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Changing world events are a constant reminder that nothing remains the same. Everything changed on 9/11. Today a new threat is coming, which is now changing the world as we know it. Radical Islam will do whatever it takes to dominate nations under its power. Is this the beginning of the end? The Bible reveals the answer. God's Word uncovers end-of-time clues and states, "I am God, and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning." William Harrison Phares, in The End From the Beginning, gives us new insights concerning the second coming of Christ and the end of time. This book contains clues to help us prepare for the end.
OUR DEAR YOUNG MEN AND YOUNG WOMEN, we have great confidence in you. You are beloved sons and daughters of God and He is mindful of you. You have come to earth at a time of great opportunities and also of great challenges. The standards in this booklet will help you with the important choices you are making now and will yet make in the future. We promise that as you keep the covenants you have made and these standards, you will be blessed with the companionship of the Holy Ghost, your faith and testimony will grow stronger, and you will enjoy increasing happiness.
What can you learn from reading this book that you won't find anywhere else?How God reconciled the "10 lost tribes of Israel" who disappear from the Bible and from secular history in 721 BC. Hint - Jesus sent His apostles to those "lost sheep"Where were those Israelites in the 1st Century AD? Hint - the Parthian EmpireWhy you don't read about the apostles other than Peter, James and John after the book of Acts. Hint - they were in the Parthian Empire converting the rest of God's chosen people Everyone agrees that the Jews rejected Jesus: you'll learn that there were hundreds of thousands of Israelites who did not reject Jesus but helped spread His church.What happened to Thomas, Thaddeus, Bartholomew, Simon Zelotes and Simon Peter and where they were in the 1st Century AD. Hint - they were in the Parthian Empire for decades.How those "lost tribes" were responsible for the exponential growth of the early church and how they formed Western Civilization.How those Israelites and their Christian Gentile neighbors migrated to Western Europe and the "new world" from the Parthian Empire (think, Iran, Iraq and the countries of Mesopotamia) Why Biblical and secular historians have a "blind spot" that prevents understanding secular history as well as the history of the church.It is a beautiful story and demonstrates God's will for His people. If you read carefully and do your own research, you'll see the ties between Bible times and our times and the meaning of those ties.Thirty-five years of research has produced a different concept of the origin of Western Civilization, tracing its origin through nations and people many of whom you've likely never heard. For the first time, the exponential growth in the first 3 Centuries A. D. of the church that Jesus established is linked to the Hand of God sequestering a large portion of His "chosen people" - the "lost sheep of the House of Israel " - in the Parthian Empire where Jesus' apostles could teach them about our Savior and His New Covenant with mankind without the oppression of the Roman Empire Later, the descendants of those Christianized Israelites migrated to Europe and took part in the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the scientific and industrial revolutions and the Christian Reformation. Afterward, they helped form Western Civilization to complete the process of spreading the Gospel of Jesus and the physical blessings God promised Abraham. The origin of Western Civilization is traced to its beginning 4,000 years ago. The culture and economic and political hegemony of Western Civilization today was planned by a mind that resides outside of time. In the process of that story, you will find answers to some interesting questions; you may also find your Christian faith strengthened or - if you're a non-believer - you may have new reasons for taking another look at that way of life.
The final book of the Bible, Revelation prophesies the ultimate judgement of mankind in a series of allegorical visions, grisly images and numerological predictions. According to these, empires will fall, the "Beast" will be destroyed and Christ will rule a new Jerusalem. With an introduction by Will Self.
In this groundbreaking literary analysis of Isaiah, Avraham Gileadi leads the layman and scholar to discover Isaiah's apocalyptic message and messianic theology. The ancient writings of Isaiah now appear -- through Gileadi's illuminating work -- to bridge the gap between the Old and New Testaments, with an ennobling view of the Messiah acceptable to both Jew and Gentile. Employing sophisticated literary structures, isaiah draws on events out of Israel's past to communicate the future and answers pressing political and religious questions of our day by giving us a preview of what will transpire in the "last days" of the history of humanity. The Literary Message of Isaiah will revolutionize your understanding of Hebrew prophecy and profoundly enrich your love for the Bible.
