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“The Elven Way” describes the Mystical, Magical, Spiritual Path of the Elf folk and their connection to the Shining Ones, those supra-dimensional beings who are our guides, guardians, ancient kindred and the source of our enlightenment. This is High Elven Spirituality and Magic and written for advanced elven adepts and magical folk of all kinds.
The thrilling sequel to Jenna Rhodes' "spectacular series debut"( Publishers Weekly, starred review) The Four Forges As civil war erupts on the world of Kerith, star-crossed elven lovers Rivergrace and Sevryn-marked for possession by both a demon and a vengeful goddess-must find a way to heal the rift between them, stand against their enemies, and save their world from an ancient threat.
The Book of Elven Runes contains 40 elfin runes for use as an oracle and as a magical script. These are not based on the Norse runes but are an original system created by the Silver Elves. The book is subtitled A Passage Into Faerie because each rune also advises a Magical Act that the magic wielder can perform to bring hir closer to Faerie. The use of these runes is itself an elfin spell cast in a unique way as each user weaves hir way deeper into the Elfin Realms.
THE MAGICAL REALMS OF ELFIN contains questions and answers about being elven that many people who are exploring the Elven Way have posed to The Silver Elves throughout the 40 + years that they have been living and sharing the Elven Way. The Silver Elves have put them all in this one book for all those who need a convenient, yet thorough and easy-to-read, resource to explore their questions about who the modern elves are and about the Elven Way or elven spiritual path - past, present and future. Most often, a person has questions as one tries: to decide if one is ones'elf an elf or is some otherkin; to understand what it means to be an elf and how one might know of one's elfin nature; to understand one's experience of having an Elven Awakening; to determine how elven magic is alike or different from that performed by other spiritual groups; to understand the keys to elven magic and enchantment; to explore more about being an elf in a human body and how this is possible; and to learn about how elves live and relate to mankind and otherkin. All of this is covered in The Magical Realms of Elfin along with a complete section for each answer about a myriad of questions about elves, to name just a few: How do you know if a person is an elf or faerie or pixie or whatever? Are there really diminutive Fae Folk? How do you give Elven Blessings? Why are elves born into the normal world? Is being an elf a matter of blood of genetic heritage? Once an awakened elf are you always an awakened elf? What's the difference between elves and witches? Is Christianity incompatible with being elves? Are elves related to Devas? What is the Orb of Healing? What oracles do elves use? Do elves believe in past lives? Is the sphere of Netzach specifically related to Elves? Do the elves come from a distant star system? How far back in history do elves and the original "Elven Faith" go? Are elves the people of the future? Recently, the Silver Elves have noticed these inquiries and questions to them about the Elven Way have greatly increased because it seems that more and more people are becoming interested in knowing about elves and the elven community. Many in the elven movement today like to think that there is a spiritual Awakening of elven kin beginning to occur worldwide, and this may certainly be the reason for all the recent curiosity about elves and the Elven Way. Of course, too, Tolkien's romantic descriptions and understanding of elves made popular by recent movies (The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and The Hobbit) have certainly contributed to the growing numbers of participants now joining in the modern elven community, and with a surge in social media this community is becoming more accessible by the day to the general public and sparking more and more excitement and reflection about all things elfin. If you are curious about elves and want to learn more about modern elves, then you will surely find this book by the Silver Elves to contain many of your questions answered and it will be a great comfort and help in finding your way home to the magical realms of Elfin.
King of Assassins is the third novel in the spellbinding fantasy epic, The Elven Ways. Thrown into exile on Kerith by a sorcerous act of war, the Vaelinars have used their own unique talents to gain power over the races native to this world, and to create magical Ways that remold Kerith forever. But now their war has followed them, ripping holes in the fabrics of both universes. The Vaelinars stand at a dangerous threshold as old and new betrayals threaten the destinies of the peoples of two worlds. Against this background of betrayal and ever-shifting alliances, two star-crossed lovers—the half-breed Sevryn and the orphaned, goddess-touched Vaelinar, Rivergrace—must escape the fury of a desperate ruler. The Warrior Queen Lariel, having accidentally revealed to Sevryn the forbidden powers that gained her the throne, has begun a vicious manhunt to destroy him. Fleeing her wrath, Sevryn and Rivergrace find no safe haven as the world’s magic begins to disintegrate around them and the old Gods wake. In the midst of this chaos, Sevryn is charged with finding the King of Assassins—a quest that may consume him. And only Rivergrace has any hope of discovering the means to save both Sevryn and the world she loves.
