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The effect of different rates of ascent on the incidence of altitude decompression sickness (DCS) was analyzed by a retrospective study on 14,123 man-flights involving direct ascent up to 38,000 ft altitude. The data were classified on the basis of altitude attained, denitrogenation at ground level, duration of stay at altitude, rest or exercise while at altitude, frequency of exercise at altitude, and ascent rates. This database was further divided on the basis of ascent rates into different groups from 1000 ft/min up to 53,000 ft/min. The database was analyzed using multiple correlation and regression methods, and the results of the analysis reveal that ascent rates influence the incidence of DCS in combination with the various factors mentioned above. Rate of ascent was not a significant predictor of DCS and showed a low, but significant multiple correlation (R=0.31) with the above factors. Further, the effects of rates below 2500 ft/min are significantly different from that of rates above 2500 ft/min on the incidence of symptoms (P=0.03) and forced descent (P=0.01). At rates above 2500 ft/min and up to 53,000 ft/min, the effects of ascent rates are not significantly different (P greater than 0.05) in the population examined while the effects of rates below 2500 ft/min are not clear. Kumar, K. V. and Waligora, James M. Johnson Space Center...
The effect on incidence of decompression sickness of leveling off at moderate altitude for a period before ascending to 35,000 feet was investigated.
It is important to understand the risk of serious hypobaric decompression sickness (DCS) to develop procedures and treatment responses to mitigate the risk. Since it is not ethical to conduct prospective tests about serious DCS with humans, the necessary information was gathered from 73 published reports. We hypothesize that a 4-hr 100% oxygen (O2) prebreathe results in a very low risk of serious DCS, and test this through analysis. We evaluated 258 tests containing information from 79,366 exposures in altitude chambers. Serious DCS was documented in 918 men during the tests. A risk function analysis with maximum likelihood optimization was performed to identify significant explanatory variables, and to create a predictive model for the probability of serious DCS [P(serious DCS)]. Useful variables were Tissue Ratio, the planned time spent at altitude (Talt), and whether or not repetitive exercise was performed at altitude. Tissue Ratio is P1N2/P2, where P1N2 is calculated (N2) pressure in a compartment with a 180-min half-time for N2 pressure just before ascent, and P2 is ambient pressure after ascent. A prebreathe and decompression profile Shuttle astronauts use for extravehicular activity (EVA) includes a 4-hr prebreathe with 100% O2, an ascent to P2=4.3 lb per sq. in. absolute, and a Talt=6 hr. The P(serious DCS) is: 0.0014 (0.00096-0.00196, 95% confidence interval) with exercise and 0.00025 (0.00016-0.00035) without exercise. Given 100 Shuttle EVAs to date and no report of serious DCS, the true risk is less than 0.03 with 95% confidence (Binomial Theorem). It is problematic to estimate the risk of serious DCS since it appears infrequently, even if the estimate is based on thousands of altitude chamber exposures. The true risk to astronauts may lie between the extremes of the confidence intervals since the contribution of other factors, particularly exercise, to the risk of serious DCS during EVA is unknown. A simple model that only accounts for four important variables in retrospective data is still helpful to increase our understanding about the risk of serious DCS.
Periodically, the literature contains case histories of fatal decompression sickness or cases involving permanent residua due to exposure to high altitude.
Lists citations with abstracts for aerospace related reports obtained from world wide sources and announces documents that have recently been entered into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information Database.
Exposure to 35,000 ft without preoxygenation, breathing 100% oxygen prior to decompression, can result in severe decompression sickness (DCS). Exercise while decompressed increases the incidence and severity of symptoms. Clarification of the level of activity versus time to symptom onset is needed to refine recommendations for current operations requiring 35,000-ft exposures. Currently, the USAF limits these operations to 30 min following 75 min of preoxygenation. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of exercise intensity on DCS incidence and severity at 35,000 ft. Following 75 or 90 min of ground-level preoxygenation, 54 male and 38 female subjects were exposed to 35,000 ft for 3 hours while performing strenuous exercise, mild exercise, or seated rest. The subjects were monitored for venous gas emboli (VGE) with an echo-imaging system and observed for signs and symptoms of DCS. Results. Exposures involving strenuous and mild exercise resulted in higher incidence (P
To predict altitude decompression sickness (DCS) risk with any degree of accuracy, one must weigh variables such as prebreathe time, rate of ascent/ descent, time at altitude, altitude, mixed breathing gas (dependent upon altitude), and profiles with multiple ascents and descents. The length of research chamber exposures is fixed. Therefore, risk assessment is based on DCS incidence after this fixed period at simulated altitude. From an operational standpoint, variable time at altitude complicates any predictive capability, although a computer model to handle all of these variables is in development. In the interim, a retrospective study from the Armstrong Laboratory Decompression Sickness Research Database has produced risk curves which can be used to predict DCS or venous gas emboli (VGE) incidence as a function of time at various altitudes. We limited the data to: (1) zero-prebreathe exposures to less than 20,000 ft breathing 50% O2, 50% N2; (2) zero-prebreathe exposures to less than 20,000 ft breathing 100% O2; and (3) 1-h prebreathe exposures to greater than 20,000 ft breathing 100% 02. Using the curves, one can select a time/altitude of exposure and estimate the DCS and VGE percentage. Decompression sickness, Venous gas emboli, Prebreathe, Latency.
Cities and Their Vital Systems asks basic questions about the longevity, utility, and nature of urban infrastructures; analyzes how they grow, interact, and change; and asks how, when, and at what cost they should be replaced. Among the topics discussed are problems arising from increasing air travel and airport congestion; the adequacy of water supplies and waste treatment; the impact of new technologies on construction; urban real estate values; and the field of "telematics," the combination of computers and telecommunications that makes money machines and national newspapers possible.