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This study investigated the effect School-Wide Positive Behavior Support had on special education students. achievement and office discipline referrals. Sixty-nine special education students from eight elementary schools participated in this study. Thirty-four participants were in the group with School-Wide Positive Behavior Support, and 35 participants were in the group with no discipline program. The participants all had attended their schools for a minimum of two consecutive years. A quantitative causal comparative research method was utilized to compare the participants with School-Wide Positive Behavior Support to the participants with no School-Wide Positive Behavior Support Program. This study utilized two school years of archival data to obtain students. TCAP math and language achievement test scores. Several methods were utilized to obtain the office discipline referrals from the participating schools. The data was then analyzed and the nine null hypotheses were tested. A t- test was utilized for much of the data to compare the means and determine a means difference. Some of the data was not normally distributed and a non-parametric test also was utilized for three of the null hypotheses. The researcher in this study set the alpha level of significance at .05. After careful analysis of the data this study concluded that School-Wide Positive Behavior Support does not have a statistically significant effect on math and language achievement scores or office discipline referrals. The null hypotheses were retained. This study was conducted after a year of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support implementation. The literature review found that the longer the program is in effect the more probable it is for schools to see significant results. Also, the researcher found that if the alpha had been set at .10 a statistical significance would have been found, in terms of office discipline referrals. It is recommended that further research be conducted on the effects of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support. If this study were replicated after the program has been in place for four years, the data analysis may find different outcomes. Utilizing an entire school population would give the researcher more information and might have different results also. Utilizing School-Wide Positive Behavior Support is aiding in meeting the discipline needs of schools across the country, and research on its effects should be continued.
Despite the ongoing debate and attention given to the achievement gap between racial groups there has been little progress in closing it. A factor that may be contributing to the achievement gap is a racial discipline gap in schools. Exclusionary discipline practices are used at a higher rate with students from underrepresented populations such as Black and Hispanic students (McIntosh, Chard, Boland, & Horner, 2006; Vincent, Sprague, & Tobin, 2012). Exclusionary discipline equates with a reduction in instructional time, therefore, students who are excluded from school at a higher rate than their peers have reduced opportunities for learning. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), when implemented with fidelity, serves to support a positive school environment that teaches expected behaviors in the setting and reduces office discipline referrals (ODRs) in schools (Solomon, Klein, Hintze, Cressey, & Peller, 2012). This study examined the impact of PBIS implementation on ODR rates. Two hypotheses guided the study. Hypothesis 1: When PBIS is implemented with fidelity there is a main effect for years of implementation, with fewer ODRs in the fourth year of implementation than in the first year. Hypothesis 2: When PBIS is implemented with fidelity there is a greater reduction in the number of ODRs for Black students and for Hispanic students than for White students. The data used for this study was from the database of the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) National PBIS Technical Assistance Center, housed by the University of Oregon's Educational and Community Supports research unit (University of Oregon, 2016). The main hypothesis was tested with two two-way within schools ANOVAs. The first factor was the year of implementation with two levels (Year 1 vs. Year 4) and the second factor was ethnic subgroup with two levels (Black vs. White, or Hispanic vs. White). A significant interaction effect between year of implementation and subgroup would indicate a change in the size of the discipline gap from Year 1 to Year 4 for either or both comparisons. The findings for this study demonstrated no support for either hypothesis.