A woman discovers something toxic at work in the isolated village where she is apprenticing as a pharmacist, in this fable-like novel about power, surveillance, prescriptions, and cures by a captivating debut voice. On a remote mountaintop somewhere in Europe, accessible only by an ancient funicular, a small pharmacy sits on a square. As if attending confession, townspeople carry their ailments and worries through its doors, in search of healing, reassurance, and a witness to their bodies and their lives. One day, a young woman arrives in the town to apprentice under its charismatic pharmacist, August Malone. She slowly begins to lose herself in her work, lulled by stories and secrets shared by customers and colleagues. But despite her best efforts to avoid thinking and feeling altogether, as her new boss rises to the position of mayor, she begins to realize that something sinister is going on around her. The Weak Spot is a fable about our longing for cures, answers, and an audience--and the ways it will be exploited by those who silently hold power in our world.
The Elven Tree of Life Eternal is set up like a choose your own adventure book for those who wish to undertake the challenge to discover their true magical s'elves. It will help one understand if one is a wyzard or a sorcerer, a healer or a warrior, an elf of wood, snow, hill, ocean, starlight, or a sprite, a faerie, a gnome, a dwarf, a changeling, a dragon, or some other magical folk. If you wonder about your true magical nature, explore the ever-flowering branches of the Tree of Life Eternal.
In these modern times we now abide, it is most important that the faerie, fae and otherkin have a strong magical narrative of their own in a world that often likes to tell us who we are and who we are not, and mostly quite inaccurately so. It is our hope that in reading the magical narratives contained in FAERIE, FAE AND OTHERKIN: The Silver Elves' Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin that you will be inspired, our kindred brothers and sisters, to begin if you have not already done so to create your own narrative or add to what you already remember and intuit. Over the last 30 years or so, we Silver Elves have given out over 6,000 elf names in our magical language Arvyndase to individuals who requested them. For years, many of the individuals who requested an elf name would also write to us and say that they felt that they were elven but didn't know any more about their elven or fae tribe. And for years, we told them that they should trust their imaginations and intuitions and while that is still very good advice, we realized in time that this was not any easy thing to do for many of these kindred of ours who were often newly awakened and needed a bit of guidance upon the path. In response to this, we created the Elf, Faerie, Otherkin Survey, as a means of eliciting the information that we needed from these individuals so we might create a narrative for them about their own magical tribe or clan of Elves, Fae or Others that was germane to them and as close as we could get based upon their responses and our own intuition. This book is dedicated to tribes of the faeries, fae that are faerie blends, otherkin, otherworldlies, and miscellaneous assorted fae, but we have also created a companion book that has the elven tribes in it. So if you are of elven kind, you may wish to also check out Elf Tribes: The Silver Elves' Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind, Kin and Tribe. The over 150 magical narratives we created and that compose this book are based upon the memories or intuitions and thus the responses we were given to the survey about those of faerie, fae and otherkin nature. We would like to thank all those who participated in this survey and we truly loved their creative responses. Of course, we used our own imagination and intuition in putting their replies into a consistent whole, which was often a challenge but a challenge we very much enjoyed. The book is divided into two main sections, the first section being tribes of faerie and of the fae that are faerie blends; and the second section being tribes of a variety of otherkin, otherworldlies, and various assorted other fae. In putting the tribes and clans in categories, we choose to use preferred locales and environments indicated by the faerie and faerie blends. However, the second part of this book featuring otherkin, otherworldlies and various assorted other fae, just had too many diverse types (over 25) to categorize them by environment, and so we divided these by basic kin type, for example: Devas (Angels), Valkyries, Shining Ones and similar types together, or Dragons, Brownies, Pixies, or Shapeshifters, each in their own categories. Even then, there are many mixed peoples both for the fae and for otherkin of the various types. We did our best to choose the most prominent feature of their being to assign them to a particular chapter. You will find as you read through the many narratives in this book that the faerie, fae and otherkin are beautifully varied in their magic, healing abilities, lifestyle, art, ancient ways, governance, love of nature, relationship to mankind, preferences, symbols and skills. Perhaps, you will find your people as you read through this book, or kindred quite like them. At any rate, you can always do the survey yours'elf, or do it again if you feel you have come to a greater understanding of yours'elf and our peoples in the meantime (or gentle-time as we elves often say).
