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The EEA Agreement extends the free movement of persons, goods, services and capital to the EEA/EFTA States: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. It provides for equal conditions of competition and abolishes discrimination on grounds of nationality in all 31 EEA States. The successful operation of the EEA depends upon a two-pillar system of supervision involving the European Commission and the EFTA Surveillance Authority. A two-pillar structure has also been established in respect of judicial control with the EFTA Court operating in parallel to the Court of Justice of the European Union. The EFTA Court, which celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2014, has jurisdiction with regard to EFTA States which are parties to the EEA Agreement. The jurisdiction of the EFTA Court accordingly corresponds to the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union over EU Member States in matters of EEA law. The essays in this collection, assembled to celebrate the 20 year landmark, and written by members of the Court and external experts, review the successes and shortcomings of the Court, its interface with EU law, and the prospects for its future development.
On the occasion of its tenth anniversary, the EFTA Court held a conference at which speakers were asked to reflect on the case law of the Court and its role in the European Economic Area (EEA). In the course of its work, the Court has acted as a driving force of integration under the EEA Agreement, by establishing general principles such as state liability and giving landmark judgments in several areas of European law. The essays in this volume, by leading experts and high-ranking representatives of national and European courts, cover areas such as the relationship between the principle of free movement and national or collective preferences on the EU/EEA and WTO levels, the relationship between the European courts and the Member States in European integration, homogeneity as a general principle of European integration, and the importance of judicial dialogue. In this regard, the sentence from President Skouris of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, who called the dialogue between the EFTA Court and the EC Court 'a shining example of judicial cooperation', could also serve as a motto for the present book.
This Handbook comprehensively addresses the breadth of law encompassed by the EEA Agreement, which extends the European Union’s Single Market to three EFTA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The Handbook is first and foremost intended for practitioners and legal scholars, but its approachable style makes it readily accessible for students. The Handbook provides the reader with a thorough grounding in the EEA Agreement, detailing how secondary EU law becomes applicable in the EFTA pillar, and the roles played by the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the EFTA Court. It considers the EEA Agreement from the respective perspectives of the national authorities, courts, and the legal professions of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The book meticulously examines substantive EEA law, beginning with the general principles and the four freedoms, through competition law and State aid to such aspects as the precautionary principle, tax law and mutual administrative and legal assistance. Emphasis is placed on jurisprudence and especially that of the EFTA Court. Each chapter has been written by a judge, noted practitioner or eminent academic in their respective fields and the book is divided into twelve parts: Part I History and main features of the EEA Agreement Part II Genesis of EEA Law Part III Institutions and Procedure Part IV National Authorities in the EFTA Pillar Part V National Courts in the EFTA Pillar Part VI The Practicing Bar in the EFTA Pillar Part VII General Principles and Prohibition Part VIII The Fundamental Freedoms Part IX Competition Law and Related Matters Part X Further Areas of Economic Law Part XI Law of Natural and Economic Resources Part XII Social Protection and Public Health
The EEA Agreement extends the free movement of persons, goods, services and capital to the EEA/EFTA States: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. It provides for equal conditions of competition and abolishes discrimination on grounds of nationality in all 31 EEA States. The successful operation of the EEA depends upon a two-pillar system of supervision involving the European Commission andthe EFTA Surveillance Authority. A two-pillar structure has also been established in respect of judicial control with the EFTA Court operating in parallel to the Court of Justice of the European Union. The EFTA Court, which celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2014, has jurisdiction with regard to EFTA States which are parties to the EEA Agreement. The jurisdiction of the EFTA Court accordingly corresponds to the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union over EU Member States in matters of EEA law. The essays in this collection, assembled to celebrate the 20 year landmark, and written by members of the Court and external experts, review the successes and shortcomings of the Court, its interface with EU law, and the prospects for its future development.
This book features eleven contributions on the fundamental principles of EEA law: legislative and judicial homogeneity, reciprocity, prosperity, priority, authority, loyalty, proportionality, equality, liability and sovereignty. Written by EFTA Court and national judges, high EFTA officials, private practitioners and scholars, it raises awareness of EEA law and provides insights for EEA and EU law practitioners and researchers. It focuses on the principles at the core of EEA law, some of which are common to EU and EEA law, while others have a specific place in EEA law and some ensure consistency between the EEA Agreement and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. It is the only book to focus on the fundamental principles of EEA law.
2.2 Procedural Rules and Issues
The EEA Agreement extends the four freedoms (persons, goods, services and capital) to Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. It provides for equal conditions of competition and abolishes discrimination on grounds of nationality. The EFTA Court, celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2024, has jurisdiction over parties to the Agreement. This jurisdiction corresponds to that of the Court of Justice of the European Union over EU Member States in matters of EEA law. This collection of essays, written by members of the Court and external experts, reviews the successes and shortcomings of the Court, its interface with EU law, and its future development.
The effectiveness of European Community (EC) law and the way it is enforced in order to assure the judicial protection of individuals penetrating into the national legal orders is probably the most distinguishing feature of this unique legal order, in contrast with classic international law. By now, this principle and doctrine created by the European Court of Justice has become part of the European legal order with general acceptance in all EU countries. By contrast, the effectiveness of European Economic Area (EEA) law, and the way this other even more sui generis legal system provides comparable rights for European Free Trade Association (EFTA)-EEA citizens, is a silent revolution brought by the EFTA Court that has not been properly researched and exposed in the field of European law. This book summarizes and explains the basic principles governing the relationship between EEA law and the national legal systems, while searching for similarities and differences with EC law. The research questions explored in this collection include: How does EEA law achieve supremacy over national laws? Does EEA law have direct applicability? Can we speak, under some circumstances, of a sort of direct effect of EEA law? Can EEA law be defined as having "quasi" primacy and "quasi" direct effect? What about the indirect effect of EEA law (duty of consistent interpretation)? Last but not least, does the doctrine of State liability for breaches of EC law apply to EEA law? If so, what are the differences between the two legal orders? These questions are explored from a European perspective in order to help understand the effectiveness of European law, the special relationship between the Community/EEA legal orders with the national legal systems when the enforcement of European rights, and that the judicial protection of individuals are at stake.