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Recent ethical scandals in organizations are often cited when pointing to leaders as the culprits who foster corruption in their organization; however, little empirical work examines the individual processes through which leaders may influence follower ethical decision-making and behavior. Drawing from principles of social cognitive theory and self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1986, 1997), moral self-regulatory capacities are presented as a means by which leaders may influence followers. Specifically, I hypothesize that leader influence on follower (un)ethical behavior is mediated through follower ethical efficacy beliefs and moral disengagement processes. I also suggest that ethical efficacy interacts with ethical leadership to influence behavior. Finally, I propose that the mediating influence of moral disengagement is moderated by ethical efficacy beliefs. Using an experimental manipulation and a sample drawn from a military context, this study examines the influence of leaders on follower ethical efficacy, moral disengagement and subsequent behavior. Results indicate that leader behavior influences the ethical efficacy beliefs of followers. Findings also show that moral disengagement mediates the relationship between leader behavior and follower (un)ethical behavior. However, moderated-mediation analyses show that indirect effects of moral disengagement depend upon levels of follower ethical efficacy beliefs. Theoretical and practical implications for ethical leadership and ethical decision-making research are discussed, and directions for future research are recommended.
Pro-organizational unethical behavior refers to behaviors that aim to benefit the organizations and violate moral norms or standards. Based on the overarching framework of moral cleansing, the current work presents a model describing the indirect effect that leaders' unethical pro-organizational behavior has on followers' subsequent ethical behavior via followers' moral judgment of leader behavior and their feelings of guilt, as well as the moderation effect of followers' identification with the organization and identification with the leader on this indirect effect. Study 1 used a laboratory experimental design and data from 300 undergraduate students demonstrated a positive relationship between leaders' unethical pro-organizational behavior and followers' perceived immorality of leader behavior and the buffering moderation effect of followers' identification with the organization on this relationship. Study 2 used a correlational survey design and collected data from 490 full-time employees. Study 2 replicated the findings of Study 1 and observed a positive relationship between followers' perceived immorality of leader behavior and their feelings of guilt and the strengthening moderation effect of followers' identification with the leader on this relationship. Study 2 further demonstrated that followers' guilt was positively related to their subsequent engagement of ethical behavior that directly or indirectly compensated for the leaders' unethical conducts. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.
These chapters on ‘Responsible Leadership’ represent the latest thinking on a topic of increasing relevance in a connected world. There are many challenges that still remain when it comes to establishing responsible leadership both in theory and practice. Whilst offering conceptualisations for the improvement of leadership is a first and perhaps easier response, what is more difficult is to facilitate the actual change to happen. These chapters will not only generate interest in the emerging domain of studies on responsible leadership, but also will pave the way for future research in this area in the years to come. Previously Published in the Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 98 Supplement 2, 2011​
The latest volume in the Research in Management series, co-edited by Linda L. Neider and Chester A. Schrieshiem, reports on “Advances in Authentic and Ethical Leadership.” The eight insightful chapters are contributed by national and international scholars spanning the fields of leadership, organizational behavior, and research methodology. Among the areas discussed and linked to authentic and/or ethical leadership are mindfulness, decision making, the role of character, antecedents, substitutes for leadership, psychological capital, and a some of the “dark side” aspects associated with authenticity. Advances in Authentic and Ethical Leadership is a book that should be purchased by anyone currently or anyone considering doing research in the area.
As the leadership field continues to evolve, there are many reasons to be optimistic about the various theoretical and empirical contributions in better understanding leadership from a scholarly and scientific perspective. The Oxford Handbook of Leadership and Organizations brings together a collection of comprehensive, state-of-the-science reviews and perspectives on the most pressing historical and contemporary leadership issues - with a particular focus on theory and research - and looks to the future of the field. It provides a broad picture of the leadership field as well as detailed reviews and perspectives within the respective areas. Each chapter, authored by leading international authorities in the various leadership sub-disciplines, explores the history and background of leadership in organizations, examines important research issues in leadership from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives, and forges new directions in leadership research, practice, and education.
Presenting a follower-centered perspective on leadership, this book focuses on followers as the direct determinant of leadership effects because it is generally through follower reactions and behaviors that leadership attempts succeed or fail. Therefore, leadership theory needs to be articulated with a theory of how followers create meaning from leadership acts and how this meaning helps followers self-regulate in specific contexts. In this book, an attempt is made to develop such a theory, maintaining that the central construct in this process is the self-identity of followers. In developing this theoretical perspective, the authors draw heavily from several areas of research and theory. The most critical constructs do not come directly from the leadership literature, but from social and cognitive theory pertaining to follower's self-identity, self-regulatory processes, motivation, values, cognitions, and emotions and perceptions of social justice. Leaders may have profound effects on these aspects of followers and it is by analyzing such indirect, follower-mediated leadership effects that most ideas regarding leadership theory and practice are developed. Due to its broad theoretical focus, this book is relevant to a number of audiences. The authors' principal concern is with the development of leadership theory and the practice of leadership making the book relevant to audiences in management, applied psychology, and social psychology. They have tried to clearly define key constructs and provide practical examples so that the book could be accessible to advanced undergraduate students. However, the diversity of the underlying theoretical literatures and the complexity of the framework developed also make the book appropriate for graduate courses in those disciplines, and for readers with a professional interest in leadership theory or practice.
The concept of followership is not new, to the extent that it has been around since the beginning of time. In the organizational literature, followership (a complementary role to leadership) was ignored until recently, when scholars observed that followers play as much of a role as leaders in their relationship to each other. Followership is a role in which an individual succumbs to the influence of another person, deemed a leader. In Strategic Followership, Dr. Zoogah focuses on the recent phenomenon of strategic followership, where an individual behaves in response to a social problem either adaptively or transcendentally. In this ground-breaking work, he explores this type of followership and illustrates the various ways it can happen.
Ethical leadership has come to the forefront of management thought in the twenty-first century in the wake of breaches of judgement and integrity that have plagued international markets. This volume assembles an international cadre of management scholars to explore questions surrounding ethical leadership. Using a variety of methods and approaches, this collection of studies examines how people determine the ethicality of their leaders, the complex connection of trust and those perceptions, and how that affects positive employee outcomes in the private and public sectors. Issues are explored both from the standpoint of behaving unethically and behaving ethically at the individual and firm levels. The diversity of approaches and penetrating insight makes this a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the dynamics of ethics and leadership. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Change Management.