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In 2017, nearly 60 million households in Indonesia were connected to the national power grid. Accordingly, we believe that their ‘voice’ is important to maintain democratic and participatory values in planning electricity services. However, what is actually the voice of electricity users in Indonesia? Also, what can we learn from it when looking at the fitness of the electricity supply in Indonesia in the context of costs, reliability, and environmental aspects? This book presents the real experience of households, some of the grid users in Indonesia. Through a series of surveys in 2017, households in three cities in Western, Central, and Eastern Indonesia shared their experiences and preferences regarding their electricity supply. They offered their opinions about the stability and reliability of electricity supply, how they coped with blackouts, and what impacts power interruptions had on their daily lives. Because of the frequent power outages, the users started to think about the importance of having a back-up power generator at home. Given that Indonesia has high solar irradiance the whole year through, we also observed the users’ attitudes toward solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. The book starts with a brief introduction about Indonesia followed by the status and challenges of power supply in the country. Then, in the middle section, the users’ voices are presented. Finally, the potential of PV systems, as a promising solution to increasing electricity access and improving the reliability of electricity supply in this tropical country, is presented. We believe that this book provides useful information for the transition to the use of solar energy in energy systems in Indonesia, which is meant for academia, electric utility companies, PV system actors, policymakers, and of course, households in Indonesia.
Indonesia has achieved an impressive 84% electrification ratio, but faces significant challenges in reaching the remaining 16% of its households. This report describes Indonesia’s electrification environment and identifies barriers to achieving universal electricity access. Principles drawn from international best practices such as government commitment, enabling institutional environments, adequate and sustainable financing, and stakeholder coordination are discussed in the context of Indonesia’s energy sector. The report gives recommendations for establishing service standards, streamlining financing, setting appropriate targets, and monitoring and evaluation, as well as near-term steps to help achieve universal electricity access.
This publication presents findings from a study that analyzes trends in the demand and supply of skills in Indonesia’s electricity sector. The study explores the sector’s labor needs in terms of skill type, quantity, and location. It compares these needs with what skills are available, and at what level, to identify gaps. The study provides recommendations for skills providers, industries, and the government on how to improve partnerships among those actors to address the gaps. This publication is timely given the electricity sector’s crucial role in Indonesia’s development as the country experiences rapid changes due to technology and innovation.
This book represents a synthesis of research findings on energy in remote rural areas in East Nusa Tenggara in Indonesia, demarcating a localised understanding of electricity issues that are relevant to similar community profiles in other developing countries, which are facing similar challenges. The authors discuss several key issues relating to electricity access in the Indonesian context, such as government energy expenditure and policies for geothermal development. The book also presents empirical estimates of the social effects of electricity access. In focusing on an underdeveloped area in eastern Indonesia affected by innumerable problems relating to poverty, the book contributes to related discussions on the first Sustainable Development Goal in proposing possibilities for poverty reduction vis-à-vis improved energy infrastructure. It demonstrates the impact of electricity access on people's welfare. Co-published with the Indonesia Institute of Science (LIPI), this updated edition is a valuable reference for policymakers and scholars interested in the electricity sector in Indonesia and rural areas in developing countries elsewhere. It appeals to specialists researching and working in the energy sector and is also interested in scholars and practitioners focused on sustainable development and Indonesian policymaking more broadly.
This publication provides an overview of key development successes and constraints in Indonesia’s energy sector. It reviews the support extended by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and other development partners together with an update on the government’s energy plans and strategies. In line with ADB’s 2020–2024 country partnership strategy for Indonesia, an outline of strategic initiatives and background information for energy investments and technical assistance operations is also presented..
Drawing on the Asian Development Bank's experience installing the rooftop solar photovoltaic system at its headquarters, the Handbook for Rooftop Solar Development in Asia hopes to demystify the process of developing solar photovoltaic projects in urban areas. The handbook provides detailed descriptions and guidance for all stages of development, including initial prefeasibility assessment, design, financing, procurement, and operations and maintenance. The Asian Development Bank hopes that entities looking to take advantage of the benefits of solar photovoltaic systems would find the development process made transparent and streamlined, and that this handbook would encourage the spread of solar photovoltaic systems in cities throughout developing Asia and the Pacific.
This publication proposes a new independent regulatory body for Indonesia’s electricity sector, in particular for investment planning, procurement, tariff setting, and electrification. A situational analysis and review of stakeholder opinions strongly indicates that the current decision-making structures in the electricity sector of Indonesia are inadequate. The publication explains the current context and issues in operations and processes. It provides guidance on how an effective regulatory body can be established, including key tasks, legal aspects, and market design.
This latest energy sector assessment, strategy, and road map for Indonesia highlights energy sector performance, major development constraints, and government development plans and strategy. This report reviews previous support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and other development partners, and outlines ADB’s future support strategy in Indonesia’s energy sector. This publication provides energy sector background information for ADB investment and technical assistance operations and will inform ADB’s 2016–2019 country partnership strategy for Indonesia.
This report proposes a renewable energy subsidy mechanism for Indonesia to close the gap between the costs of renewable and conventional power generation. It takes into account the additional economic benefits of renewable power and considers how the government can support its rapid deployment in the power sector. The report emphasizes the need for Indonesia to adopt international best practice for planning, procurement, contracting, and risk mitigation to reduce the financial costs of renewable energy development. To achieve this, implementation of the subsidy should be part of a broader inter-ministerial electricity policy reform program.
To achieve the target of 23% renewable energy by 2020, Indonesia has been actively exploring options to loosen its dependence on fossil fuels. While biofuels have been developing fast and remain a priority for the government, wood-based energy also holds great potential. This report is a first attempt to assess its state of development and feasibility. Wood-based energy could be based on the high-profile large-scale industrial tree plantation program in Indonesia. This is one of the largest in the world with millions of hectares planted, but it has failed to achieve all of its public objectives. The government envisions its revival, with bioenergy as an alternative to the mature pulp and paper market. To do so, a flagship feed-in tariff policy has been put in place as an incentive for power plants to using biomass (or biogas material). Our research – based on intensive interactions with stakeholders at all levels, secondary data and three case studies – leads to one straightforward message that this source of energy is not going to represent a significant share of the energy mix for a long time. Major obstacles include the difficulty in establishing and managing large-scale tree plantations dedicated to energy production with recurrent claims and conflicts on the ground, the inability of the feed-in tariff policy to compensate investors for the risks of shifting to a new type of energy, the absence of subsidies provided to the state-owned electricity company that sees little interest in buying relatively expensive power, and the lack of proof of concept that lowers the probability of significant investments in this field.