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This systematic review is an effort to fill the knowledge gap about the effectiveness of PrivateSector Development (PSD) interventions in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations (FCS). Theobjective of the review is to identify and extract evidence from published evaluations of PSDinterventions in FCS on what has or has not worked in terms of achieving development results, including contributions to peace and stability. The review identified 312 published evaluations of PSD interventions carried out between 2005 and 2014, of which 56 constituted the final data set for the review analysis. The review covered evaluations in 23 countries classified as FCS by the World Bank from 2005-14 and three other countries that experienced conflict. Annex 1 shows how each of the 23 countries were categorized according to the country's conflict status from the FCS list. In summarizing the evidence, we defined 'effectiveness' as how external evaluators measuredthe degree of success in attaining the planned results and objectives of PSD projects in FCS. Project effectiveness was measured within four business lines: SME support, infrastructure, access to finance and investment climate reform. The evaluability, or the ability of evaluators to determine how well projects were implemented, was weak in some projects under review. For example, in 25 percent of the evaluated projects, outcomes were either poorly defined or not appropriate. In addition, the basis for determining success across individual projects was not always clear because projects sometimes defined outputs and outcomes differently, even when long and short-term results were achieved. This limited our ability to appropriately catalog the projects' evidence in a consistent and clear manner.
The CSIS Working Group on Private-Sector Development in Fragile, Conflict-Affected, and Violent States identifies tools available to the international business community and the U.S. government to assist these countries, as well as the gaps in needed resources. Participants examined cases from Afghanistan, Iraq, Burma, and Liberia to glean examples of successes and failures in private-sector development, with the goal of identifying potential roles for host governments and the international private sector. This report presents the results of those discussions.
The fragile and conflict-affected situations (FCAS) and small island developing states (SIDS) approach represents a new way of doing business for the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in its most vulnerable developing member countries. FCAS and SIDS face unique development challenges such as a greater need for governance and institutional capacity building, geographic isolation, small populations, narrow asset bases, and armed conflict. The FCAS and SIDS approach—or FSA—introduces flexible processes and procedures that will allow ADB to tailor interventions to the specific challenges of these countries, with the goal of improving project results, and ultimately improving livelihoods.
Entrepreneurs can always find a way of making money in fragile states, but how do we get enough of them to generate the necessary jobs? This book finds that entrepreneurs in fragile and conflict-affected situations (FCS) face special challanges and respond to different incentives.
The 2011 WDR on Conflict, Security and Development underlines the devastating impact of persistent conflict on a country or region's development prospects - noting that the 1.5 billion people living in conflict-affected areas are twice as likely to be in poverty. Its goal is to contribute concrete, practical suggestions on conflict and fragility.
“Fragility”—the combination of poor governance, limited institutional capability, low social cohesion, and weak legitimacy—leads to erosion of the social contract and diminished resilience, with significant implications for peace, security, and sustainable development. This study reviews how the international community has responded to this challenge and offers new ideas on how that response can be improved. Based on that examination, the author seeks to convey the importance of addressing this phenomenon as a high priority for the international community. Chapters explore the nature of these obstacles to sustainable development, peace, and security; how the international community has defined, measured, and responded to the phenomenon of fragility; how the international response might be made more effective; and implications for the United States.
This handbook aims to help Asian Development Bank staff and other development practitioners to more effectively plan, design, and implement projects in fragile and conflict-affected settings. The practical examples provided in this handbook have been drawn from the collective tacit knowledge of ADB's operational staff. These practical examples include innovative, flexible, streamlined, and simplified approaches to project processing and implementation that are relevant to fragile situations.
Paul Collier estimates that 73 percent of the poorest billion people in the world live in countries affected by conflict. In this book 'The Bottom Billion,' conflict is the first of the 'traps' responsible for keeping the populations of some countries in poverty. The author argues that low or negative economic growth in a country dramatically increases the chance of conflict.