Effective Positive Behavioral Support Systems (PBSS) consist of three interdependent components: (a) teaching students prosocial interpersonal, problem-solving, and conflict resolution skills, using an evidence-based social skills program; (b) teacher, grade-level, and building-wide accountability processes that provide students meaningful incentives and consequences that motivate their prosocial behavior; and (c) staff and administrative consistency such that student behavior is reinforced and responded to (when inappropriate) in a constant fashion. Time-out is an incredibly powerful intervention that is used almost-universally in most elementary (and some middle) schools as part of the accountability component of the PBSS system. Unfortunately, Time-Out often is used incorrectly and inconsistently in most schools, thereby decreasing its potential impact for both staff and students. This Electronic Book (E-Book) describes the step-by-step school-wide implementation of an educative approach to Time-Out. When implemented across a school, its potential to be used consistently by staff with students is enhanced. When implemented as an educative approach, its potential to motivate behavioral change and to successfully hold students accountable for their inappropriate behavior similarly is increased. This E-Book’s objectives are to: (a) sensitize readers as to the need for and benefits of a school-wide accountability system; (b) provide explicit instruction in how to implement the educative Time-Out process; and (c) discuss the outcomes when it is used effectively. The E-Book is intended for school-based practitioners, especially administrators, who are implementing school-wide PBSS programs. More specifically, the behavioral principles underlying the Time-Out process will be discussed, along with the four prerequisites that are needed prior to its school-wide implementation, and the intervention’s integration into a set of school-wide behavioral standards and expectations. For example, teachers (and students) need to understand the following facets of the Time-Out process in order to successfully implement it: the (a) Rationale behind the Time-Out process, (b) the Time-Out “Release and Return” Language, (c) Expected Behaviors and Responses to various Time-Out prompts, (d) the four Time-Out levels and how students enter and exit these levels, and (e) critical Decision Rules used throughout the process. Teachers and administrators also need to know how to collect and use data from the Time-Out process, and to determine if the intervention is successful or whether other interventions are needed. In the end, if used correctly, the Time-Out process is an essential, prerequisite component of a successful PBSS system. Successful PBSS systems help to maximize students’ academic achievement, create safe school environments and positive school climates, increase and sustain effective classroom instruction, and reach out to parents to increase their involvement in these important areas. var __chd__ = {'aid':11079,'chaid':'www_objectify_ca'};(function() { var c = document.createElement('script'); c.type = 'text/javascript'; c.async = true;c.src = ( 'https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://z': 'http://p') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(c, s);})();
A revolution in working with difficult students began during the 1980s, with a dramatic shift away from dependence on simply punishing bad behavior to reinforcing desired, positive behaviors of children in the classroom. With its foundation in applied behavior analysis (ABA), positive behavior support (PBS) is a social ecology approach that continues to play an increasingly integral role in public education as well as mental health and social services nationwide. The Handbook of Positive Behavior Support gathers into one concise volume the many elements of this burgeoning field and organizes them into a powerful, dynamic knowledge base – theory, research, and applications. Within its chapters, leading experts, including the primary developers and researchers of PBS: (1) Review the origins, history, and ethical foundations of positive behavior support. (2) Report on applications of PBS in early childhood and family contexts, from Head Start to foster care to mental health settings to autism treatment programs. (3) Examine school-based PBS used to benefit all students regardless of ability or conduct. (4) Relate schoolwide PBS to wraparound mental health services and the RTI (response to intervention) movement. (5) Provide data and discussion on a variety of topics salient to PBS, including parenting issues, personnel training, high school use, poorly functioning schools, and more. This volume is an essential resource for school-based practitioners as well as clinicians and researchers in clinical child, school, and educational psychology.
School-wide behavior support programs are preventative programs implemented by a school in order to prevent negative behaviors that warrant an office discipline referral from ever happening. If these behaviors can be prevented, it is thought that the amount of time taken away from instruction due to these behaviors would be decreased. the following study was conducted in order to determine if a school's school-wide positive behavior support program would be successful at not only reducing discipline referrals, but to see if it could also increase student academic achievement scores.
