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Seeks to understand and defend the concept of eternal life, and our human longing for fulfilment and happiness.
In this deeply personal and daring meditation, eminent theologian Jürgen Moltmann challenges many closely held beliefs about the experience of dying, the nature of death, and the hope of eternal life. Moving deftly between biblical, theological, and existential domains, Moltmann argues that while we know intimately the experience of dying--both our loved ones' dying and, ultimately, our own--death itself is a mystery. Are those who have died in fact dead? If the dead are alive, how or in what respect? When the dead awaken to eternal life, who wakes? Moltmann's interrogations yield surprising and beautiful fruits. The living soul that awakens to eternal life is not a ghost in a machine, but the Lebensgestalt, the shape and story of a life, its human and divine contexts, its whole. Drawing on themes from his oeuvre's entire arc, Resurrected to Eternal Life testifies to the inner unity of Moltmann's theology: the cross, the Spirit, the kingdom, the end, and the hope that makes the end present here and now. Seasoned readers of Moltmann will find in these pages a capstone of a lifetime of theological exploration, while those new to his complex thought will find a concise and elegant entry point into his voluminous work.
It has always been my luring ambition to write a book of the most unusual kind or a book of a very unorthodox nature, a book that is void of the glorification of sex and violence, and a book that would be acceptable to God and Man. The book has been in my head all this time but I just didn't know where to begin because the ideas weren't flowing. However, after a phenomenal and electrifying experience, the ideas for such a book came to mind like a bolt of lightning...I was literally struck on the head by a bolt of lightning! The lightning picked me up from the ground and held me in suspension for a little while with a dazzling light round about my head with my body fully electrified. The remarkable thing was that while this was happening, I was not only fully electrified but fully conscious as well. After a while in suspension I was lowered to the ground in complete slow motion on my rear. What was really phenomenal about this shocking experience was the fact that not a single lock of hair on my head was singed or burned... there was no smoke undulating from my head! After this electrifying incident, I was never the same again... I'm convinced that the bolt of lightning that struck me on the head had transformed my mind into the 'Mind of God' and I began to think and speak differently. I became an avid reader of the Bible and it was after my experience with the Bible that the book in my head became very clear to me. I knew there and then I had to write 'The Book Of Life'.It's my solemn hope that every reader will find this book not only enlightening but electrifying as well.
Drawing on a lifetime of wisdom, New York Times bestselling author and controversial religious leader John Shelby Spong continues to challenge traditional Christian theology in Eternal Life: A New Vision. In this remarkable spiritual autobiography about his lifelong struggle with the questions of God and death, he reveals how he ultimately came to believe in eternal life.
A certain ruler posed to Jesus the most important question ever asked: "Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" (Luke 18:18) The man came to the right person. Jesus is God, and therefore his answer to that question is authoritative. This book examines Jesus' surprising answer and definitively explains how one inherits eternal life. This is a book about God's revelation to man. Except for the Holy Bible, this is the most important book you will ever read.
In this cross-cultural, interdisciplinary study, John Hick draws upon major world religions, as well as biology, psychology, parapsychology, anthropology, and philosophy, to explore the mystery of death. He argues that scientific and philosophical objections to the idea of survival after death can be challenged, and he claims that human inadequacy in facing suffering supports the basic religious argument for immortality.
In this booklet, Andrew teaches on eternal life.
This book was written to help all born-again Christians to believe that Eternal Life begins in our present life on earth and continue on into the World of Eternity. It is designed to impress on the minds of all humankind that those who are considered their enemies, will respond and repay them in kindness as a friend. Accordingly, the chosen subject, The Road to Eternal Life, was selected in order to broaden my knowledge and understanding of Christian believer's concepts as to why Eternal Life can be lived in our present day journey on earth, and it is a viable truth in God's plan of salvation. Also, this research is devoted to find out what concepts theories, and beliefs already exist in this area. In addition, my goal was to read and understand the history why Jesus Christ's teachings' are the Way, the Truth, and Everlasting Life for all who repent of sins and believe His Gospel. In addition, my purpose is with the intent to gain a new perspective and pursue efforts to add new thoughts and ideas and to strengthen prior ones in relation to the Kingdom of God which concerns the future and the End of Time. Furthermore, to pursue efforts in detailed reviews of other book data that contain ideas, concepts, and key theories of biblical opinions of God's Eternal Life Plan... Then analyze and evaluate these sources information and evidence used in their conclusion. Likewise, consider the values of other source ideas, theories, concepts, practices that are useful in today's religious culture. Similarly, there is the desire to pursue creative innovations efforts which set forth new theories never before revealed on the subject of Eternal Life. In addition, my efforts are directed to provide accepted meaning, and strength, and theories that already exist. Likewise, the primary design of this research is: (1). to determine what claims are made by major sources in traditional work, (2). to determine if these prior sources actually report viable data, and evaluate and assess the validity of their arguments given for rejection/acceptance of Eternal Life, (3). to determine what ideas, theories, and practices are based on inductive and deductive practices.
"The Lutheran Church commemorates three influential hymnwriters every October: Philipp Nicolai, Johann Heermann, and Paul Gerhardt. The Joy of Eternal Life sheds light on why Philipp Nicolai is still remembered over four hundred years after his death. During Nicolai's time as a pastor, he and his parishioners witnessed a horrendous plague claim the lives of four thousand people in five months. To comfort his people and counteract the belief at the time that death, loss, and despair rob human beings of God's goodness, presence, and love, he wrote this book. In it, he proclaims the glory of eternal life, God's love for His people, and our future resurrection in heaven. This books also includes two of his beloved hymns, "Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying" and "O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright." Pastors, musicians, and those interested in Church history will appreciate reading Nicolai's popular work in English for the first time. Additionally, laity will appreciate the devotional nature of this work, which offers the comfort and consolation of Christ to those who are in despair"--
The acclaimed author and spiritual teacher explores the concept of eternal life through the teachings of A Course in Miracles. You do not live here. We are trying to reach your real home. We are trying to reach the place where you are truly welcome. We are trying to reach God.—A Course in Miracles W-49.4:5 There is no bigger mystery, nothing more compelling than the desire to know about “life after life.” Jon Mundy, the respected longtime teacher and interpreter of A Course in Miracles, now investigates that enigma, using insights from the Course on mortality, death, and the afterlife. Mundy discusses facing death and learning to let go, the ephemeral nature of the physical body and the eternal reality of the mind, and the reawakening of our Spirit as the one, true home. It’s a book filled with hope—and a way to alleviate our fear of death.