changing beliefs and their associated vibrations in the subconscious mind and energy body, thus enabling any blocks to dissolve and your system to open up to the opportunity for change. The 56 high-vibration chakra images included in this book can be used as a tool for therapeutic guidance as well as for positive manifestation. Each chakra is represented by a main chakra image along with 7 chakra aspect images, affirming potent qualities that we are all able to access when balanced and in harmony within ourselves. The artistry of the chakra images offers an immersion in the vibration of the empowering chakra-related beliefs and aids energetic resonance to help people feel good and begin healing. Also offering case studies and a life-review process to help the reader take stock of their situation before and after they begin the Healing InSight Method, Working with Chakras for Belief Change provides a gentle, energetic, yet potentially life-changing tool for personal growth and development.
Rousell examines the rich and complex nuances of the science of surprise and shows us how we can use it strategically to enrich lives. Random events transform us. After studying formative events, moments that define us, for over three decades, Michael Rousell discovered that most of them took place during a spark of surprise. This breakthrough launched a fascinating journey from neuroscience to stand-up comedy. Rousell draws on research from a wide variety of brain science disciplines (cognition, motivation, neuroscience, psychology, artificial intelligence, persuasion, evolution, and learning), then examines those who already use surprise strategically (comedians, film directors, entertainers, magicians, and novelists). This examination illustrates the hidden, yet critical features inherent in surprise, while demystifying the complexities. Surprise evolved as a mechanism to instantly change our beliefs. Rousell shows how surprising events produce invisible influence because they open a window to spontaneous belief change with no warning or conscious awareness. You’ll see how seemingly minor features of surprise create profound differences and can be used to strategically enrich lives, create positive mindsets, and maximize influence.