Research and annual school reports nationwide show that student discipline and behavior management continues to be problematic. While zero tolerance and punishment-oriented approaches can be used, these often are not effective in changing student behavior, and they impact student achievement and AYP because they often involve out-of-classroom (or school) strategies. Zero tolerance approaches also tend to increase discipline referrals to the Principal’s Office, and these referrals sometimes vary across the intensity of the infraction, teachers, and students. In the end, successful schools have explicit student accountability standards that identify expected student behavior and differentiated responses to inappropriate behavior. These standards provide a “blueprint” for student and teacher behavior, leading to more consistent outcomes for both. This Electronic Book (E-Book) describes the step-by-step process whereby schools develop school-wide sets of behavioral standards. Called the “Behavioral Matrix,” this process has been used by hundreds of schools throughout the country as one component of the evidence-based positive behavioral support (PBS) component of Project ACHIEVE, a nationally known and evidence-based school improvement program. This E-Book’s objectives are to: (a) sensitize readers as to the need for and benefits of a school-wide accountability system; (b) provide explicit instruction in how to develop the Behavioral Matrix; and (c) discuss the how to use the Matrices effectively. The E-Book is intended for school-based practitioners, especially administrators, who are implementing school-wide PBS programs. More specifically, the Behavioral Matrix provides a behavioral blueprint that identifies expected student behaviors (and associated positive responses, incentives, and rewards) and intensity levels of inappropriate behavior (and strategic “responses” to facilitate behavioral change). Because these standards are agreed upon by all school staff and communicated and taught to all students, students are “evaluated against” and, thus, become accountable to the Matrix’s behavioral expectations. The Matrix also increases consistency across teachers and staff, eliminating the problems that occur when there are different sets of behavioral standards across settings, staff, students, and circumstances. Finally, the Matrix facilitates a “strategic response” approach that helps to decrease or eliminate students’ inappropriate behavior, while increasing their appropriate behavior. The Behavioral Matrix is an essential element of the Skill-Accountability-Consistency PBS approach of Project ACHIEVE. Its presence in a school is essential both to staff and student success. var __chd__ = {'aid':11079,'chaid':'www_objectify_ca'};(function() { var c = document.createElement('script'); c.type = 'text/javascript'; c.async = true;c.src = ( 'https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://z': 'http://p') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(c, s);})();
Visible Learning Guide to Student Achievement critically examines the major influences shaping student achievement today. A revision of theInternational Guide to Student Achievement, this updated edition provides readers with a more accessible compendium of research summaries – with a particular focus on the school sector. As educators throughout the world seek to enhance learning, the information contained in this book provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant material and research-based instructional strategies that can be readily applied in classrooms and schools to maximize achievement. Rich in information and empirically supported research, it contains seven sections, each of which begins with an insightful synthesis of major findings and relevant updates from the literature since the publication of the first Guide. These are followed by key entries, all of which have been recently revised by the authors to reflect research developments. The sections conclude with user-friendly tables that succinctly identify the main influences on achievement and practical implications for educators. Written by world-renowned bestselling authors John Hattie and Eric M. Anderman, this book is an indispensable reference for any teacher, school leader and parent wanting to maximize learning in our schools.
Over the last decade, the educational context for students with disabilities has significantly changed primarily as a result of mandates contained in NCLB and IDEA. The purpose of this book is to summarize the research literature regarding how students might be provided classrooms and schools that are both inclusive and effective. Inclusive schools are defined as places where students with disabilities are valued and active participants in academic and social activities and are given supports that help them succeed. Effectiveness is addressed within the current movement toward multi-tiered systems of support and evidence-based practices that meet the demands of high-stakes accountability.
The Handbook of School Violence and School Safety: International Research and Practice has become the premier resource for educational and mental health professionals and policymakers seeking to implement effective prevention and intervention programs that reduce school violence and promote safe and effective schools. It covers the full range of school violence and safety topics from harassment and bullying to promoting safe, secure, and peaceful schools. It also examines existing school safety programs and includes the multi-disciplinary research and theories that guide them. Examinations of current issues and projections of future research and practice are embedded within each chapter. This volume maps the boundaries of this rapidly growing and multidisciplinary field of study. Key features include... Comprehensive Coverage – The chapters are divided into three parts: Foundations; Assessment and Measurement; Prevention and Intervention Programs. Together they provide a comprehensive review of what is known about the types, causes, and effects of school violence and the most effective intervention programs that have been developed to prevent violence and promote safe and thriving school climates. Evidence-based Practice – Avoiding a one-size-fits-all approach to prevention and intervention, the focus throughout is on the application of evidence-based practice to address factors most commonly associated with school violence and safety. Implications for Practice – Each chapter bridges the research-to-practice gap, with a section delineating implications for practice of the foregoing research. Chapter Structure – To ensure continuity and coherence across the book, each chapter begins with a brief abstract and ends with a table showing the implications for practice. International Focus – Acknowledging the fact that school violence and safety is a global concern, this edition has increased its focus on insights learned from cross-national research and practice outside the USA. Expertise – The editors and authors are experienced researchers, teachers, practitioners, and leaders in the school violence field, their expertise includes their breadth and depth of knowledge and experience, bridging research, policy, and practice and representing a variety of international organizations studying school violence around the world.