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Covers Expression, Structure, Common Blunders, Documentation, & Structured Programming Techniques
Elements of Programming provides a different understanding of programming than is presented elsewhere. Its major premise is that practical programming, like other areas of science and engineering, must be based on a solid mathematical foundation. The book shows that algorithms implemented in a real programming language, such as C++, can operate in the most general mathematical setting. For example, the fast exponentiation algorithm is defined to work with any associative operation. Using abstract algorithms leads to efficient, reliable, secure, and economical software.
The Elements of Java Style, written by renowned author Scott Ambler, Rogue Wave Software Vice President Alan Vermeulen, and a team of programmers from Rogue Wave, is for anyone who writes Java code. While there are many books that explain the syntax and basic use of Java, this book, first published in 2000, explains not just what you can do with the syntax, but what you ought to do. Just as Strunk and White's The Elements of Style provides rules of usage for the English language, this book provides a set of rules for Java practitioners to follow. While illustrating these rules with parallel examples of correct and incorrect usage, the book provides a collection of standards, conventions, and guidelines for writing solid Java code which will be easy to understand, maintain, and enhance. Anyone who writes Java code or plans to should have this book next to their computer.
The core of EPI is a collection of over 300 problems with detailed solutions, including 100 figures, 250 tested programs, and 150 variants. The problems are representative of questions asked at the leading software companies. The book begins with a summary of the nontechnical aspects of interviewing, such as common mistakes, strategies for a great interview, perspectives from the other side of the table, tips on negotiating the best offer, and a guide to the best ways to use EPI. The technical core of EPI is a sequence of chapters on basic and advanced data structures, searching, sorting, broad algorithmic principles, concurrency, and system design. Each chapter consists of a brief review, followed by a broad and thought-provoking series of problems. We include a summary of data structure, algorithm, and problem solving patterns.
Many neophyte programmers now begin their careers by learning the metalanguage, Perl. But the books currently available on Perl assume their readers already understand the basics of writing and designing programs--when in fact they do not. The tutorial teaches programming right along with the particulars of Perl syntax, as well as good style and structure and maintainability of the code.
Are you an SQL programmer that, like many, came to SQL after learning and writing procedural or object-oriented code? Or have switched jobs to where a different brand of SQL is being used, or maybe even been told to learn SQL yourself? If even one answer is yes, then you need this book. A "Manual of Style" for the SQL programmer, this book is a collection of heuristics and rules, tips, and tricks that will help you improve SQL programming style and proficiency, and for formatting and writing portable, readable, maintainable SQL code. Based on many years of experience consulting in SQL shops, and gathering questions and resolving his students’ SQL style issues, Joe Celko can help you become an even better SQL programmer. Help you write Standard SQL without an accent or a dialect that is used in another programming language or a specific flavor of SQL, code that can be maintained and used by other people. Enable you to give your group a coding standard for internal use, to enable programmers to use a consistent style. Give you the mental tools to approach a new problem with SQL as your tool, rather than another programming language — one that someone else might not know!
This 2004 book contains guidelines for writing consistent C++ code that's easy to understand, enhance and maintain. Perfect for teams.
Today's languages have new capabilities, creating new questions on how the components should fit together. Using a learn-by-example approach, Cargill presents code from published sources--each example representing a common error made by C++ programmers--and shows readers how to critically examine and rewrite it.
Expression. Control structure. Program structure. Input and output. Common blunders. Efficiency and instrumentation. Documentation.