In VISIONS OF ELFIN, we Silver Elves continue with a volume 4 of our question and answer series addressing the numerous questions about who the elves are and about The Elven Way. In this book we address questions that have been posed to us throughout our 40+ years of following the elven spiritual path and sharing with the world that we are elves in human bodies (also see The Magical Realms of Elfin, volume 1; Manifesting Elfin, volume 2; and The New Dawn of Elfin, volume 3). *** Visions of Elfin explores further questions concerning awakening on the elven path; the discovery of your elfae kin type and being an elf or otherkin; elven magic; well known characters that might be elfae; the spiritual practices of the elves and contacting the Shining Ones; about elven lifestyle and elven home; and elven perceptions on subjects like death and karma, Faerie and fairies, the natural world, plants and animals. *** Some of the specific questions answered in Visions of Elfin are: What do we elves mean when we talk about Awakening? What are the steps beyond awakening upon the Elven Way - Awakening, Association, Activation, Attunement, Annunciation, Acclimation, and Actualization? What is the final stage of the Elven Way? Are there any real dangers upon the elven Path? Does drinking water from the Springs of Elfin have an effect upon one? Does the number 11 have a magical significance to the Elven? Why are elves so often associated with bows and arrows and how does it relate to our magic? Is there a difference between an elf witch and an elf wizard? How do I discover what sort of Elf/Kin type I am? Do you need to know your kin type to be an Otherkin? Can we be born as one type of Otherkin in one life and another type in a different incarnation? What is the difference between Elves and Druids, and are Druids Otherkin? Are we crazy for thinking we are Elves, Faeries and Otherkin? What is the difference between a Gnome and an Elf? How do we know we are elfae? Is Harley Quinn Fae? Is Batman Fae? Are the X-Men Fae? Is the character Poison Ivy, Fae? Is Daenerys Stormborn from the Game of Thrones book and Show, Fae? How do Elfae deal with spiritual practices? How does one effectively interact with the Shining Ones? Do the Shining Ones require offerings? What do the Elves view as the difference between the Piscean and Aquarian Ages? What are spiritual genetics? Are we in the Fifth Age of the planet and what is the role of elves in this Fifth Age? Are we Elves related to the Tuatha de Danaan and the Sidhe? How do I understand my gifts as an Elf? Why do elves have pointed ears? Do Elves get depressed? Are Elves and Faeries, Men and Women? How accurately does the ancient lore describe us elven? Do Elfae have souls? How do elves deal with death? What is enlightened education for elfae? How do elves deal with social distancing and quarantine? How do we live with integrity and still live a spontaneous Elfin life? What makes an elfin home? What are elven clothes? What is the difference between faerie and fairy? Is there a difference between Fae and Fey? Do Faeries reproduce? Do Elves think that horse riding is cruel? What do elves think of secret societies? Why is the elven-faerie star the "official symbol" for the otherkin community? And many more. +++ If you are curious about modern elves, particularly about The Silver Elves (as we do not speak for all elves as elves are quite a varied and independent folk), then you will surely find many of your questions answered in Visions of Elfin.
This is a book about High Elven Magic. Not the magic of chants and spells and ceremonies, of which we've already written quite a bit, but of the Quest to become like those kindred of ours who we, and others, call the Shining Ones, and which most folks think of when they fantasize about what elves are—even when they deny that we are elven or that elves exist at all. The Shinning Ones are the evolved beings who guide the elven people upon their spiritual Path. If you would enter Faerie, or Elfin as we often call it, this is a book about the Path that leads there.