God created a game - it's called The Game of Life. Planet Earth is the playing field, the 10 love commandments are the rules, and we humans are the players who can win or lose. The game is played by two teams, like the game of football. One team's head coach is Jesus and the other team's head coach is Satan. All of us on earth are playing for one of these two teams! Gabriel Ansley Erb wrote the book "2028 END" in order to fully elucidate God's game clock scenario for The Game of Life as contained in the game's handbook, the Holy Bible. The handbook says, "God declared the end from the beginning" (Isaiah 46:10) by using 7 days in the creation event. Each 24 hour creation day foretold of a future 1,000 year period for a total 7,000 year plan God had for The Game of Life to be played on planet earth. And amazingly, to confirm this is all true, God hid a secret prophesy in each creation day foretelling the greatest event He had planned to occur in that day's future millennium!Consequently, Creation day 1 foretold Adam & Eve's fall, which was fulfilled during earth's 1st millennium. Creation day 2 foretold Noah's global flood, which was fulfilled during earth's 2nd millennium. Creation day 3 foretold Moses' Red Sea parting, which was fulfilled during earth's 3rd millennium. Creation day 4 foretold of John the Baptist & Jesus Christ, and so they lived and died during earth's 4th millennium. And the prophecies continue with each Creation day!Gabriel proves all of the above, carefully revealing the prophetic Scriptures as well as the fulfillment Scriptures. Then he reveals a dozen Scriptures proving Christ died earth's 4,000 year and will return earth's 6,000 year. Finally, he proves Christ died Feast of Passover AD 28 and will return Feast of Trumpets 2028. For those who read this book, it is an open and shut case: The Game of Life will end 2,000 years from the year of Christ's death on the cross - AD 2028.
The End of the Beginning presents a chapter-by-chapter interpretation of Joshua and Judges, based on the author’s translation. Johanna van Wijk-Bos accompanies the reader through the story of Israel from the entry into Canaan up to the time of Samuel. van Wijk-Bos weaves together the memories of ancient Israel’s past into a story that speaks to the traumatic context of postexilic Judah. The books of Joshua and Judges were written for education, edification, and entertainment. Some of the stories may exhilarate us, some may appall; all will speak to the imagination if we let them. They show a people forging a path forward into an uncertain future in the hope that God will forgive past failures and begin again with them. Christians enter the stories of Israel’s past as outsiders, while at the same time claiming a bond with the same God. We expect more from the text than lessons of the past intended for a different people. These are not our stories, but we too hope for insight and for a guiding word in our own uncertain future. This is the first volume of A People and a Land, a multi-volume work on the historical books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings.
Is this the end of the world? Recent events with the recent COVID-19 pandemic and other catastrophes that have affected the entire world signal that the end days are on our doorsteps. The Judge and King, Jesus Christ, is standing at the door. He is ready to come and shake up this world and judge sin. What can we do? What we should NOT do is give into fear and panic, both tools of Satan. There should be no room for fear in our lives when we trust the One who died for us and loves us with immeasurable love. What we SHOULD do is understand what is happening and will happen in the near future according to God's Word.God has graciously explained in great detail what His plan is for the world in the "last days." The End of the Beginning Bible Study on the book of Revelation is an in-depth Bible study designed to teach the Word of God in a clear, understandable way for both individual and group study. Each lesson consists of information and questions to be answered from the text, both essay and fill in the blank. These questions will direct the student into the text and lead them to compare Scripture to Scripture to better understand it. Included are 4 chapters from the book of Daniel into this study because Daniel lays a foundation to understand the truths in the book of Revelation. This study takes the literal view of Scripture unless the passage clearly states it is a figure of speech. I believe in a literal pre-tribulation rapture of the church, a literal 7-year Great Tribulation with a world dictator called the Antichrist, and a literal kingdom age where Christ will rule the world from Jerusalem for 1,000 years. The Bible must be taken literally to be understood as God meant it to be, and it must be studied diligently and correctly. In this study, you will compare Scripture to Scripture, read the passage in its context, and discover the Greek meanings of the words used. You will learn the customs of the day in which it was written. You will be encouraged to memorize a verse or two of Scripture with each lesson. The book of Revelation is told from God's perspective. You will be caught up with John to the "third" heaven, and witness the incredible and awesome things God does in these last days. Having gained a better understanding of what will happen next, you will find hope and peace about God being in control of world events, and you will experience joy in your daily walk as you grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My prayer is that this Bible study will lead to a deeper passion for God and for His Word, and that passion will motivate many to share with those who are lost the hope we have in Christ Jesus. What people are saying about the study: "I loved the thorough research into the passage, the questions that caused us to dig deeper, and how the study taught me to compare the text with other passages of Scripture to provide clarity. Learning the Greek meaning behind the English words was special to me. I appreciated the historical background that the study provided and the personal applications. I learned so much from this study that I intend to teach others in my church." Kathy "The lessons were well thought out and well prepared. I have confidence in Virginia's knowledge of the Bible. She patiently taught helped me understand the Bible better." Lois "It was a very in-depth study, and I learned a lot." Donna