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Presents an overview of a project being conducted to examine the interactions of droplet size, spray volume, and active ingredient rates on the efficacy of formulated glyphosate on aspen, raspberry, and blue-joint under greenhouse conditions. Spray volumes from 15 to 120 litres per hectare and uniform drop sizes from 150 to 2,000 microns are being tested. Glyphosate efficacy is being measured as foliar browning and root kill.
This report presents results from a study conducted to examine the effect of droplet size, spray volume, active ingredient rate, and their interactions on the phytotoxicity of formulated glyphosate (Vision) aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.), and blue joint (Calamagrostis canadensis). The investigators treated the plants by placing them in a line and moving the spray nozzle above the plants along the plant line. The spray solutions contained dye for easy checking of droplet deposition using Kromekote cards. Glyphosate efficiency was measured not only as foliar browning but also as root kill, so that the results presented will be more applicable to field conditions. The report includes a plan for future research.
The influence of four adjuvants (Ethokem, Multifilm, Regulaid and Tween-20) and four spray-droplet sizes (159, 332, 447, 575 ?m) on efficacy and crop tolerance with a glyphosate formulation were investigated for white birch [Betula papyrifera L.] and white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss] under greenhouse and laboratory conditions. It was found that some adjuvants (Ethokem, and Tween-20) enhanced the effectiveness of glyphosate sprays without damaging the crop (white spruce) species. Tests with 14C-glyphosate showed greater penetration and translocation by birch leaves when an adjuvant was used. Of the four droplet sizes tested, small droplets (159 ?m) of glyphosate were more phytotoxic than large drops (575 ?m). The implication of these findings in relation to herbicidal action of glyphosate on forestry species is discussed.
This study was designed to determine if the present USDA-ARS spray-nozzle models, which were based on spray solutions of water plus non-ionic surfactant, could be used to estimate spray droplet-size data for different spray formulations through use of experimentally determined correction factors. Twelve spray-solution treatments were evaluated, ten of which contained a formulated glyphosate product and nine of these contained an additional tank-mix adjuvant. Droplet-size testing was conducted across multiple operational points (nozzle-orifice size, nozzle orientation, spray pressure, and airspeed), in a high-speed wind tunnel, which corresponds to the response surface experimental model used to develop the present spray-nozzle models. The hypothesis that the different treatment solutions would respond linearly across a range of operational parameters and that a correction factor from relative to water plus non-ionic surfactant solution was proven false. When compared to water or the water plus non-ionic surfactant, the changes in atomization across the operation spectrum of the nozzle were not consistent and varied by formulation. Attempts to apply regression fits for a correction factor based on solution physical properties were not successful. With the formulated glyphosate tank mix used, none of the adjuvants tested, except the polymer, showed significant changes in droplet size under the high air shear regime. Whereas there is likely a need to develop formulated product-specific atomization models, the further addition of adjuvants do not significantly change the atomization characteristics, and, as such, should not require a unique spray-nozzle model.
Protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO)-inhibiting herbicides in combination with glyphosate for postemergence (POST) applications is one of the primary alternatives to manage glyphosate-resistant weeds and the only effective POST chemical option in conventional and glyphosate-tolerant soybean to control glyphosate and ALS-inhibiting resistant weeds. Antagonistic interactions have been reported between many different herbicide modes of action and optimal droplet size may be affected by tank-mixtures of different herbicides. Additionally, the impact of adjuvants on the factors aforementioned as well as on physical properties needs to be thoroughly investigate to maximize herbicide efficacy. Therefore, the objectives of this research were to: 1) conduct greenhouse and field studies to evaluate the impact of glyphosate and PPO-inhibiting herbicides (fomesafen or lactofen) applied alone and in tank mixtures on weed control, optimal droplet size, drift potential, and tank mixture interactions, 2) determine the influence of adjuvants on tank mixtures interactions, spray droplet-spectra, drift potential, and physical properties, (3) determine if herbicide efficacy (and thereby, weed control) is correlated to reduced surface tension and contact angle. Overall, applications from the tank mixtures resulted in antagonistic interactions and some of them were overcame by the addition of adjuvants. Droplet size and percent volume of droplets ≤ 150 μm were highly affected by nozzle type and spray solution. The oil based formulation of lactofen and crop oil concentrates were shattered by TTI nozzles due to its internal turbulence chamber creating smaller droplets and increasing driftable fines. The impact of nozzle selection on weed control was minimal and larger droplets at the rates and carrier volume used in this study could be used without compromising herbicide efficacy reducing drift potential. Adjuvants reduced the surface tension and contact angle of spray solutions; however, herbicide efficacy was only partially explained by the changes in these physical properties. Results emphasized the importance of better understanding the relationship among application variables and weed species. In addition, recommendations should be herbicide- and weed-specific in order to optimize herbicide applications and to maintain herbicide effectiveness.
Many factors, including adjuvants, pesticide formulations, and nozzle tips, affect spray droplet size. It is important to understand these factors as spray droplet size affects both drift and efficacy of pesticides, which is a main concern with pesticide application. A laser particle analyzer was used to determine the spray droplet size and distributions of a range of formulations sprayed through several types of nozzle tips. Nozzles included were extended range flat fan sizes 11003 and 11005 (Spraying Systems XR), air induction flat fan sizes 11005 and 11004 (AI), air induction extended range flat fan size 11005 (AIXR), preorifice flat fan size 11005 (TT), and a second preorifice flat fan size 2.5 (TF). Several deposition/retention adjuvants were studied, including Array, Interlock, In-Place, and Thrust. Another study looked at diflufenzopyr + dicamba (Status, BASF) in combination with several adjuvants. Also, three fungicides were evaluated at differing spray volumes. Results indicated that the droplet size of some nozzle tips is more affected than others by changes in the contents of the spray solution.
Bean shoot parts that respond to glyphosate (N- (phosphonomethyl)glycine) in ways useful for bioassay were determined by applying glyphosate doses of 3.8 to 60.3 ug ae per plant to the simple leaves when the first trifoliolate leaflets were about 1 cm long. Dry weights of parts that were almost fully enlarged at treatment were greater in treated than untreated plants after two weeks. Maximum weight increase was found with the 15.1 ug dose. Growth of younger shoot parts was reduced by glyphosate, showing linear reductions with log dose from 3.8 to 30.2 ug. Growth reduction of young shoot parts was therefore concluded to be a better measure of sublethal glyphosate activity than reduction of total shoot growth. Using the above assay, growth of bean plants from a controlled environment was evaluated after treatment with a 3.0 mM glyphosate solution applied in uniform drops of 138, 430, and 1230 um diameter. The largest drops were less effective than both smaller sizes, and no difference in activity between the two smaller sizes was found. Bean plants grown outdoors in pots responded similarly to a 12.2 mM glyphosate solution applied in drops of 138, 240, 430, 740, and 1230 um diameter. There were no activity differences between the four smallest sizes, and the 1230 um size was less effective than all others. To ascertain effects of leaf coverage on glyphosate activity, 1.0 ul drops of glyphosate solution were applied to the simple leaves of bean plants and physically spread with the tip of a small, glass rod to cover areas of different size. Herbicidal activity was reduced with increased drop spread on plants grown in a controlled environment, but not with plants grown outdoors. Cuticular adsorption of glyphosate was assumed not to be a factor in reducing activity because isolated leaf cuticles from beans grown both outdoors and in a growth chamber were shaken in an aqueous solution of 14C-glyphosate at 25 C and showed no adsorptive tendency throughout an 83-hour period. The hypothesis that glyphosate applied in low volumes is more effective because of reduced leaf surface contact is not supported by drop size data, and is supported only by results from controlled environment treatments showing less activity from increased drop spread.